Clients who constantly text yet never book ?

Clients that want to keep tabs on you .

Question is - I have a few clients I haven't seen in a year some years yet they continuously text to say hi , want to know how things are yet never book an appointment.

What is that ?

Keeping tabs on you ?

Affiliated and checking out the competition?

Lonely ?

Being independent it's annoying I don't need a keeper this is my business .

Some might say a friend but doesn't a friend in this industry help support you in business?

How do you ladies handle these things ? I know agencies work different I am sure they tell them to fuck off lol not sure and gentleman why do you do this if you do ?
i usually text back after a sesh a few times if i am enthralled still but not again until i want to meet again and schedule something.

i think those who do that are yanking your chain. ignore/block.
Yes I agree when it’s a wonderful session I communicate a few times afterwards that’s being polite and good business , nothing wrong with that whatsoever . I am talking about weekly - monthly of - How you doing ? What’s going on ? Yet no booking . I have even blocked yet they contact on social media or advertisement sites pm - why did you block me . Just weird imho

i usually text back after a sesh a few times if i am enthralled still but not again until i want to meet again and schedule something.

i think those who do that are yanking your chain. ignore/block. Originally Posted by blackberry_100

Its so easy to do this game. Why would anyone want to piss off a girl with bullshit messages? I get it baby.
turbo-dog's Avatar
Some guys think they “connect” and have relationships with providers. Granted, that does happen, but it’s probably less than 5%.
Connections do happen from time to time but always approach this game from a business perspective.

Its all transactional. They want to get paid and we want to get laid.

The more you give the more you get.

I just save cash on the side so I can pay for all of this goodness these girls bring. And, i dont bother them with goofy texts. Lol.
I have 2 phones, hobby one stays off unless I'm alone. Don't get too much of this, but I do make people aware I live with someone and can't be texting ad nauseam.
SoSexyMsT's Avatar
Same here. I have two phones. If I'm off I might periodically check my other phone. Having two phones is a lot more peaceful.
albundy's Avatar
I have only one phone, but I have the ladies in my contacts as “Mike - Work” and “Larry - Work”. I have quite a few “work” numbers on my phone.
I just use the first letter of her name and just use a guy’s name that starts with the same letter, and I have them in my contacts listed like it’s someone I work with.
Ok - having two phones wasn’t the question I think most people have two phones as I do !

Question is - how do you handle clients as so that have this behavior ? I typically block as I have more people blocked then not for I am extremely selective these days .

2nd part of my question was - profiling- what is that behavior ? Please read what I said in starting of this thread .
They think they have, or want to have, a connection with you. It is usually thought of as being more common for females, but some guys “fall” for girls when they have sex with them. I doubt it is anything more sinister than that.
They think they have, or want to have, a connection with you. It is usually thought of as being more common for females, but some guys “fall” for girls when they have sex with them. I doubt it is anything more sinister than that. Originally Posted by Joe Blows

I understand that and yes sometimes mutually that happens . I have been in a few Arrangements with clients that’s typically the next level. I have friends in this industry who are married that met their husbands as clients first . However that happens because they are connecting on a regular basis rather then just texting and not seeing the lady which I find those are the clients I am referring to for if they liked me so much they see me rather then blow up my phone w stupid shit.
Sometimes I will say Hi as reminder, it may have been some time since our last visit. I want to visit again when the timing is right. Surprisingly some ladies remember you after years and some do not remember. There is a well know provider I saw, it was nearly 10 years between our visit.I would occasionally say hello and flirt a little.
Buck, stop texting Nikki �� lol
Welcome to having a small business. LOL. They think you're their friend. Remind them you work on your back and not on the phone. That should snap them out of the illusion.