So Obama, ever the bright and prompt one when it comes to foreign affairs, has declared the Soviet Union Russia to be in violation of the 1987 Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty—Ronald Reagan’s famous “zero option.” The violation occurred in 2009. Guess it would have got in the way of that whole “reset” thing to have brought it up at the time.

When you’re Obama, and you don’t hold firm on anything you can bet Putin will push (his “red line” marker must be filled with invisible ink)...Real Presidential leadership is the kind exhibited by Reagan's handling of the Soviet Union.......Obama is a poser, and puts the free world at risk.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
So Obama, ever the bright and prompt one when it comes to foreign affairs, has declared the Soviet Union Russia to be in violation of the 1987 Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty—Ronald Reagan’s famous “zero option.” The violation occurred in 2009. Guess it would have got in the way of that whole “reset” thing to have brought it up at the time.

When you’re Obama, and you don’t hold firm on anything you can bet Putin will push (his “red line” marker must be filled with invisible ink)...Real Presidential leadership is the kind exhibited by Reagan's handling of the Soviet Union.......Obama is a poser, and puts the free world at risk. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
He should have said something at the time - now he just looks stupid.
boardman's Avatar
He should have said something at the time - now he just looks stupid. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
....So what else is new?
I B Hankering's Avatar
....So what else is new? Originally Posted by boardman
And every day, Hillary looks more complicit in Obama's failures.

wellendowed1911's Avatar
So Obama, ever the bright and prompt one when it comes to foreign affairs, has declared the Soviet Union Russia to be in violation of the 1987 Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty—Ronald Reagan’s famous “zero option.” The violation occurred in 2009. Guess it would have got in the way of that whole “reset” thing to have brought it up at the time.

When you’re Obama, and you don’t hold firm on anything you can bet Putin will push (his “red line” marker must be filled with invisible ink)...Real Presidential leadership is the kind exhibited by Reagan's handling of the Soviet Union.......Obama is a poser, and puts the free world at risk. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Tell me what Reagan did but outspend the soviets ? Didn't Reagan cut and run when our troops were killed in Beirut? What did Reagan do with Iran accept secretly sell them weapons? Saddam gassed his own people did Reagan do anything ? Quit reading these faux news fairy tells you lying POS.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Tell me what Reagan did but outspend the soviets ? Didn't Reagan cut and run when our troops were killed in Beirut? What did Reagan do with Iran accept secretly sell them weapons? Saddam gassed his own people did Reagan do anything ? Quit reading these faux news fairy tells you lying POS. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Dim-retarded Congressmen "cut and run" in Beirut, Wee-Wee! Regarding Saddam and Iran, Wee-Wee, Reagan told Saddam where the Iranian forces were assembling so that Saddam could gas them! How's that for "economy of force" AND retribution, Wee-Wee?
The Soviet Union collapsed because it went broke; not because Reagan out spent need to bone up on your world history.

Reagan (we) could have spent less or more and the same fate would have taken the Soviet Union down.

Their invasion of Afghanistan and the failure that followed was the major contribution to the Soviet's financial collapse. World oil prices collapsed in 1985 and the lower oil prices cost the USSR about 20 billion critically needed dollars per year. For as long as the strength of their credit allowed, they borrowed to offset their oil revenue losses, but that borrowing eventually reached its limit. They began withdrawal from Afghanistan in ’88, but it was too little and too late to spare them their fate. The only way the Soviet leaders could maintain their power and feed their people was to accept political concessions from the West as a condition for further loans.
pyramider's Avatar
Putin was a turd long before Obama won in 2008.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Jimmy Fallon was talking the other night about bo losing his golf balls, he ended with bo has NO balls

kinda funny
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Putin was a turd long before Obama won in 2008. Originally Posted by pyramider
Too bad Hillary didn't recognize that!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Obviously you didn't, JLHomo.

Aren't you due back în Ramallah about now?