The Shrub doesn't “blame her a bit.”

This is somewhat reminiscent of the time that Senator Webb told The Wilted Shrub, "that's between me and my boy, Mr. President."

The following excerpt from former Bush spokesperson Dana Perrino's book follows:

One mom and dad of a dying soldier from the Caribbean were devastated, the mom beside herself with grief. She yelled at the president, wanting to know why it was her child and not his who lay in that hospital bed.

Her husband tried to calm her and I noticed the president wasn’t in a hurry to leave—he tried offering comfort but then just stood and took it, like he expected and needed to hear the anguish, to try to soak up some of her suffering if he could.

Later as we rode back on Marine One to the White House, no one spoke.

But as the helicopter took off, the president looked at me and said, “That mama sure was mad at me.” Then he turned to look out the window of the helicopter.

“And I don’t blame her a bit.”

One tear slipped out the side of his eye and down his face. He didn’t wipe it away, and we flew back to the White House.
RedLeg505's Avatar
I wonder if Obama has visited any hospitals and let the mothers of any of the 1700+ he got killed in Afghanistan pursuant to his TWO ordered surges yell at him like that?

Anyone care to place a bet on that proposition?
That is the response of a real American President. Thanks for pointing it out... fatass
I wonder if Obama has visited any hospitals and let the mothers of any of the 1700+ he got killed in Afghanistan pursuant to his TWO ordered surges yell at him like that?

Anyone care to place a bet on that proposition? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
We wouldn't be there in the first place, needing surges, if Bush hadn't led us there.

Look at all these pics. They sure look unhappy to see him, don't they?,00.html
That is the response of a real American President. Thanks for pointing it out... fatass Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Do you have any idea what mental anguish would ensue after men die that you've ordered into battle? If you honestly think Obama doesn't care about those guys, you're a fucking idiot and not someone who deserves any respect.
RedLeg505's Avatar
if Bush hadn't led us there. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So.. it was BUSH'S fault that Obama called Afghanistan the "good war" and ordered TWO SURGES there? What did he achieve with that again? What did those dead soldiers obtain for him? What was the goal he gained that was worth those lives again?

And please... don't trot out that old hackneyed "It was to get Bin Laden".. because if THAT were actually true, he would have yanked everyone out in 2011 when he "got" OBL. What were the dead after 2011 for?
This is somewhat reminiscent of the time that Senator Webb told The Wilted Shrub, "that's between me and my boy, Mr. President."

The following excerpt from former Bush spokesperson Dana Perrino's book follows:

One mom and dad of a dying soldier from the Caribbean were devastated, the mom beside herself with grief. She yelled at the president, wanting to know why it was her child and not his who lay in that hospital bed.

Her husband tried to calm her and I noticed the president wasn’t in a hurry to leave—he tried offering comfort but then just stood and took it, like he expected and needed to hear the anguish, to try to soak up some of her suffering if he could.

Later as we rode back on Marine One to the White House, no one spoke.

But as the helicopter took off, the president looked at me and said, “That mama sure was mad at me.” Then he turned to look out the window of the helicopter.

“And I don’t blame her a bit.”

One tear slipped out the side of his eye and down his face. He didn’t wipe it away, and we flew back to the White House. Originally Posted by bigtex
fatass is a lying bitch... wobble wobble wooble fart...
So.. it was BUSH'S fault that Obama called Afghanistan the "good war" and ordered TWO SURGES there? What did he achieve with that again? What did those dead soldiers obtain for him? What was the goal he gained that was worth those lives again?

And please... don't trot out that old hackneyed "It was to get Bin Laden".. because if THAT were actually true, he would have yanked everyone out in 2011 when he "got" OBL. What were the dead after 2011 for? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
If the Buck stops with Obama on other shit, it has to stop at Bush on this.
dirty dog's Avatar
Do you have any idea what mental anguish would ensue after men die that you've ordered into battle? If you honestly think Obama doesn't care about those guys, you're a fucking idiot and not someone who deserves any respect. Originally Posted by WombRaider
But in your case it's easy to believe that Bush doesn't and Obama does. if that's the case then I will have to quote you "you're a fucking idiot and not someone who deserves any respect".
Bottom line: Admittedly, the Wilted Shrub volunteered the following: "And I don't blame her a bit."

If nothing else, that admission alone speaks volumes!

That is the closest you will get from Shrub that he fucked up!

Game! Set! Match!
Bottom line: Admittedly, the Wilted Shrub volunteered the following: "And I don't blame her a bit."

If nothing else, that admission alone speaks volumes!

The Shrub openly admitted that he fucked up!

Game! Set! Match! Originally Posted by bigtex
Thank GOD he is a American... NOT like your Muslim African Communist ... fatass
Thank GOD he is a American... NOT like your Muslim African... fatass Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
IIFFYIdiot, is that the best ya' got?

That was weak! Mighty weak!

I will just consider the source for that ridiculous, unsubstantiated remark and give it the attention that it so richly deserves.

Zero, nada, zilch!

Carry on, IIFFY the weakass Idiot!
IIFFYIdiot, is that the best ya' got?

I will just consider the source for that ridiculous remark and give it the attention that it so richly deserves!

Zero, nada, zilch!

Carry on, Idiot! Originally Posted by bigtex
But in your case it's easy to believe that Bush doesn't and Obama does. if that's the case then I will have to quote you "you're a fucking idiot and not someone who deserves any respect". Originally Posted by dirty dog
I never said Bush didn't care...
But in your case it's easy to believe that Bush doesn't and Obama does. if that's the case then I will have to quote you "you're a fucking idiot and not someone who deserves any respect". Originally Posted by dirty dog
By openly admitting that he doesn't "blame her a bit," it is quite obvious that The Shrub cared.

No one said he didn't (care).