
Magically Delicious's Avatar
I want to apologize publicly to a hobbyist for an incident that happened tonight. I'm completely speechless and I can't say I'm sorry enough! I was completely caught off guard tonight and absolutely humiliated! I was doing a double tonight with Kayla when out of nowhere, shit flipped and she went ballistic! She swore I had been cheating on her with this man (whom I literally had just met for the first time) and saying what I was doing to her was beyond degrading and disrespectful by making her "do an appt with a guy I've been seeing behind her back cheating for several weeks ". I was completely speechless and horrified! I had no idea what to say! I told the man I was extremely sorry and only charged him half the rate and promised to make it up to him if he would let me however I also understood if he never wanted to lay eyes on me again either. I asked him to please not her behavior against me as I was already embarrassed and humiliated! He agreed.
I would like to mention 1 thing tho... in her defense, she did see him in the mirror take his condom off and try to go bare without my knowledge. That behavior is completely inappropriate and not tolerated.
I just wanted to get this out in the open and apologize for 2 reasons. 1- I work very hard to maintain a positive reputation and enjoy what I do. I never want anything like this (something beyond my control) to ever jeopardize that! And 2- that man handled it very well and I will never begin to apologize enough for his unspeakable experience but also don't want him to think I do business like that because you can tell from my reviews, I don't!
Thank you in advance for your time and understanding.
I have not seen u yet however u r on my radar. Thanks for ur apology and it sounds like whomever the guy was he got the true gfe exp. I don't think that is what most mean by gfe tho. For me that is why I hobby so I don't have to deal with all the drama that can come from the grind. I am concerned about this bare scotching tho. If that is what happened u should have kicked his ass out asap. Ain't nobody got time for that lol
Magically Delicious's Avatar
That is when my girlfriend really got angry and was confronting him about it. She was not wrong for that. That is when the session ended. She had been causing a little scene before that which is what I'm apologizing for. I'm not apologizing for her behavior over the "taking the condom off once he was behind me ". She was looking out for my health and had my best interest at heart. You could tell from his reaction that he was trying to lie his way out of it. I have a mirror for a headboard tho and I could tell from her facial expression when she was watching him that something was going on. She just didn't want to say anything until she was sure and he had it completely off because she didn't want to jump to conclusions. The worst part is I don't even know his user name but I'll figure it out once the bad review comes. I guess that may have just outed him unintentionally. Not meaning any drama or problems!
Magically Delicious's Avatar
I have not seen u yet however u r on my radar. Thanks for ur apology and it sounds like whomever the guy was he got the true gfe exp. I don't think that is what most mean by gfe tho. For me that is why I hobby so I don't have to deal with all the drama that can come from the grind. I am concerned about this bare scotching tho. If that is what happened u should have kicked his ass out asap. Ain't nobody got time for that lol Originally Posted by bamadog78
Btw, I do outcalls now and also stay a few nights every now and then in Pensacola. Maybe that would help you? Just let me know!
Sweet....I will b n touch soon. Also it says a lot when u wrong to promptly admit it. That is not easy to do and instead of getting defensive u just said look guys I'm sorry I don't even kno u and that says a lot to me.
Outing someone is giving RL info. As long as you don't do that this thread is fine.
Jkris's Avatar
  • Jkris
  • 04-08-2016, 06:25 PM
Im the hobbyist. Now lets get one thing straight, I NEVER once attempted BBFS! Lets just clear that up right now. The other night was just plain awkward and scary, not b/c of MD but mainly due to kayla acting very upset for some reason. My review is pending but i wanted to clarify that no attempt was ever made to do BBFS.
Well shit Man....thanks for manning up def sounded rough.
Wow that is insane soooo I'll just say it, there was something mentioned about bbfs. Which always scares the he'll out of all of us or at least me personally, there wasn't much detail about it in her post. I think as hobbyist and providers alike there needs to be clarification on that. Hell did he try and you stopped him? Did you still continue but cfs? I mean a lot of the hobby is based on credibility just clarification is all I'm saying it's definitely something we all should know especially if they plan on seeing you imo. I mean this is way to much drama and can turn people away and it hinges on dare I say the name AD. And if her gf really was saying all that shot then who knows what she kay or may not do anyway just my opinion.
Magically Delicious's Avatar
I will just say this and then I am leaving the subject alone, my girlfriend made the whole visit awkward and my nerves were extremely on edge and I was completely humiliated and embarrassed and therefore in all honesty, I may be wrong about a few details and if so, I apologize! I know I never want this to ever happen again because I enjoy what I do and I have a very good history with my clients and most actually become really good friends. I offered to see the hobbyist again, by myself of course, at a discounted rate and also only charged half the rate that night. I completely understand if he isn't interested. I hope this doesn't effect my reputation nor the involved hobbyist's. Why can't we all just get along, play together and have a blast?!? Lol...
And for the record, I have no where near the AD drama! Just fyi!
Best of luck to everyone and play safe and have fun!
Michelle aka Magically Delicious
Well said MD. Yeah you are no where near AD in the drama department. Hopefully this incident can get swashed and we all can go about our business and enjoy this hobby like it was meant to be.
Yeah the AD reference was probably way over board lol I apologize. I'm just saying sounded like way to much drama. But I digress move on shall we
Im the hobbyist. Now lets get one thing straight, I NEVER once attempted BBFS! Lets just clear that up right now. The other night was just plain awkward and scary, not b/c of MD but mainly due to kayla acting very upset for some reason. My review is pending but i wanted to clarify that no attempt was ever made to do BBFS. Originally Posted by Jkris
Had you ever before seen Kayla?

Looks like a NO review was imminent and also MD still has her as a doubles partner in the showcase.
Magically Delicious's Avatar
I wasn't going to do another double with her after this. However this was completely out of character for her and without going into too much detail she does suffer from PTSD and there were signs earlier in the day that I should have cancelled it and that's my fault. 2 Days Later however we did a double with laloverboy and everything went smooth. Hope he doesn't mind that I put that out there.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Okay, I think all that needs to be said has been said in this thread. CLOSED.