Scheduling problems

I'm new to this.

When I contact a provider, it seems that they always want to see me that day - or evening. I need to schedule things a week or two in advance. When I suggest that, they disappear.

Am I breaking some sort of unspoken protocol or does this make them suspicious in some way? Ideally, I'm looking for someone I can trust and see regularly.

Any advice is appreciated.
oldmarine's Avatar
No, you are not breaking an unspoken protocol. I usually schedule a day or two in advance but it has it's problems. A lot of times the meeting does not happen for one reason or another. NCNS or her car breaks down or her phone dies, etc. Same day appointments have a better chance of working out.
FireKitten's Avatar
A lot of ladies are used to you disappearing if it's that far in advance, you pick someone else, change your mind, or just blow away in the wind. That is wasting their time. A lady who doesn't have her TCB skills together will often forget/flake/doublebook, any number of things, as well, that may affect you being able to see who you wanted to schedule with.

Just do careful research with some of the more reliable ladies(and have Plan B), and you should be able to make something work.
I thoroughly appreciate an ample heads up and I'm totally fine with a couple or a few weeks notice. There are some ladies who require 24 hours or more notice. Perhaps consider inquiring with companions who prefer a few days or more notice. Also, being clear and concise and including all pertinent information (screening details and when, where, and how long you'd like to meet) in your first message is super helpful. Lastly, if you're trying to help set the stage for a great time when you finally meet your preferred companion, be mindful of her communication boundaries in the weeks and days leading up to your date. Cultivating rapport is one thing, but some gents can be really consumptive when they have expectations of incessant, on demand communication.
Thanks, all! I guess it's just a matter of finding the right connection - someone reliable who appreciates that in others. I plan everything well in advance and I never deviate from the plan.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Hey- mkultra- I have found that more then3 days out almost always fails ( I like to plan also)
Thanks! FireKitten seems like someone who would keep a commitment. I'm interested.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Lena Duvall say's it best ....
sometime ladies don't book ahead of time 2-3 weeks out as real life does happen at time

just today I had Guy booked a week ago and we talk Friday and still he was a No Show at 9am today

I pre book a lot as that's how I like to do things .. so it happens on both ends
GingerKatt's Avatar
I've always requested that a gentleman book at least a day in advance. And many have booked several weeks in advance with no problem. And it can be a lot of fun to email or text every couple of days with flirty sexy messages about what we're going to do to each other when we finally meet. Makes for great foreplay and sweet anticipation. I just can't do short notice because I'm particular about cleaning the house, and making sure I have plenty of time to bathe, pick out my lingerie and stockings and do hair and makeup. I would never relax my standards to let someone come over in 15 mins. There's plenty of BP girls that claim they're ready to go 24/7. Same day appointments are sometimes available if it's a regular that I don't have to screen, as long as I still have time to get ready. I can't usually screen someone in 20 mins while trying to bathe and get ready.
micktoz's Avatar
I travel a lot and I have appointments booked up to two months in advance in a few cities. Do things change during that time, rarely. But when they do rescheduling happens.
I have yet to not meet my commitments and the few times the ladies have had health problems, new arrangements were made.
All the ladies I see are excellent at TCB.
I prefer booking a session in advance. I'll have a date and time set and ready for her, but I'll always try to work around her schedule to make things easy for her just in case she has RL stuff going on. There are times we may have to cancel the session but I'll stay in contact and workout another date and time for us to meet as soon as I can.
Lariyah_Cash's Avatar
I prefer prebooking appointments rather than last minute booking. Especially if you are a new gentleman because my screening process can be done in a few hours or it can take up to a day or more to become verified. If I have previously met with someone or already had them screened and verified then I don't mind last minute bookings.
What? Really? I have the same problem with clients. I am a planner and I am very organized. I always have my day planned with activities, work, sports, etc. I do not like same day/last minute notice. It's a hassle and it ruins my plans. I can try to make changes if I can, but most of the times, I just can't since I am already committed to doing something else.
The bottom line is, the further out a booking is made, the greater the chances of something happening. It can be done but you take your chances.

If its going to be a couple of weeks before I can see a lady, I ask her to screen me and give her a tentative date but not locked down, then I follow up a few days before to confirm. Best thing I can recommend is talk to the provider and work with her on the schedule
AshleyStarrXoXo's Avatar
I absolutely love when gentleman book in advance, the farther the better. I like being able to plan my day and knowing whats coming for tomorrow. But I also use that information to help decide whether Im going to masturbate or not. Lets say I wake up horny but know someone is coming over at 11 that morning, then Im gonna save my urges for that appointment instead of playing dj on myself. And I think anticipation really does help build desire. I get to spend more time daydreaming and thinking of what we have done and will do to each other. Its just freaking hotttttt.