Critical Race Theory and the threat to Democrats

  • oeb11
  • 07-24-2021, 07:59 AM

Despite the left's insistence, Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a dangerous wedge issue for Democrats. By focusing on one group, it threatens to alienate other groups that Democrats depend on. Due to the zero-sum nature of American politics, even small shifts yield big results. Something as big as CRT could produce more than small shifts.
© The Hill Critical Race Theory and the threat to Democrats Buried in 2020's tumult was the inroad Donald Trump made into Democrats' core groups. From 2016 to 2020, Trump increased his percentage of support among Blacks (4 percent), Latinos (4 percent), Asians (7 percent), Women (1 percent), and Others (5 percent).

Democrats are extremely dependent on winning big majorities in these groups, each of which (with the exception of Women) are decided electoral minorities. Even with Trump's inroads, Biden still won large margins in each: Blacks (87 percent), Latinos (65 percent), Asians (61 percent), Women (57 percent) and Others (55 percent).
Due to the extremely balanced nature of American politics, despite his large margins with these groups, Biden's margin of victory in the popular vote was just 4.45 percentage points. Recall further that Trump won 2016's electoral vote despite losing the popular vote by 2.1 percentage points, and had he won just 160,000 more votes in five states (Nevada, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania) in 2020, he would have done so again. Therefore, even small shifts in their base group margins present potential problems.
In American politics, when it comes to vote shifts, small is big. In American public policy, CRT is already big. It is a divisive national issue and politically polarizing. Yet, it is a key demand for the left because it provides leverage for the broader societal changes they seek.
The problem for Democrats is that despite strong appeal to the left, CRT is not broadly targeted at the general population. It is aimed at primarily one group, Blacks, who made up just 13 percent of the electorate in 2020. This means it is not aimed at the remaining 87 percent of the population - including their base groups where they need to win big majorities.

Video: McCarthy tries to attack Democrats over Critical Race Theory (MSNBC)

Current Time 0:22

Duration 2:27
McCarthy tries to attack Democrats over Critical Race Theory

Politics is the marketplace of policy and electoral politics is marketing. Marketing to just a narrow subset of the population is a difficult strategy for building majority support.
Even if CRT proponents try to argue that CRT is not aimed against the remaining 87 percent of the population, it at least largely excludes them from its primary focus. In the "what have you done for me lately?" of America's political marketplace, exclusion threatens to quickly become alienation from what is being sold.
For Democrats seeking to market themselves to a broad number of groups with which they need to win very large majorities, CRT's group-specific targeting is a difficult assignment. When overlaid with Trump's gains with Democrats' base groups, "difficult" becomes "dangerous."
Recall that Trump's 2020 success with Democratic base groups came before the left's heavy push on CRT. CRT is a relatively recent phenomenon to the broad American public. Therefore, its full electoral impact has not been made. Yet the left appear to have no intention of reducing their emphasis on CRT and their demands for Democrats to do likewise.
If Trump's conservative populist push had such success ahead of CRT, how much more success could a conservative populist push - and pushback - have in 2022 and 2024?
Caught unaware at a time when their priority was simply returning children to school after a year's absence, expect parents to have a much more formed response to efforts to inject CRT into their schools in the coming year. Even those not concerned with its intention could become opponents if they see it as crowding out instruction in the fundamentals their children need to advance academically. The question is: What will be America's response when the nation fully focuses on the left's push for CRT?
The left is attempting to force CRT on the Democrats, demanding it as a price of their support. This support is indeed important to Democrats. In 2020, liberals comprised 24 percent of voters and they voted 89 percent for Biden. Liberals' percentage of the electorate is almost twice that of Blacks (13 percent) and they voted for Biden by two percentage points more than Blacks did.
Democrats are trapped between two forces: An insistent and highly motivated minority left and a far larger but less motivated (so far) majority. As CRT extends in duration, if not virulence too, it is increasingly likely to be viewed as extremist. As such, it poses an growing danger to Democrats. CRT threatens to become a huge change in the American political game where even small shifts are big.
J.T. Young served under President George W. Bush as the director of communications in the Office of Management and Budget and as deputy assistant secretary in legislative affairs for tax and budget at the Treasury Department. He served as a congressional staffer from 1987 through 2000.

The maoist communist DPST party's promotion of Violence in american cities, and racism in their CRT , and flagrant Lies from fiden all the way to the maoist DPST dogcatcher - reveal the real cabal of fiden, LSM, and big Tech.
Americans are smarter than that

maosit DPST propaganda is marginalizin the maosit DPST party and all its' communist intentions.

They are growing more and more desperate to impose their Communiist totalitarianism on America.

Americans not blinded by dictatorial indoctrination and Maoist DPST CRT divisivemess amd racism Will reject them in 2022 and 2024!!!
the issue I have with all these leftist analysis types is

they might identify an issue but they have the complete wrong take on it

you see, this guy talks about crt being a problem because only 13 percent of the electorate is black

he has everyone divded into their little racial corners because that's the way dimocrats view us, racial groups, and he is blind to all but that

there is no e pluribus unum to a democrat

what the problem is with crt isn't because it only appeals to 13 percent

it actually appeals to more, the dimocrats/communists/Marxist who want to use race as their springboard to destroy the constitution and American values

so theres much more than 13 percent aligned with crt...crt is just another wedge they are using in the same split between dimocrats and americans
VitaMan's Avatar
Can someone sum up what the CRT is ?

And congratulation of this morning, you have started 14 of the 20 threads on the first page, and 11 of the 20 on the second page.
LexusLover's Avatar
Can someone sum up what the CRT is ?
Originally Posted by VitaMan
Teaching young people today that the Old White Guys who passed Civil Rights for minorities were misguided, and that Dr. (Rev) Martin Luther King was so also. Instead they should be following:

texassapper's Avatar
Can someone sum up what the CRT is ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Gimme your stuff because you're RAYCISS!

If you won't it only proves you're RAYCISS!

It works on simps and those with no self respect or no self awareness. It's a form of mind control that works on the very weak.