Hobbyists and Their Ladies

dodger's Avatar
Premise: The hobby is made up of folks. Given the "community of interest" that binds us, you find the same type of folks in the hobby as outside of it.

Here's the thing ... recently several providers I respect have commented that that there is no respect for providers in the hobby! I appreciate the contradiction in that sentence ... but I respect providers.

Most folks respect people. Providers are people. QED: Most people respect providers.

Fact is, I adore some of the providers I've met. And the one or two that I thought were idiots ... it's not that I didn't respect them because they were providers. Any lack of respect was due to being idiots. Even so, I treated them with civility and courtesy.

I love the hobby because it allows an old, overweight, balding guy to be the object of the attentions of a beautiful, sexy woman. And I love them for that!

Times are hard for many of us. Even so, hobbyists tend to be prudent regarding the "selection" process and providers need to do the same. Then cultivate relationships with those who treat you the way you want to be treated. Both ways.

I recently read a glowing review of a provider. The hobbyist mentioned that he had seen her before but had been out of the hobby for about a year. Then he posted on a board and received a PM from her, "I miss you". He melted ... I might have, too.

I tend to send a JPG of myself to providers once we progress along the appointment process because I don't want an OMG episode when I knock on the door. Several providers have commented on how handsome I am. There is a special place in heaven for women who lie as graciously as these ladies. I love them.

To those providers who are complaining about how they are treated, I grant that you cannot control the behavior of these men. But you can control who you spend time with ... and I have to believe there are many frogs out here who will turn into princes with one, little kiss.


btw ... seems like a lot more drama than there used to be ... "banned" and "account disabled" ... what's up with that?
DFK Hunter's Avatar
btw ... seems like a lot more drama than there used to be ... "banned" and "account disabled" ... what's up with that? Originally Posted by dodger
There are those in the hobby who's actions show they neither respect others or themselves.

I've said this before and I'll say again and again, we in the hobby are literally playing with the most powerful emotions known to humans. Throw in the money factor, mix in a world of different personalities, and I guarantee you there will be drama.
It's gonna happen, the best that can be done is to minimize it; so expect it, deal with it, and move on to your next date.

If you don't like drama don't post to drama threads, resist the urge to dogpile, and if necessary use the ignore feature. YOU are the only person you can control. I know that's a hard concept for many of us type A's to comprehend, but it's a fact.

Remember we are all human, we make mistakes, typos and brain farts are the bain of this type (internet forum) of communication. Given the wide range of personalities on this board, unintentional mistakes and errors will be made. A little compassion can go a long way in helping yourself to deal with it.

Now, if only those who can give sage advice were able to always heed it.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Agree with DFK Hunter. But there's another side to it. I think a lot, and I mean a lot, of the drama on this board is precipitated by WKs. There are some bad apple providers who are constantly posting rants and gritches, but it's when the WKs start to pile on that the level of drama increases exponentially.
Completely off topic, but damn, I'm just sitting here watching the button in Gonzo's avatar, waiting to see if it pops. Hang in there, little buddy!

Hijack over.
Great post, Dodger. That's all I have to say
Funny how white knights are blamed for everything.Lol
Kind of goes with what the OP stated that he respects the providers.
Just because a guy comes to the defense of a lady that he has met and enjoyed sessions with in the past doesn't make him some kind of "evil" do gooder.I know a contradiction of terms but that is exactly what is being implied.He is just showing the lady a bit of respect.
Having respect for the lady and taking up for them when you feel a post has been done about them that is not justified is not and should not be a wrong thing.
As long as the responses all stay civil I see no problem with the Wk's.If they are out of line we will all see it and take note.
It's just when you have two opposing veiws and the dirt starts flying that things get filled with drama.
I definitely respect the ladies that provide the services what they do for us.
Instead of downing the Wk's how about stepping up and saying something to the assholes who call them whores,sluts,bitches,etc.These derogatory terms have zero place here nor do those that use them. They have zero respect for women and should not be tolerated.
The hobby is supposed to be a fun and enjoyable experience but like all things there are those who can't stand seeing other folks having a good time.
So like I have said before lets just get back to having fun.
flexywun's Avatar
some pretty thoughtful posts here...
steverino50's Avatar
I agree with what Dodger said:
"I love the hobby because it allows an old, overweight, balding guy to be the object of the attentions of a beautiful, sexy woman. And I love them for that!"

And it turns out that the ladies I know here are warm, sweet, compassionate human beings. I love them for that too.

Treating people the way you would be treated is respect. I can't speak for anyone else but it sure seems to work for me.
Judge Smails's Avatar
One of the things that has impressed me on the boards has been the respect for the sweet ladies provided by the "regular" guys of this board. Of course, that is a generalization just as much as all guys are scum, but it was one of the things that I find good. There are lots of threads where the regular guys compliment ladies.

I guess that just shows how important screening is. I don't actually know how I ever scored a session with no references, must have been my sales past. I consider myself lucky given the very few bad sessions I have had. But then again, like Steverino, I try starting it with a heavy dose of respect and then just have fun.
Well put. But for the life of me I'll never get why it's deemed a 'hobby'. Seems more of a 'lifestyle' to me. And frankly, I've been fortunate enough to meet more down to earth people in it than I ever did playing golf.
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
Sad but true, the most honest relationships I have ever had with women were about an hour long and absent the drama and emotional ass-whippings that wives are so fond of.
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 06-23-2010, 07:09 AM
Hey wait a minute...I take exception...I'm NOT balding (When you only have one asset...you gotta maximize it's value).

Nice thread and I agree with most if not all of what has been said...showing respect for the ladies and fellow hobbyist is the only way to go. We are lucky to have so many beautiful and interesting women in DFW. There's a reason those boys from other cities are always begging the Dallas-Ft Worth area women to visit their towns. Let's be the kind of men that make the women happy to stay right here.

It's Wednesday...go hump something!!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I'm with Fiero!!! But what I have in hair I make up for in girth (and junior's lack of it LOL)

dodger, you're absolutely correct in that these women have what can be a pretty hard job and I try to make it easy for the ones I see. But, I also take my time figuring out who to see by seeing how they post, chat, how they compose and present their ads, etc. When I first got on the boards, I relied on advice from more experienced hobbyists and that helped me a lot.

My bud, Jaxxx, has a little saying: "Let's all get along and fu*k." There's 6 words to live by!

Traci, hold that position in front of the Gonzo's avatar's button, I'll be right over.....