How much have you spent on the hobby since starting?

About $1200 on Eccie including tips but who knows how much back in the ASPD days.
About $3000.00 - should've stopped around 1500.00 cause that's when the novelty wore off.
tttalinky's Avatar
I spend way less on the hobby than I had to on my ex-wife when I was married. And the sex is a whole lot better.

Hobby = GOOD!

Ex-wife = BAD!
Doh ! approximately 17, 500 in just under 3 years .
Thanks for making me think about that though .
So far we're at $21,700.00. I wonder what the total will look like by the end of the day.
knotty man's Avatar
i think Carl Sagen said it best,,,,,,"billions and billions!"
Reincarnated's Avatar
About 100 reviews between ASPD and ECCIE, many repeat visits not recorded, so at least 15k.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 09-22-2013, 11:10 AM
I spend way less on the hobby than I had to on my ex-wife when I was married. And the sex is a whole lot better.

Hobby = GOOD!

Ex-wife = BAD! Originally Posted by tttalinky
I'm with you. Much less than I'd spend on maintaining a wife and DEFINITELY less than the cost of a divorce.

And after 13 years if I'd have used that cash to buy into Tesla I'd be sitting on probably 250k. But the variety of rides in the hobby outweighs it.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I stopped counting after my first 6 months, I don't care and I don't want to know. The sex is great and that's all I am counting!

Guys this thread isn't a "make you feel guilty about hobby spending" thread.

I am just trying to get a realistic money spent toward the hobby perspective with actual figures. Why would anyone avoid answering such a simple question directly?

If simply evaluating how much you've spent makes you feel defensive then that is another issue altogether.

I can't imagine ever thinking "I don't care how much money I've spent toward something and don't want to know" regarding anything. This attitude doesn't strike me as being very financially sound.

Again the point is "How much in dollars" have we each spent on the hobby. This simple question shouldn't arouse defensive and vague responses.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
We all have a budget and most stick to that budget, it may be $500 a month, it may be $2000 a month so if you want a realistically idea, there is none, just spend what you feel you want to, and I'm not getting defensive I just don't keep a tally, I do keep a budget so that should count as some kind of financial responsibility. I guess it is more of a private and personal thing, did not mean to rain on your parade.

i think Carl Sagen said it best,,,,,,"billions and billions!" Originally Posted by knotty man
With inflation it is now trillions and trillions
That's where reviews come handy , I know I have 55 reviews as rr , 6 as others , and 12 unwritten utr ones . I only have to remember the unwritten .
Precious_b's Avatar
People actually keep track of this?!

If you can show me how to write it off on my taxes, i'll change my fiscuary (sp) ways.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
OP, I guess the reason I said I don't know and I don't care is because I don't know, that being said I don't care because I am not going to try and figure it out, but I could imaging in a good year at least a BMW.