Encounter: Farmers Daughter Doesn't Disappoint!

User ID: 611576 provider member # goes here - UC
Date: 8/6/23
Name: Farmers Daughter Jane
Phone: 402 256 0817
Email Address: thefarmersdaughter88@yahoo.com
URL / Website: https://eccie.net/member.php?u=611576 changed to FD's updated member # - UC
City: Bellevue
State: Nebraska
Address: Fort Crook hotel
Activities: Short intro, Bbj, tit play
Hair Length and Color: Straight red/brunette hair shoulder length
Age: 33
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: She is built just like a farmers daughter should be. A thick frame with big beautiful breast to match. Not a spinner but not a bbw. I'm guessing under 5'6".
Recommendation: Yes