Has anyone ever experienced Performance Anxiety?

  • brady
  • 12-30-2010, 01:55 PM
Went to see a girl I've been talking to (which has since become a long distance relationship). Found myself having a hard time getting it up which is crazy because she is gorgeous. This has me worried. Hoping I can hear from someone who has experienced it and been able to overCOME. ANY and all advice is greatly appreciated!
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Depending on your age, get a script for those little blue pills.

I have a buddy who is fairly young and he takes one when he goes on Civilian dates - he says he can drink, etc without any concern about his performance later.
tikkler33's Avatar
The brain is the body's biggest sex organ. If you are afraid that you will fail, you will fail. It's easy to say, and sometimes hard to do, but you have to relax and just let things flow without worrying if "he" will cooperate.
  • brady
  • 12-30-2010, 02:08 PM
Thanks Civil. I am 38 and never had anything like this happen before...it may just be in my head..a little anxiety because she is incredibly beautiful. My concern is "needing" those blue pills. It's hell getting old...lol
Sometimes a beautiful woman can make it hard although it may seem impossible it happens.next time you visit with her relax first maybe booked a 2 HR .

Have fun,
Safire Sweet
  • brady
  • 12-30-2010, 02:09 PM
Yea, I think it's "all in my head"....will have to try to relax. I think worrying about how I would perform was at the forefront of my thoughts. I appreciate you guys giving me your insight!
  • brady
  • 12-30-2010, 02:11 PM
haha!! thanks Safire but she's not a provider...but that's not a bad idea...maybe a little role playing might do the trick. Book a 2 hr appt. with her!
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Thanks Civil. I am 38 and never had anything like this happen before...it may just be in my head..a little anxiety because she is incredibly beautiful. My concern is "needing" those blue pills. It's hell getting old...lol Originally Posted by brady
OLD! Reverse those digits, then come talk to me about old. Or just talk to Tikkler about being old....

BTW, if you are with a provider, be honest with her and let her know you are nervous.....most will help you more then you can imagine.

If all else fails, schedule a session with Ratina....
tikkler33's Avatar

If all else fails, schedule a session with Ratina.... Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
Damn, CB, were supposed to be trying to HELP this guy!
Think it's happened to all of us.. Try stiff nights, no prescription needed..
  • brady
  • 12-30-2010, 02:58 PM
Stiff nights? Where can i find it? This is starting to sound like a rehearsed infomercial.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Damn, CB, were supposed to be trying to HELP this guy! Originally Posted by tikkler33
Well.....I was thinking if a beautiful woman was the cause of the problem....this is kinda on the other side of that coin.
nightdiver's Avatar
Has anyone ever experienced Performance Anxiety?
Are you kidding me? Almost everytime for the first meeting. But, a good sexy woman that knows what she's doing can turn this Don Knotts into Tiger Woods

If your GF is sexual and into you, you'll have a big smile during the after glow.
Shake_N_Bake's Avatar
Things that work for me...
  1. Hit the gym and lift weights (increases testosterone)
  2. Store it up (after three days a stiff breeze will do it)
  3. Hit up a strip club and get some dances (no release)
Had something similar happen. Hot as hell girlfriend, been banging nightly for weeks, one night small brain decided to ignore her. Small brain would not respond to big brain's orders to wood up (does it ever?) I was washed over by anxiety. Decided to NOT try to MAKE something happen. Decided to take a warm shower with her and then massage each other and go to bed. I relaxed in the shower and she blew me some, bringing junior out of his shell. Got out of the shower, started kissing while drying off, junior is back, went into full-on better than usual rodeo, massages deferred until some other time. Also, recommend (author) Bernie Zilbergeld's "The New Male Sexuality". Solid practical info, not dubious off-the-seat-of-the-pants remarks from strangers.

Best wishes for good fcking in 2011.