Question for ladies who do sessions 24/7

houstonguy's Avatar
Just out of there a difference between your late night vs daytime clientele? Do people get progressively weirder at night? Is it anymore dangerous?
I know there are exceptions but just curious. Other than doing an overnight, your odd shift workers or someone who struck out at a club and stayed until 2am I picture middle of the night folks as potentially more dangerous. Just curious.
I don't always do late nights...but when I do its not much different. Ive run into strange people at noon and 3am. But then again im not always a late night gal
GuddKitty2589's Avatar
I'm a Early Bird �� kinda girl ....There are times I do 24/7 but not often....It's the same thing...some guys are usually just up looking to play. But I do admit the late night crew gives me the hebby jebbies lol
I don't do late night appt's. under any circumstances, unless I am doing an overnight... I do however have guys who don't read nor respect my ads which clearly state I work 7 am. to 7 pm. !!
They text all hours of the night, and also call. I only have 1 phone for my life, so I cannot turn it off in case of a family emergency..(I don not want 2 phones)

I feel like it is dangerous to work late nights. Especially here in NOLA....Just because so many thugs roam the city, a guy coming to my home could be an easy target to get himself robbed or worse...
TinMan's Avatar
Aren't most true 24/7 girls pimped?