Cover-up ...

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  • 09-22-2009, 06:29 PM
I not sure why these curiosities arise in lieu of ideas which would make me millions of dollars and allow me to retire independently wealthy (still waiting for that idea). Anyway, I am curious ... ladies, I know many of you are quite comfortable au naturel (nude) BCD but let's say someone accidently walks in on you as you are getting out of the shower and you are embarassed and rush to cover-up. Which do you cover first?

The boobs ...

or the kitty ...

I mean for guys it is fairly simple .... but for you ... it is a more complex decision.

Just curious.

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Kelly TNT's Avatar
I say Both!

You're right...we've got more to cover in that One second!

I've got two can cover my business.....and, the other...well, who am I kidding! With these boobs....The other hand is useless! I would have to use my forearm for that job!!

~Kelly TNT
1thatgotaway's Avatar

I can follow behind you to cover them when needed I'll be like your boob caddy. How great would that be.... ( you know for me )

Kelly TNT's Avatar

I can follow behind you to cover them when needed I'll be like your boob caddy. How great would that be.... ( you know for me )

~1TGA Originally Posted by 1thatgotaway

I could Soooo use one of those! Now, do you work out? I have seen my boobs before. My Boob caddy would have to be in good shape to handle these girls!

~Kelly TNT
1thatgotaway's Avatar
I may have to step up my routine. I do have large hands that can provide excellent coverage.

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  • 09-23-2009, 07:24 AM
I may have to step up my routine. I do have large hands that can provide excellent coverage.

~1TGA Originally Posted by 1thatgotaway
They say you're in good hands with "All State"!

Hmmm ... boob insurance ... what will they think of next?

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