There are many reasons a gentleman may not have recent ok's..
Generally some get into relationships, have an ATF, or just renewing there p411 account and have not updated ok's..
I always state my concern and ask in addition to OK's if they may have any more recent ladies who they may be able to use as a reference as well. 9 times out of 10 they do.. so problem solved.
The only time I rather wait is if the last ok was given back in 2013 or 2012 with no recent activity .. which I have seen a lot of as well. Then I thank them for their interest and simply state to keep me in mind in future when have recent references.
It is true people may change, so ok's over a year old may say something about the gentleman and experience we may have together.
When guys are " searching" for a provider they may wait as well to see a lady who does not have recent reviews. She may have +20 , but from over a year old...
your same concerns may be there as well.
just putting the shoe on the other foot..
Hope everyone has a great day!