Rodram's Avatar
Colbert is funny as hell and he's got his facts straight about this voter fraud bullshit. If anyone wants to fact check what he's saying just let me know what it is and I'll give you the info and the links because I've got it.
gooose's Avatar
Lets not forget that Colbert IS a comedian.
Rodram's Avatar
Lets not forget that Colbert IS a comedian. Originally Posted by gooose
Yes he is and thats why I have offered to verify any of the claims he makes concerning voter fraud. Everything he says about voter fraud is factually correct.

Voter fraud is a lie created by republicans to perpetrate voter suppression of an entire demographic of voters that vote overwhelmingly for democrats.

Care to indulge gooose?
I guess the news media expose's are just a bunch of liars then when they have done reports on voter fraud. Rodram, your posting of this just proves that you believe only what you choose to believe and disregard everything else. Remember, there are always two sides of a story and the truth lies somewhere inbetween.

As far as I'm concerned, this post by you has just proved my point.
gooose's Avatar
I guess the news media expose's are just a bunch of liars then when they have done reports on voter fraud. Rodram, your posting of this just proves that you believe only what you choose to believe and disregard everything else. Remember, there are always two sides of a story and the truth lies somewhere inbetween.

As far as I'm concerned, this post by you has just proved my point. Originally Posted by satexasguy


Care to indulge gooose?
See quote above
Rodram's Avatar
I guess the news media expose's are just a bunch of liars then when they have done reports on voter fraud. Rodram, your posting of this just proves that you believe only what you choose to believe and disregard everything else. Remember, there are always two sides of a story and the truth lies somewhere inbetween.

As far as I'm concerned, this post by you has just proved my point. Originally Posted by satexasguy
And your failure to produce evidence as to the veracity of your claim and then make a statement like that, does far more damage to your credibility than I could ever do.

"Remember, there are always two sides of a story and the truth lies somewhere inbetween.'

TEX, if your gonna quote me at least get it right. It's "Just because there are 2 sides to a debate doesn't necessarily mean the truth lies somewhere in the middle, one side can be wrong"
Rodram's Avatar

See quote above Originally Posted by gooose
LMAO, smooth move gooose; thats the to way elude embarrassment and accountability for your statements! Your right wing buddies will herald you as a god now!
don't give yourself so much credit Rodram. I was not quoting you. What I said is a common phrase.
gooose's Avatar
LMAO, smooth move gooose; thats the to way elude embarrassment and accountability for your statements! Your right wing buddies will herald you as a god now! Originally Posted by Rodram
Debate is only for those with open minds....yours have been rusted shut.
Precious_b's Avatar
Yes, Colbert is a comedian.
And Rush Limbaugh is not a journalist.
But it is surprising how many people treat the above as the *true* source of information.

Personally, i'd trust what Colbert says over Limbaugh any day of the week.
Rodram's Avatar
don't give yourself so much credit Rodram. I was not quoting you. What I said is a common phrase. Originally Posted by satexasguy
That's funny because it makes no sense.

"Remember, there are always two sides of a story and the truth lies somewhere inbetween.'

That's wrong because it assumes that both sides have a credible argument and that's an absolute. This pays no attention at all to veracity of either side.

That's why what I say is correct: "Just because there are 2 sides to a debate doesn't necessarily mean the truth lies somewhere in the middle, one side can be wrong"

For example, is the truth about evolution and creationism somewhere in between? Is the truth about pro-choice and pro-life somewhere in between? Is the truth about the Israeli / Palestinian conflict somewhere in between?
gooose +1

Rush is an extreme right wing nut. But still wouldn't believe Colbert either.

I believe this article proves that Democrats do indeed commit voter fraud. Of course, voter fraud is a lie perpetuated by Republicans right Rodram? I guess this article shows the other side.

This one is interesting too.

In both articles, democrats were found guilty of voter fraud. Seems like the Republicans are not lieing about voter fraud after all huh.

But I doubt the closed mind of some will still not believe.
Colbert, Limbaugh, Hannity, Behar, Grace, Stern, Stephanopoulos, Rivera and even Jerry Springer are more simply "entertainers" than anything else. They are hired to play to SPECIFIC groups of people in such a manner as to obtain the highest audiences allowing for higher fees to be paid by advertisers. Couric understood this after plying her trade at different networks and chose to so other things. Ratings rule!!

I would say it is in the same manner that strip clubs hire female porno stars as their star attractions on any given night to boost the bottom line. Of course some here it seems does not understand this thing we call "the hobby" would never understand my real world XXXample.

It really isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. Its just that they know so much that just isn't so!!
Gladman's Avatar
Lets not forget that Colbert IS a comedian. Originally Posted by gooose
One of the best pieces of advice I ever heard from a novelist about how to write a novel was to read all the great novels you could get your hands on. I'm sure the same applies to many things, including comedy shows.

This points out exactly how RR learns to write his comedy so well. Oh, I almost forgot how much he loves Jon Stewart's bon mots too.

The truly sad part is that RR is FAR from alone in believing the Comedy Central "news".
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 07-31-2011, 12:34 PM
The truly sad part is that RR is FAR from alone in believing the Comedy Central "news". Originally Posted by Gladman
And scarier yet...

They are allowed to vote.