The thread Ikes been waiting for....

So, welcome back Taylor....

Thank you so much Eccie for hijacking my personal, intellectual property for a month... I asked to have my account wiped a month ago, and well, "You aren't allowed to talk to a member when they are BANNED" as you so delicately put it...

So, I'd like to clear up something things...

1) I am NOT bat shit crazy. The people that are saying this can either not afford my rates to be able to get to know me. (You know who you are, you Sears clothes wearing, see a BP girl for 20 min only to write a review to gain access to ROS so you can use the "P'House letters and have pictures at the same time for your masturbation enjoyment.") I am a little spitfire, and if I feel like I've been wronged, I WILL NOT BACK DOWN!! (Especially to moderators here that troll the boards 24/7... don't you people have real jobs?) Probably not, that's why the expect "favors" from providers...yes, you know who you are...... OR you are WK......

2) What have I learned from this board? It's a mere stepping stone right above backpage. I knew I was better than BP in 6 weeks of this work. It took me 6 months to figure out that if this is the only board you belong to.... read closely... I am better than you too!!!

3) If this is the only board you belong too, I will not see you. PERIOD!!! No exceptions!!! You can thank your mods for this one.... Since they decided to try to bully me about "guesting my account" last month... well, I wont be bullied.... so, no more Eccie members.... I was also told by Riley that if I raised my rates that most of Eccie couldn't afford me.... cough, cough.... my rates went up.... and I've had the best month ever of being a provider, seeing clientele that doesn't try to "get their money's worth" and that book multiple hours, not try for a hhr BS....

4) Thanks to you Annie, probably a bigger thanks to you d'b mods... If it weren't for you, I would have NEVER branched out away from Nola.... I just flew in from NYC, touring TX in 2 weeks, then back off to the East Coast to Chicago... Ya'll lost a great provider... hope you are happy.... Find an Indy that comes close to me in Nola, there are very, very few.... if any....

5) Oh, And Ike..... I told you I was saving a special paragraph just for you.... It said many, many ugly things, but... well.... This is what I have to say to you... The people on this board that didn't have a chance to see me can thank you.... You jumped the gun, banned me, and bc you don't possess a set, wouldn't lift my ban, only to make up some stupid BS about, "I've decided to reinstate your original ban." I could have fought it, but you aren't worth my time... btw, you also mentioned to me that I "would be reviewed whether I liked it or not on your board".... Funny, I don't think I've been reviewed once this month... That was by choice... I unlike some people that clung to this board for needed attention think that 50 stellar reviews in 10 months in more than sufficient... I don't need 200...

So, if anything that I have typed has offended you... Then the shoe must fit... It's okay.. please gather around my soap box, and don't push... I have bought several sizes, and multiples in the common sizes... Put them on, ( I know some of you act like babies, so I will help in tying your laces for you), then turn around, bend over, and let me kick you square dead in the ass.... This is the last post I will ever put on a Nola board... I've hired an asst and she will be addying me in places like Houston, etc... but you won't see me addy'd here on this Nola board, nor will you ever see me post here after today....

I just felt those deserving of it needed a great big .....

Kiss My Ass!!!

Again, you know who you are.... And like the theme song for The Jeffersons'..... "Moving on up... "....

I hired an assistant also, so any text, emails, phone calls will be headed off at the path... her name is Gretta and she's GRRREAT!!!

"And that's all I gotta say about that."
Forrest Gump
LMAO...and you people thought chella had problems
dearhunter's Avatar
I am in Houston........sweeeeeeeeet
Whispers's Avatar
5) Oh, And Ike..... I told you I was saving a special paragraph just for you.... It said many, many ugly things, but... well.... This is what I have to say to you... The people on this board that didn't have a chance to see me can thank you...

I just felt those deserving of it needed a great big .....

Kiss My Ass!!! Originally Posted by Taylor_Love
Ike.,,,, Like the lady says,,,,,,,, I would like toe express my appreciation by saying Thank-you. This is damn fine entertainment and you are obviously the Producer of this show!

Taylor ... If you ever make it over here to Austin.... Please update your showcase with a few ass pics if you are still wanting it kissed.....

We have ass Kissers here locally but they have standards...... you need to display it before it will get kissed....

Personally I will need to pass..... I have standards as well and you are like what.... 8 years PAST a Quarter of a Century Old ... or more.... and I don't do middle aged ladies that rant like this......
pyramider's Avatar
Talor, you would get more love if you posted taint.
This is the last post I will ever put on a Nola board... nor will you ever see me post here after today.... Originally Posted by Guest101613-1
Promises, promises

I have standards as well and you are like what.... 8 years PAST a Quarter of a Century Old ... or more.... and I don't do middle aged ladies that rant like this...... Originally Posted by Whispers
More like 20 years past a Quarter of a Century old, at least. I've seen her up close and personal.
dearhunter's Avatar
40+nag = naghag
I was also told by Riley that if I raised my rates that most of Eccie couldn't afford me.... [/I] Originally Posted by Guest101613-1
How the hell did I get dragged into this? I have usually been one to defend or recommend you Taylor. I dont recall ever saying that. Not nice.
Arverni's Avatar
You know what the greatest thing about ECCIE is?

It gives providers a forum to "out" themselves as loony-toones. And this is a great feature for those of us guys who don't want to give our personal information to a mentally unstable provider.

Arverni's Avatar
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
For those of you who have trouble translating:

"I'm NOT bat-shit crazy"= I am COMPLETELY bat-shit cra-cray!

"I am a little spitfire... I will NOT back down"= I have never been wrong in my life. Ever. About anything.

"You know who you are"= I can't remember how everyone I'm mad at spells his or her board handle.

"I knew I was better than BP in 6 weeks of this work."= Some people don't learn real fast. Others might be mistaken in the lessons they think they've learned (see: "never been wrong" above)

"If this is the only board you belong too, I will not see you. PERIOD!!! No exceptions!!!"= Much as those of us who are members might regret it, it may be time to give up our TER & USA-SG memberships & just have ECCIE...

"My rates went up... and I've had the best month ever"= Must've fooled one rich dumb-ass into an overnight or toured places where her reputation hasn't preceded her

"Seeing clientele that doesn't try to 'get their money's worth'"= several potential translations: no right-thinking man would ever disagree w/the dollar-value I've placed on my vagina (see: "never been wrong" above); yes, you're the one paying but what you ask for is irrelevant (see: "never bee--" oh, never mind); I found some submissive pushovers who had big wallets

"Find an Indy that comes close to me in Nola, there are very, very few.... if any...."= NONE of your local girls is as cra-cray as I am!

"Then back off to the East Coast to Chicago"= If playing her in Trivial Pursuit, you have a decent shot of beating her to the blue wedgie

"I hired an assistant"= I won't lose calls b/c I sound bat-shit crazy--I can wait until they show up for the appointment when it's too late!

"This is the last post I will ever put on a Nola board"= Unless/until I'm banned, I will compulsively post--my psychological make-up (see "never been wrong" above) also requires to me have the last word. Always.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
LMAO...and you people thought chella had problems Originally Posted by chellachella
Good one.....
Damn skrate Chica, somebody got 99 problems. I know this shit can get to a person, but DAMN, I felt completely SANE today after 3 weeks of pure hell in my personal life. It looks like Im going back to work after today and less idle time. Maybe that should be the advice she needs to take, if indeed she really has a real job. Less idle time and be more constructive, knit or something, meditate, everything will be "aight." Just sayn...