Too All You Mothers

ROCKCDM's Avatar
Happy Mothers Day weekend to every last one of you ladies!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-08-2015, 09:49 PM
Very sweet of you guys!

Hope you have a great weekend!!


Robertogorgeous's Avatar
Happy Mother's Day to all you lovely mommas as well.
pickupkid's Avatar
Happy Mothers Day
I just wanted to give a shout out to any of you ladies who are moms to kids of any age. Your role as "provider" is/has been more important to your children than any other. I know that for many of you, it hasn't been easy & maybe there are stilll some painful issues. But be encouraged! My own mother had a rough time with me but as I grew older, I learned to appreciate her more & we became best friends I lost her a couple of years ago but she still lives in my heart. I know this sounds pretty sappy but I just wanted to share these thoughts for those of you who'd like a hug & need to hear someone wish you a Happy Mother's Day.

Have a great day - everyone!!!
nerdy123's Avatar
I just wanted to give a shout out to any of you ladies who are moms to kids of any age. Your role as "provider" is/has been more important to your children than any other. I know that for many of you, it hasn't been easy & maybe there are stilll some painful issues. But be encouraged! My own mother had a rough time with me but as I grew older, I learned to appreciate her more & we became best friends I lost her a couple of years ago but she still lives in my heart. I know this sounds pretty sappy but I just wanted to share these thoughts for those of you who'd like a hug & need to hear someone wish you a Happy Mother's Day.

Have a great day - everyone!!! Originally Posted by 69kittyluver
Sorry to hear that. I dread the day when I lose my parents, they are my best friends in this world. I try to tell them that as often as I can.
Cheesecake7's Avatar
It is amazing what mothers have to go through to get each one of us raised. You do the dumbest shit and your mother still stands behind you without a doubt! Hug her often!

Happy Mother's Day to all you beautiful providers!
Happy mothers day!
DallasRain's Avatar


Happy Mothers Day to all the MOM's here!!! Hope you had a great Day!!!

bamatide's Avatar
Happy Mother's Day to all you lovely ladies
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-10-2015, 06:40 PM
Another thread of the same topic merged with this one.
Hope all the mothers of eccie had a wonderful day. Happy Mother's Day to you all!!
Merry Minx's Avatar
You're all so sweet. Thank you so much, and Happy Mother's Day to all of the other beautiful mothers, or mother-like figures, out there!