Pink Floyd's Avatar
Not since Eisenhower left office in 1960 have we had a high ranking command level military man in the White House. I have always believed that to be Commander in Chief a man should have extensive military experience, and none of our recent Presidents fit that profile. What are your thoughts on this? Sure they have the Joint Chiefs of Staff to advise, but without first hand experience I feel the president will be lacking.
High ranking military experience isn't necessary; and likely a good thing; but some military service is desirable.....guys like Clinton and Obama are clueless about honor, fidelity and the other fine aspects of military service.

The worse experience a president can have is being a lawyer - Clinton and Obama both went to law school and have been terrible presidents.
Snick x 4
Snick x 4 Originally Posted by i'va biggen
snick x 1004
LexusLover's Avatar
Obaminable doesn't need the experience ..

....he has Susan Rice sitting just to his left ... !

Any "snickers" out there?
Some voters admire presidents who loathe the military...............
You mean the woman who said Benghazi was the result of the You Tube Video ? That same woman who is now giving Obama advice on Syria and national security assessments?

Now that is snick x 1,000 !

Obama is a joke of a president.

Obaminable doesn't need the experience ..

....he has Susan Rice sitting just to his left ... !

Any "snickers" out there? Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLover's Avatar
You mean the woman who said Benghazi was the result of the You Tube Video ? That same woman .... . Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yes that one!

Butting heads with Putin, as well.

By now Putin knows what kind of female condoms she uses.

She doesn't even know his birthday.

The treasure, future, and security of this Nation are within her "steadfast grasp"!
Our government is based on the Elected Civilian Representatives having dominion over the Military. All Military Personnel serve at the pleasure of the civilian Commander in Chief.

It might not be perfect, but it has served us well.
Obaminable doesn't need the experience ..

....he has Susan Rice sitting just to his left ... !

Any "snickers" out there? Originally Posted by LexusLover

Snick Waiting for you to make fun of the generals in the pentagon and his military advisers. You neew to change from LL to FF .
LexusLover's Avatar
Snick Waiting for you to make fun of the generals in the pentagon and his military advisers. You neew to change from LL to FF . Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Huh? "PWI" should be just as unlawful as DWI ...

I don't make fun of generals .. in or out of the pentagon ... I do not envision Susan Rice, the W.H. Chief of Staff, or John Kerry to be "military advisers" ... and I don't "make fun" of anyone President who makes a military strategy decision based on a "national security advisor" as dumb and incredible as Susan Rice, the COS at the White House, or a liar (under oath) who breaks bread and fraternizes with our enemies ... John Kerry.....

it's not "fun" ... it is serious business ... deadly in nature.

It's one thing to rely in generally accepted inaccurate intelligence information ... it's another to rely on the support of the politically grateful "yes" people with whom he surrounds himself.
Yeah the actor ronald regan had what military experience?
Who advised him bobo the monkey?
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Yeah the actor ronald regan had what military experience?
Who advised him bobo the monkey? Originally Posted by ilikefun
Actually it was Bonzo. This post had nothing to do with party affiliation. Obama is merely the last of a long list of Presidents without extensive military experience. I don't give a shit about Republicans or Democrats.
You didnt say a thing when whirlaway mentioned clinton and obama. or to anyone else that mentioned a democrat but jump on my post when i mention election stealing regan.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I do not think that our President, which is also the CIC, needs any military experience at all.
It would serve the President well to have a trustworthy person with full knowledge of the military on staff to help the President make rational decisions for how the military should be deployed. This would mean a defined goal. Then turn it over to the generals to make it happen.

The military is not a police force. We should not expect them to act like a police force. The military is there to defend our nation and if required to go out and defend our nation's interests. The goal should always be to win and to do so by what ever means is required. War is hell.