Galveston this weekend 🏝

MILF_77584's Avatar
Anyone going down to the Kappa Beach Party in Galveston?? I heard it will be lots of fun and super crowded. Never been but I think I’m going to go🏖🏖
Chung Tran's Avatar
scores of black people gathered during a pandemic, no social distancing, days before George Floyd's funeral a short drive away.. what could go wrong?

odd juxtaposition to the thousands of Protesters in Houston. one group marching for justice, the other abandoning pandemic concerns to party as they please.

just saying. no judgement.

I'll bet Galveston Police are meek as Mice, though. they won't dare try to preserve order in the current climate. might want to get a CO-VID test after you return home.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
What could go wrong...
LexusLover's Avatar
might want to get a CO-VID test after you return home. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Naaaaahhhh. Just remain in isolation for 2-3 weeks and take your temp every day.