And Jews Will Still Vote Democrat

  • oeb11
  • 10-05-2021, 10:18 AM


There is almost nothing Democrats can do to damage America, or Israel, that would change most American Jews' political leanings.
The latest example took place just last week. A college student speaking to the vice president of the United States, a Democrat, condemned America for supporting Israel, and charged Israel with committing "ethnic genocide" against Palestinians.
Harris's response?
"Your voice, your perspective, your experience, your truth cannot be suppressed, and it must be heard."
It was indeed the student's truth -- which means it was a lie. "Your truth" always means "a lie." When a person says something that is true, people don't say, "that is your truth." They say, "that's true."
And indeed, what the girl said to the vice president was a complete lie. Not a partial lie, a complete lie. As a rule -- except on the Left with regard to Israel -- groups that are victims of genocide decrease in number. Yet the Palestinians have had one of the highest population growth rates in the world. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, in 1991, there were 2,783,084 Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza. In 2021, there were 5,227,193. This number does not include another 2 million Palestinians who are citizens of Israel. How many other national or ethnic groups have doubled in size in the last 30 years?
Yet, despite this revealing incident, it is hard to imagine that one American Jew will in any way rethink his or her commitment to Biden-Harris.

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One reason is that few Jewish Democrats even know it occurred. I Googled "new york times kamala harris george mason university" and the following results came up (in this order): New York Post, Politico, Times of Israel, JTA (Jewish Telegraphic Agency). Next came the New York Times -- an article from 2020: "Kamala Harris Makes History as First Woman and Woman of Color as Vice President."
I could find nothing about the incident in the news sections of the Washington Post or Los Angeles Times either.
Some of the most powerful forces in the Democratic Party (the reason for the $3.5 trillion spending bill) are indistinguishable in their hatred for Israel from Hamas, Hezbollah and the Iranian regime. Does this disturb American Jewish Democrats?
Not nearly as much as Donald Trump disturbed them. Most American Jews loathed Trump despite the facts that he was the most pro-Israel president since Harry Truman; that his daughter and grandchildren are religious Jews; and that he engineered the Abraham Accords, a peace agreement between the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain and Israel, which was followed by normalization of relations between Sudan and Israel and between Morocco and Israel.
Most American Jews believe the Democratic Party is a good and moral party and that the Republican Party is immoral and perhaps even evil.

This view is entirely emotional, which is why it is difficult to imagine it changing.
Most American Jews identify Republicans with the right and they assume "the right" means "fascist" or even "Nazi."
Most American Jews identify Republicans with the rich and powerful and the Democratic Party with the poor and downtrodden, even though the rich and powerful are overwhelmingly Democrats.
Most American Jews identify the Democratic Party with secularism and the Republican Party with religion (religious Christians and Orthodox Jews). And they are as committed to secularism as Christians are to Christ.
Most American Jews have signed on to just about every secular substitute for Judeo-Christian religions: feminism, environmentalism, "anti-racism," humanism, socialism. Jews, I have often noted, may well be the most religious people in the world -- but for the great majority of them, Judaism is not their religion. And the Democratic Party is the party of all these secular religions.
This is all a great tragedy -- not just for America but especially for American Jews.
America has always been the best country Jews have ever lived in outside of Israel. That is why a Jew wrote "God Bless America" (and did so at a time when antisemitism was much more prevalent and accepted in American society than it is today). That is why the most influential religious Jew of the 20th century, the Chabad leader, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, described America as a (SET ITAL) medina shel chesed (END ITAL), a "country of kindness." Coming from Europe, he did not compare America to Utopia but to all the other countries Jews lived in.

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Yet, something happened to American Jews after World War II. They veered more and more left -- becoming able to support America-hating movements (like the Black Panthers, for whom Leonard Bernstein and other prominent Jews in music and Broadway threw an infamous fundraiser).
And why did that happen? Because Jews became less and less committed to Judaism, substituted the New York Times for the Torah and went to college in greater proportions than any other ethnic or religious group in America. Colleges corrupt most students' values. Jews are no exception.
That helps explain why a Democratic vice president could praise a student who just told her that Israel commits ethnic genocide -- and have it mean nothing to most American Jews.
Dennis Prager is a nationally syndicated radio talk-show host and columnist. His latest book, published by Regnery in May 2019, is "The Rational Bible," a commentary on the book of Genesis. His film, "No Safe Spaces," was released to home entertainment nationwide on September 15, 2020. He is the founder of Prager University and may be contacted at

Comment - Sad to teh extreme - that Jewish peoples support teh party of teh Neo-holocaust and rabid anti-
Semitic racism of teh Squad and entrenched anti-semitic racism of teh LSM and DPST agenda/idiotology.

DPST squad omar/tlaib plan a New holocaust - against Conservatives and Jews - and teh destruction of teh state of israel. They want a world wide holocaust and teh destruction of all Jewish Peoples

A view tacitly supported by LSM and nomenklatura worldwide among authoritarian tyrannyical countries like china, russia, venezuela. It is a holocaust europe is accepting - along with the obligatory anti-
semitic racism.

It is sad to see teh jewish Peoples - an ancient and honorable Jewish People - support the architects of their own destruction.

That architect - the DPST racist party!
leftists/dims do not think there is in an objective truth

they "believe" every truth is a "your" truth and a "my" truth
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And so would Jesus, if he were here today.
And so would Jesus, if he were here today. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That's the problem with people. They don't think Jesus is here, but he's watching every move we all make. Now Jesus also has a sense of humor. Think about that the next time you get banned, lol.
Maybe the Republican tent could get the Jews if they put out the skinheads, neo-Nazis, racists and anti-semites. Jews likely feel uncomfortable showing up to the party with a dude waving a swastika and a rebel flag and with Aryan Brotherhood tattoos. Or it could be folks in the Republican Party chanting Jews will not replace us. Were I Jewish I likely would believe this ain’t the party for me.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I am and I don't.

These folks think because the GOP has actively supported a right wing Israeli regime that Jewish Americans will jizz all over themselves to align themselves with the types of people you mentioned, NM. Same folks who actively supported the violent overthrow of our democracy on Jan. 6.

Fact is, there are as many political views among Jewish people as there are among any other demographhic/sociographic groups.

Unfortunately, this is lost on the Trumpites in this forum. They have never understood that and can't separate religious affiliation from political philosophy.
bambino's Avatar
I am and I don't.

These folks think because the GOP has actively supported a right wing Israeli regime that Jewish Americans will jizz all over themselves to align themselves with the types of people you mentioned, NM. Same folks who actively supported the violent overthrow of our democracy on Jan. 6.

Fact is, there are as many political views among Jewish people as there are among any other demographhic/sociographic groups.

Unfortunately, this is lost on the Trumpites in this forum. They have never understood that and can't separate religious affiliation from political philosophy. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Violent overthrow? The only person who died was unarmed and shot by a security officer. Man you’re delusional.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Violent overthrow? The only person who died was unarmed and shot by a security officer. Man you’re delusional. Originally Posted by bambino

Who's delusional?

HedonistForever's Avatar
Maybe the Republican tent could get the Jews if they put out the skinheads, neo-Nazis, racists and anti-semites. Jews likely feel uncomfortable showing up to the party with a dude waving a swastika and a rebel flag and with Aryan Brotherhood tattoos. Or it could be folks in the Republican Party chanting Jews will not replace us. Were I Jewish I likely would believe this ain’t the party for me. Originally Posted by NoirMan

And how did you feel hearing those on the left calling for the death of police?

Calling "those hand full of people" members of the Republican Party is a stretch in my opinion. I doubt any of them care about anything other than their hate for Jews and aren't attending Republican Party meetings to discuss anything other than their singular focus much like some and some here have said that calling those BLM rioters and Antifa, members of the Democratic party, is akin to what I just said about the other folks.

But I see your point because I take the exact same stand when I hear, let's call them the Left instead of Democrats though they certainly vote Democrat if they vote at all, call for the death of police. I certainly don't want to be a member of a party where those people exist.

So to me, it comes down to whether one believes "those hand full of people saying things about Jews" represents the Republican party, I say they do not and whether all those people shouting "death to police" or "defund the police", are supported by a significant number of Democrats, more in number than those of the other side.

It's all subjective to ones political views. My point being, hate exists on both sides.

Right now, there can be no question which party speaks loudest against Jews and that is the Democrat Party. Actual leaders of the Democrat party expressing these views in public.

Where are the elected Republicans expressing these views against Jews? Which Republican leaders came out in support of that group expressing those views against Jews? None that I am aware of but if there are a handful, they don't come anywhere near the number of Democrats who insult and degrade our law enforcement and military personnel on a daily basis.

One just has to decide which is worse and more destructive to America and not just Jews and that leaves me with no choice but to not support "this" Democrat party.

You can't do much about who supports a particular party and who attends party rallies. What you can do with legislation, is make yourself clear about where you stand as a Party and the Republican Party stands with Jews and Israel by in large.
Marjorie Taylor Green said Jewish Space Lasers set the California fires. Now I’m confused as to wherever the lasers themselves are Jewish by birth or converted or whether they were made by Jews. And republicans have spent months claiming mask mandates equate somehow to throwing millions of Jews in gas chambers. Your ability to be blind simple stuff is amazing.

There are 37 Jewish members of congress. 2 of which are republicans. Just like with black members of congress, all but a literal handful are democrats. If the republicans really wanted a better tent they’d have better ideas and better associates. But they can disassociate themselves from their racist brethren. Or rather they don’t want to. Even if it’s only an image problem, giving a wink and nod when disavowing they racist subset is obvious to the people the racists are against.

Until republicans learn how to disavow them and mean it, minorities wi be hard pressed to arrive at the party where they’ll be treated like the valet.

You’re a prime example of why the republicans can’t attract minorities. You don’t believe there’s a racist cohort that must be dealt with because it’s apositive to your belief system. Hence you’re incapable of really hearing and accepting the issue. That’s why it can’t be fixed.

To believe that republicans can’t forcefully and continuously disinvite their racists is a tacit invitation. They could be made uncomfortable enough to walk away. But that’s something the republicans fear doing.
Marjorie Taylor Green said Jewish Space Lasers set the California fires. Now I’m confused as to wherever the lasers themselves are Jewish by birth or converted or whether they were made by Jews. And republicans have spent months claiming mask mandates equate somehow to throwing millions of Jews in gas chambers. Your ability to be blind simple stuff is amazing. Originally Posted by NoirMan
Hmmm... And liberals have been goffing on for a good while
now the 6 Jan was WORSE than Pearl Harbour.

And a few of the "Squad" liberals have even mentioned aloud
that there was NO Holocaust! The Jews made it up!

### Salty
The holocaust deniers I’ve heard of are on the right. But please provide a quote if you can.
  • oeb11
  • 10-05-2021, 07:10 PM
Maybe the Republican tent could get the Jews if they put out the skinheads, neo-Nazis, racists and anti-semites. Jews likely feel uncomfortable showing up to the party with a dude waving a swastika and a rebel flag and with Aryan Brotherhood tattoos. Or it could be folks in the Republican Party chanting Jews will not replace us. Were I Jewish I likely would believe this ain’t the party for me. Originally Posted by NoirMan

Thank you for teh Lies - 1b1 - it is your very own omar/Tlaib and squad that lead the DPST party

It is your own leadership of he DPSTs who openly advocated destruction of Israel and the Jewish Peoples.

it is your own leadership spewing racist Poison against a peaceful , constructive People of this World.

Your post is lying Nonsense - just labelling adn name-calling of any opposing view to the DPST flagrant Anti-Semitic racism of teh DPST party

Which 1b1 supports in all its Racist hatred Uber Alles!


and parotting LSM Lies.

Thank U - 1b1
Interpreter please.
  • oeb11
  • 10-05-2021, 07:32 PM
Try a non-teacher's unions education in other than Marxist fallacies.

try a dictionary 1b1
give up teh marxist racist hatred of teh jewish Peoples , and the Lies of belief in the Chronicles of Zion.