Exposed liar Susan Rice is poised to be promoted into the Obama White a position involving National Security !

Insiders with ties to the Obama administration tell The Cable that U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice has become the heir apparent to National Security Advisor Tom Donilon -- a post at the epicenter of foreign-policy decision making and arguably more influential than secretary of state, a job for which she withdrew her candidacy last fall amid severe political pressure.

"It's definitely happening," a source who recently spoke with Rice told The Cable. "She is sure she is coming and so too her husband and closest friends."
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-16-2013, 07:32 AM
Good...nobody was fired for the Iraq War BS intel. I see this as a turn about is fair play. Had someone lost their job in that botched affair, I would say someone's head should roll for this. But I tend to be fair and balanced!
And so the cycle of lies, abuse of power, corruption of government should continue, according to the logic of WTF........................... ..
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WPF's idea of "fair and balanced" is that no one has to tell the truth. It doesn't matter if people die as a result of their corruption, as long as we hold everyone to the same standard that failed in the past. It's no use to demand accountability, since others slid by without it.

It's like a bank robber telling the judge, "Hey, three other people robbed that same bank, but they didn't get caught. Why are you picking on me?"

And WPF thinks that is the intelligent response. He has no idea how stupid he really is.
Wasn't anything like that Jane,It depends on who's ox is getting gored.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And so the cycle of lies, abuse of power, corruption of government should continue, according to the logic of WTF........................... .. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
YOU THINK WHAT? They should all be shot? Everybody should be executed for pissing you off?

I think you should be excused for being an unbelieveably clueless TWAT!
Yssup Rider's Avatar

You worthless cowards just don't give up. No wonder the IRS is investigating all of you!


CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-16-2013, 11:44 AM
Good...nobody was fired for the Iraq War BS intel. I see this as a turn about is fair play. Had someone lost their job in that botched affair, I would say someone's head should roll for this. But I tend to be fair and balanced! Originally Posted by WTF

only because W issued an executive order so nobody could question the bastards ... that's not arrogant, that's IN YOUR FACE FUCK YOU!