Isnt this a Community???

First let me say thanks for allowing this forum I really like that you can come to this section and be advised or directed to advice.

My concern is over us as a "community" not supporting each other. True I'am "new" to this board, however not a virgin to the lifestyle which interest us all.

The concern stems from members biting at new members reviews or threads with lets all take note this is your "first review" your "first thread." for hell sake its everyones first sometime or another.

Secondly, I have taken time to amire the beautiful women of Dallas' profiles. I hardly notice many with reviews. This puzzles me as to why we men as reviewers are not spending time with members of our own community?

Third this may not be all the fault of the men here. Some background on me. I live 100 miles from DFW, married like most of us are. When I get time to spend with one of the ladies here I like it well spent. I usually spend days sometimes a couple of weeks researching profiles, reviews, and even post on threads such as this one. I have done such after becoming a memeber here and find 2 things on most showcases 1 phone # and 2 email addresses.

I perfer to email first as calling can be a bit tricky for me (married remeber). I searched the showcases and found atleast 10 ladies here that met with my visit critria. However after emailing them I only recieved back 4 replies. 4 out of 10 I believe it was due to my "newness" here. My question to the ladies is why offer email on your showcase if you dont want to get to know a client via that forum? So all I'm asking is for us all to support the ECCIE community via reviews and giving the guy that emails atleast a chance to prove we are valued members and we are here for the same wrong reasons as the guy or lady with 100 reviews. Men review and shop local first so to speak. Ladies give the "new" guy a chance thats what builds a client base to be proud of.

Just my thoughts I welcome any others or PMs if that suits you better

sky_wire's Avatar
For a so called community, it also seems like it's very easy to get banned for minor infractions. I noticed a few providers who get very good reviews have been banned. WTF? I think the power of being a moderator goes to some peoples' heads.
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 05-31-2010, 10:52 AM
Koyote, I would post more often.
For a so called community, it also seems like it's very easy to get banned for minor infractions. I noticed a few providers who get very good reviews have been banned. WTF? I think the power of being a moderator goes to some peoples' heads. Originally Posted by sky_wire

I politely disagree. I personally know most of the mods as well as the admin., and they do not take banning people, provider or hobbyist, lightly. If someone gets banned or suspended, you can best believe there is a very valid reason, and there is no preferential treatment. Just because a provider is well-reviewed or well-liked does not put her above disciplinary action if she is out of line. What you consider a minor infraction may have a lot more to it than what you are seeing in the open.

If you are speaking about the provider who was the subject of recent drama, she was not banned. She will be back and life will go on.

I do agree with the OP saying that there are not enough reviews going around. Part of this is due to the drama that occurred from the place that is no more, when many hobbyists were 'outed'. I see several of these now UTR gentlemen, and they used to review all the time...but no longer. On a separate but somewhat related note, I miss my favorite posters from back then, too. They've been run into a hole and I wish they'd come out and make this place a little more fun and thought-provoking, but that's just my opinion.

You can email me anytime, loved the post.
Sky Wire. Thanks. But I havent been a member long enough to have an opinion on banning folks. Thanks for your though

Dad as stated and admitted I'am new I know this but I guess what I was asking for personally is why have your email up if that isnt a perferred method to contact atleast the first contact. I realize more post by me is more security for the providers but how do you get a chance to review anyone if they wont contact you back?? It's a catch 22.
True Dannie. I would like to believe the mods here took in evidence and made a best judgement call on any ban. Until I have proof otherwise thats the way I would like to see it.

Now can we relieve the ban issue and move on to how a guy gets appointments and how the ladies get reviews.

A good case for this is see the gys that have several 100 posts but zero reviews? Is this like playboy men come here for the interesting reading? NOT. So where are the reviews? Hell I was a memeber less then a week and posted one!
However after emailing them I only recieved back 4 replies. 4 out of 10

I'm somewhat new to the hobby. All my time has been spent in the amps, so I usually don't post in this section since it is indies and the guys who hobby with them. I recently started thinking about seeing one of you ladies, but I'm always seeing things like this. It makes me think that it's too much of a hassle when the amp is so convenient - and I do have a great time with the k-girls. So, ladies please help out a possible potential customer and shed some light on this for me and others. I'm sure that there are others who think like me, but don't say anything. I mean I'm trying to convince myself to see you, but when I read about unanwered emails, calls, and last minute cancelations, etc, plus needing a p411 it makes me and probably others not want to go through with it. Are these problems all that common or do people just tend to bitch a lot about it when it happens?
Thanks Huck I think you touched on a few things I didnt and brought more to the table for consideration!
To the OP: I don't know who you tried to contact, but perhaps try contacting providers that are openly "newbie friendly." Some providers are borderline paranoid (that would be me) about newbies. And for the record, for a lot of us, your number of posts and/or reviews mean absolutely nothing as far as screening goes. References. You need references. Reputable ones.

On the subject of hostility toward newbies on the board, you must understand that a lot of providers and hobbyists have been around for a loooong time. They've seen all the newbie mistakes a zillion times, and it seems to them like no one reads the forum guidelines or rules. All the info anyone needs about posting threads or reviews is out there, most of it stickied to make it even easier to find. And they largely go ignored. Gets a little frustrating. Not that I'm making excuses for anyone, as I think common courtesy and respect are always appropriate. I'm just calling it like I see it. Hope it helps.
OK Traci first let me thank you and admire you for adding a providers view!

However here is my problem with your points. "references" I could give "references" from a few BP ladies I have had to resort to BP a few times. However we as clients are boardline parinoid when we venture to BP. On the view of a provider how trusting can you be in a reference from a BP lady? So my question is how does one get references without being given a chance?? Might I also add I dont feel comfortable throwing names and numbers around to other providers in a business otherwise known as taboo. What I'm saying is a dont like breaching a ladies privacy in order to gain approval. For one how do I know your not just collecting names and numbers? How do I know it wont upset the prior provider? How do I know you 2 even like each other?
First, if you are trying to see a reputable provider and all you have are BP references, you're going to have a hard time. We don't really know those ladies so why would we take their word for our safety?

You're thinking about it too much. It's not that complicated! Register with p411, see some newbie-friendly providers, get some 'okays', and before long you will be able to see just about any lady that you'd like.

There's no breach of privacy. You ask the ladies you see, if you can use them as a reference. 9 times out of 10 she's going to say yes. We're not collecting names and numbers, we don't have time for all that. References are a huge part of the screening process, we need 'em.

In short: Register with P411. See newbie friendly providers. Get some okays. Go out and hobby your ass off!
In a difficult economy, ladies are probably taking extra good care of their regulars. It can be tough to break into their rotation if you are new, or in my case, having been out of the game for some time due to family issues. My last p411 okay was a little over a year ago, so I'm probably back in the newbie line.
Well see Dannie I was told to come here. Affording these sites isnt easy for married men and I was very much agreeing with you in my last post that BP names and #'s are worthless when you want to upgrape to indies.
I believe that maybe as stated above by Huck AMPs could be the way for not so well known men like myself to both utilize the board here and see quality ladies Thanks for your time to input and shed light to us guys.
It was stated above there are others like me out here just not coming forward so your input could be helping others as we write.
I don't know why you would deal with the hassle of AMPs unless the challenge of the unknown is part of your turn on. P411 is the best for eliminating the stress of the first meeting and is less than 1/2 the cost per year of a 1/2 hour session with one of Dallas' Finest. It is so worth it and I know there are ways to join without writing a check or putting it on your credit card. Trust me the quality of the experiences you will enjoy will make you never doubt the investment, or look at BP or go to an AMP again. Talking from experience since you asked for help.
Since I have never meet with any of the independent ladies I can't compare it with an amp. But for me the AMP is not a hassle. Seems to me to be the other way around. Some of the girls I have seen at the AMPs have also been incredible. I call for an appointment 30 min. to an hour before, and I get exactly who I want. If for some reason she's not available then plan 1A usually always is.

But my point is not really to compare the 2 experiences. Someday I would like to try some of the ladies that I see on the board here. But by reading different threads it seems like you guys jump through many hoops sometimes order to see some of these ladies. I understand why you would need the P411 and the screening. But it appears to me (and maybe I'm wrong) that many of these ladies are very good at what they do, but not very good in basic business practices. And, I am only going by what I have read here at different times.

I guess what I really want is for you all to convince me these thing do no not really happen most of the time. I want you all to convince me that my emails will be answered in a timely fashion by most of the providers, scheduling an appointment can be done with minimum effort, and that cancelations are rare and not common.

Having said all of this I just want to exlain that I am a happy camper at my AMP. But I would like to try some of the independent providers sometimes. But the obstacles I face in getting a P411 and doing it are because of the things I have read in this forum.