House leadership

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
interesting read on speakership battles.

speaking of House Speakers and leadership....

I do have an issue when the House leadership is from the same state. the leadership regardless which party should not come from the same state.

the last time the house had 2 leaders from the same state was in the 1940s-1950s. 2 gentlemen from the state of Massachusetts (Joseph W. Martin Jr. (R) and John W. McCormack (D)) were at various points in their tenure were Speaker, Majority leader, Minority leader and Whip

Come 2019, it looks like we will have 2 California house members in the house leadership, Pelosi as Speaker of the House and McCarthy as Minority leader.

before anyone jumps me on this, I'm well aware that Pelosi is minority leader and McCarthy is Majority leader and they are both from california. . the fact they are from the same state is so wrong...