Best Experience for Best Value

Hi all...really struggled with where to post this query. I know I run the risk of 'white knights' tripping over their dicks to get a good word in for the ATF. And I also run the risk of having someone point me to another thread basically pointing out "under $ experiences." It's not what I'm seeking.

I also know that providers (aka you wonderful ladies) have access to this section. SO-I hope to get some useful information, or at least incite some thought provoking discussion. The question, simple as it might sound, is this:

Guys, in the last five years, who was your greatest experience for the value?

Here's the thing, essentially, I'm asking about your UTR, or your diamond-in-the-rough. She may be a well known provider and the stars aligned. It's very subjective-I know. I guess the internal thought as you left the incall was, "WOW-I can't believe what just happened"--and that feeling lasted a while--and you still look back and think, "And it set me back just....."

Guys-we all know we've over paid and almost instantly had 'buyer's remorse.' And we know there are some providers that enter into this world suffering low self esteem and may allow themselves to be taken advantage of-and there are plenty of 'us' willing to help them with that. THAT'S not what I want.

My offering? MichelleBigD.

It's been over a year since i saw her and I still think about the session. I had done copious amounts of research, found nothing bad, but nothing TOO explicit about her. Pulled the trigger. The session was the best, non-full-service session I ever experienced. We talked. We held one another. She talked about her life, I over shared about mine. At the end of the session-I felt I had found a friend, had a counseling session, and been intimate with a Woman. Not a Provider. I hear you talking amongst yourself..."The ILLUSION is great with that one." Perhaps. And for a while I allowed myself to be convinced. I enjoyed myself beyond my wildest expectations. THAT'S what I want from you GUYS.

And Ladies-what is it about a Man, in a session--that makes you forget about the money, the time, where you are or where and how you met? Surely some of you have experienced IT as well.

Please. Let's keep the white knights at bay. And hopefully stay on course and not chase down some rabbit hole...

doug_dfw's Avatar
Last 5 years, fitting your definition, hmm. Lindsay Lee ( and still happening ); Roni ( retired; occasionally active but now overpriced and booked by an ace who skimmed me ); Gigi ( now retired but emotionally tried to convince me to vote for Obama-I bullheadedly refused and proud of it). TG Lindsey Lee is still seeing me.
My offering: melannie_star

She is a bona fide sex kitten with a wide open menu. Super sweet girl and does outcalls for me despite the fact that she is an hour away. Great personality, fun to talk to, and genuinely nice. Feels more like getting together with a former, kinky girlfriend than with a provider.
melannie_star's Avatar
My offering: melannie_star

She is a bona fide sex kitten with a wide open menu. Super sweet girl and does outcalls for me despite the fact that she is an hour away. Great personality, fun to talk to, and genuinely nice. Feels more like getting together with a former, kinky girlfriend than with a provider. Originally Posted by dickfitzwell88
Thank you It is always a pleasure.. and fitz so well! lol
I would say BrownSugarBaby. She is full on sex freak who likes it all. I've never felt like my time or money was wasted with her. It doesn't get much better. Has a full menu and treats you like a king when you see her.
flanker1017's Avatar
I have to totally agree with the OP about MichelleBigD. I have seen her a number of times and it is always like visiting a good friend. The time is always so comfortable. Things just sort of flow along to their logical conclusion. She always seems so glad to see you and it is always just a nice feeling as you leave, looking forward to your next visit.
modus's Avatar
  • modus
  • 07-10-2014, 07:12 PM
Jillian Price for me. She just a pleasure to see. Its kind of like hanging at bar with a friend, but with extra benefits.
My best ever. She is probably out of the game but here is my review

The Houston boys were naturally on my ass due to no face pics. Totally different Eccie culture in Houston versus Dallas.
Randall Creed's Avatar
It's hard to really say by name, actually. If you're the gambling type, you can go on BP and get a bbbj from a tight, really hot 20-year old who just started providing not even a week ago. If you time it even better, you can be her first or second client, before her rates go GPS. Doesn't get any better than that.
It's hard to really say by name, actually. If you're the gambling type, you can go on BP and get a bbbj from a tight, really hot 20-year old who just started providing not even a week ago. If you time it even better, you can be her first or second client, before her rates go GPS. Doesn't get any better than that. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
I would say BrownSugarBaby. She is full on sex freak who likes it all. I've never felt like my time or money was wasted with her. It doesn't get much better. Has a full menu and treats you like a king when you see her. Originally Posted by EJ Dfw
Awwww! Thank you Sweetheart!
Randall Creed's Avatar
Wow Originally Posted by sweet.treat69
Wow, what? These ladies have to get their starts somewhere, with somebody. One of us guys has to be their FIRST client. I don't actively seek it. It's just the nature of the business.

You were somebody's first, right...hobby wise? Just saying.

Wow, what? These ladies have to get their starts somewhere, with somebody. One of us guys has to be their FIRST client. I don't actively seek it. It's just the nature of the business.

You were somebody's first, right...hobby wise? Just saying.

Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Right. The guy who wrote my very first review on here still is an active client of mine and he is the one who told me about ECCIE when I was still on BP in 2010/2011. The reason I said 'wow' is because I don't agree with going around and labeling girls as GPS providers simply because they started SOMEWHERE, which for some of us is not ECCIE, P411, etc, and happened to raise their rates after they got on a more established, reputable hobby site & raised the quality of their service.

I am not ashamed to say that I started out at 150/hr on BP simply because I honestly did not know better. My first year or so in the hobby i was pretty much "winging it", learning how to be professional and how to build a good client base and make a good name for myself.

But coming from regular borderline-minimum wage jobs before the hobby at $10 and $12 an hour, the thought of making $150 an hour was just fine with me. It actually excited me. I didn't know that in the hobby world that's pretty cheap and bottom of the totem pole in terms of hourly rates. I am smart enough now, and back when i raised my rates from 150 to 250, to know that I am worth way more than that given I am very good at what I do and i provide a safe, clean, and fun environment.. Plus I look just like my pictures. I wouldn't call that GPS. I would say I grew up & matured, learned how to handle things differently, got my shit together financially & emotionally, was more professional and understanding, and I learned to always give 100% in a session or just don't do it at all.

There are many, many more things that I could say helped me realize I can charge whatever i would like and it shouldn't be a problem.. The quality of service I provide and the way that I treat my clients is (IMO) top-notch and I feel as if I worked hard enough to establish and build a good and honest reputation for myself. I'm a reliable, safe, trust worthy, honest, passionate & genuine person. To some guys that actually matters.. not just that we have a vagina

As a provider I feel like each and every one of us is different. We can, and should be freely able to, charge our own different rates, and for our own different activities without someone constantly nitpicking and assuming one is different from the other because the rate is different. I do not feel that I am ABOVE or better than a girl at 150 or 200/hr but I do feel that as time went on, and as i gained more experience and learned the business, I was able to take what I had learned and i bettered myself and became a better, more professional provider. If a girl stays stagnant in the business and doesn't learn or either doesn't WANT to, or is content with advertising at 150/hr on BP only that is her decision and her life.

To to anyone who has ever told a girl she has GPS, I would just tell them "Go fuck yourself" because they obviously just don't get it. Some of the ladies that you feel have "GPS" may have just realized we're worth more, and provide more of a quality service than what they are getting credit for. And if there are any providers out there who are trying to put themselves through school, pay off stupid debt from early adulthood, better their lives, and start the process of owning their own homes/cars/investments/businesses they will get where I'm coming from.

But that's what happened in my case. I didn't change my rates over time because I felt like i was entitled to it. I felt like i earned it and deserved it, and even over the past 2 years i have become a better person and provider from the experiences I've had, good and bad. I can honestly thank all my clients i have seen over the years for helping me become who I am today!

Just my .02
XO Savannah
Randall Creed's Avatar

Nobody said YOU was GPS. It was just a general statement. I didn't say anyone specific. It was just a general statement.

Now, lemme explain something to you, because I like you. GPS and GPS-ish situations happen when a provider's rates DOES NOT MATCH her services, per the general consensus of the hobby consumer audience. Even if a provider is GPS, it's not always a bad thing. It's mostly perception based, anyway. Kinda like sports, with overrated vs underrated with players.

Does your service match your rates? If so, then don't worry about it.

And where's that panty pic of you that I wanted to see? Hook me up.
You have always got the best photos to explain what your trying to say. Love them!