Provider Rate Changes

!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar

Its me again. I have had some clients ask me about the rate increase for my PSE service. I want to let all of you know that providers in general change their rates to increase/decrease demand for our services. While I thoroughly enjoy my PSE sessions, I do not wish to do them all day, everyday. It is not an attempt to get more money. I would get more money with the lower rate. I just want to make the service more exclusive for my safety. How do you guys feel about providers changing their rates?

As long as you update ALL locations that have your rates, its part of the game. But if you forget one location, don't get mad that a guy goes by the lowest posted rate. :-)
CDL1's Avatar
  • CDL1
  • 08-10-2010, 02:10 PM

Being a free market type of Gent, I think you charge what you feel is fair price and if the market is there for you, then that is just awesome!

This is what makes our Country so great! The convergence of supply and demand at the market rate for a service.
ogre39's Avatar
Ms. Morgan, Whether in or out of the Hobby, the only thing that we do is "sell" bits of our time. If there is a willing demand for your time at the elevated rate, I would hardly be one to say, "no." If I can't afford your new rate, I won't be seeing you, or at least not as frequently. If you see your income drop below the level acceptable to you, then you know that your pricing is slightly higher than what the market can currently support. Econ 101, "Supply and Demand." That being said, I have to put some additional, "time" aside to come and make your acquaintance. Your pictures are lovely!
How do you guys feel about providers changing their rates? Originally Posted by EroticMorgan
Depends. Decreasing rate . . . good. Increasing rate . . . bad.

Seriously though, it's your business and you should charge the rate that works best for you.
I've always felt that girls are entitled to charge however much they'd like, for whatever services they'd like. The guys can choose to see them based on their listed rate, or find another great lady with a higher or lower rate. That's the beauty of this site, so many great ladies to choose from and different price brackets as well. There really is someone from everybody on here!!

No one should ever judge another for how much they charge for a session or tell them how to run their business. I had a client pm me one day telling me what I should and should not say in the forums, and was trying to give me advice. It really pissed me off. Who is he to say what I should or should not do? I've been doing great on my own before I met him, so I don't know who he thought he was by telling me to act a certain way. He actually insulted me, and probably didn't even realize it.

We (providers) are all "independent business owners" in a sense and we all will do what we feel is in the best interest for ourselves. The smart ones know how to price themselves and prove they are worth that much

Another good thread Miss Morgan! XOXO
Jasser's Avatar
If I was a provider and I had to deal a bunch of fat, hair, stank ass people, I would be accused of GCS (Golden Cock Syndrome) because of my rates. Do what you want with your business and the clients will decide if you are in their price range.

Oh what the hell, I'll make this my threAD. Ladies, if you want rocking hot time with a Latin Brutha from another mutha, holler at me. I can pound that clam for a whole minute before popp'n.

I can be reached a 867-5309 or dial 1-800-Mix-alot and kick those nasty thoughts.

Jasser (100% me or it's free....or you're SOL).
I'm not concerned about rate increases. If I can charge more to my clients (consultant not provider lol ) then I surely will. But your stated reason is in an effort to decrease the number of PSE appointments. Why not just take less PSE appointments each day instead of raising the price? Won't that have the desired effect?
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
Great responses guys! I am so happy to hear that you all understand that this business is like any other and the rules of supply and demand apply. I want to make myself available to you because I like you and I like my job, but greek is not easy. My hats off to the women that make it seem that way!
Charge what you want, the market will tell you when your too high (not enough clients) or too low (too many clients).
I'm not a fan of Greek. One gf I did that with said she couldn't handle sitting for a day. Now mind you, I am by no means large. But I can only imagine what you providers have to put up with some of these monster dick guys wanting to pound your pretty little starfish. If I were gay I'd definitely be a topper.
TheBizzer's Avatar

First, let me say that I'm a big believer that a provider is entitled to charge whatever she wants. Her body, her business. That being said, let me offer a different perspective.

I think that seperating your service into levels can be tricky. In your case, I'm assing your standard session doesn't include Greek and the PSE does (sorry if I'm mistaken). To me, that's perfectly acceptable, and I understand your stated need to limit the PSE sessions for your health, safety, and preference. I don't look at that as an upsell necessarily, or not in a negative light.

However, To give an example where it can rub a potential client the wrong way, I remember a provider on aspd that ran an ad advertising an upgrade to DFK for $50. Now understand that from a guy's perspective, in order to enjoy the session to the fullest, you need to be able to convince yourself of some illusion of passion. We want to feel like while business is business and you need to be reimbursed for your time, BCD you're into us and enjoying the activities as well, or at the very least not disgusted by them. To put a dollar value on the activities in an a la carte manner kills that illusion.

Like I said, I wouldn't put Greek into that category. I guess because I usually view Greek as more for my pleasure (in or out of the hobby) it doesn't bother me when a girl upcharges for it. Most everything else though, I want to feel like the provider is doing it because she wants to, whether it's for her or to please me.

Hope that helps.
I'm glad this has come up. I have seen different rates in different ads. This then causes me to ask what the rate is for our encounter and I hate just flat out asking in a txt or a phone call.
Honestly, I don't like rate increases but a lady is free to charge whatever she wants.
I understand completely! If I was even able to do Greek, I would charge out the ass (haha) for it. Douching your asshole in preparation for the event is no fun. Neither is the actual Greek part, but WALDT.

Maybe just take it off the menu instead? They are YOUR rates, do what is best for YOU. I had to adjust mine over several years until I found a rate that wouldn't keep me busy all the time but still allows me plenty of income.

Good luck to ya!