Eccie Party?

bchum1977's Avatar
Has anyone ever tried to organize a party of all verified gals and gents. I don;t mean a DFW social, but more a balls out orgy? How much fun could that be at a private residence for an evening of complete debauchery, Door fee for select number of invited guys, and a garunteed minimum for each invited lady, the rest is just "x" amount of hours of sex, ****s, and rock and roll.......
daty/o's Avatar
There are no socials. There is nobody to go to them. They don't happen and I don't get invited to them when they don't.
bchum1977's Avatar
someone PM me on what the hell happened, seems complete deniability is happening here, I've been around for 5+ years on ASPD so I know "socials" "never" existed $#%#$, so someone just fill me in......
If socials did take place and were openly discussed it could lead to unwanted scrutiny right?
As to your original request..get Premium access. Someone posted in the Mens Lounge a short while back about the same subject.
tazman68's Avatar
If you mention this in public, your just begging for unwanted attention. The bust in Houston should be enough warning about this. Only way this might have a chance is if you contact likely people directly.

Good luck and be carefill
My ex and I used to host some hobby house parties. While there was some touching and groping in the hot tub, they never turned into orgies. It was just friends having fun in a relaxed atmosphere.
pmdelites's Avatar
if you're really intent on this, invite folks privately.
money + sexual activities = unwanted publicity and/or stints in a place where there's sexual activities w/out money exchanged, just your life kinda spared. or so i've heard.
if you're really intent on this, invite folks privately.
money + sexual activities = unwanted publicity and/or stints in a place where there's sexual activities w/out money exchanged, just your life kinda spared. or so i've heard. Originally Posted by pmdelites
LOL PMDelites are you alluding to being forced to eat a cockmeat sandwich?
I only know of this from
daty/o's Avatar
stints in a place where there's sexual activities w/out money exchanged, just your life kinda spared. or so i've heard. Originally Posted by pmdelites
LOL PMDelites are you alluding to being forced to eat a cockmeat sandwich? Originally Posted by Sawyer
I think I read about these. Places where everybody gets to be a provider.