are fake pics ever ok?

some recent posts had me thinking about this...Is it ever ok as a provider not to use your own picture? or is it better to use a fake pic than no pic at all?

The reason I ask is, as we all have seen, a lot of the pics of agency girls are what most consider bait and switch, fake pics, whatever you want to call it. and its not all agency girls, some newbie independants do it as well.

But what about those providers that are well known, and well reviewed that have admitted that their pics arent real but they use them for privacy reasons? I know there arent a lot, but I know of a couple and I wont name any names here because I am not trying to stir anything up or upset anyone, just wanting some opinions.

Does the reason for using them really make a difference as to whether it is acceptable or not? To me it doesnt make it acceptable, since you can always take pics that dont show your face, or hide any identifying marks like tattoos or scars. But what do the rest of you think? and please lets keep it civil, just want opinions from both hobbyists and providers.
My thought is I can always say I do it for someone else if I get caught [Kids others not in biz] just so worried pic goes all over on the internet just want to deny deny no real pic deny deny dont want to be that women in store that the wife saw on internet I live in a small town deny deny!!!!!!!!
Guest081910-2's Avatar
I think as long as the pix is a close representation of the person, if it really looks like the real thing, then who cares. Now putting a totally false photo out there is grounds for banishment. I have heard of agencies doing this, bait and switch, and I would never do business with them. I am so fortunate to have lucked out and gotten in with the right crowd. Thanks Katie!
tracerxxx's Avatar
I agree with Radiomon as long as it close, most of the time the pic's don't do the girls justice they look better in person...

Yes Radiomon your in with a good crowd, glad we met at the M&G
and hug's to you Katie!!
vicinms's Avatar
I prefer accurate pics but understand why some provides need to stay UTR. However, I hate it when the ad says "100% genuine pic" and then when you see them it's more like 50% (or less) or you call and ask and they say "yes, those are my real pics" and you find out they're 10 years old. Just plain old False Advertising! I'm fine with no ad pics if the provider is willing to email me a real one, even if the face is blurred.
  • MrGiz
  • 06-08-2010, 12:59 AM
There is zero reason why a girl cannot have recent, accurate, non-identifying photos taken.....easily, for use to help sell their services! Faces can be easily hidden..... even identifying tattoos can be avoided.

I see no reason for outright fake photos!!

fd150's Avatar
  • fd150
  • 06-08-2010, 03:29 AM
I agree with that fake pictures is BIG NO NO...if they want to fuzz out the face then understood...after all, there has to be a physical attraction on the main part...lets get physical, physical, I wanna hear ur body talk *old song sure to ask if the picture is no more than a month old..I try to do pictures once a month..some providers may have a different hair style or tan...u never know unless u have a current picture..
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
I have to agree with MrGiz and MJ.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
For myself, fake pictures would destroy my trust in the provider... If she's not up front about her pictures, I doubt she's been truly forthcoming in her ad about her services, and I'm going into the session thinking:

I've got a bad feeling about this.
--Han Solo*

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (continuing with this allusion), I remember seeing a website for a lady where she was totally upfront about the picture on her website not being her (basically her disclaimer was "This isn't me, but the lady in this picture looks a lot like me from the neck down; if you are attracted to her, you'll be attracted to me"). Actually, from the emails I traded with her (I had an upcoming biz trip to her area and I was intrigued by her personality) I got the distinct impression that the picture might have been her, but she didn't want to admit it publicly.

Still, agree with Giz: you can pose or crop a picture to avoid a face shot, and (within reason**) you can blur distinctive tattoos and other identifying features using a photo editor, so there is no good excuse for not using a real picture.



* Yeah, I know... not only Han, but Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi (in Revenge of the Sith, IIRC) and even Indiana Jones; it's kind of George Lucas's catch phrase.

** I've seen/met ladies with such extensive tattoos that blurring the tats isn't practical--you'd really have to blur the entire picture, which kinda defeats the purpose of having pictures in the first place. But those cases are rare.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
be sure to ask if the picture is no more than a month old..I try to do pictures once a month..some providers may have a different hair style or tan...u never know unless u have a current picture.. Originally Posted by fd150
I admire your dedication, and if it's practical for you do to pics once a month go for it. I'm going to be satisfied with pictures taken within the last 6-12 months myself. As for face shots, even one within the last couple years is ok (one's face doesn't age that much in a couple years).

When a lady's pics are over a year old, then I have to wonder if maybe she's gained a bit of weight (though, as someone who likes curvy gals that's rarely been an issue). Occasionally it's been a pleasant surprise... For example, I booked once with a lady whose (year-old) pics put her at the upper range of what I find attractive--the price was right, and her reviews were excellent, which is why I pulled the trigger--and when the door opened, she'd actually lost about 20 pounds from the time the pics were taken and was lookin' very good.


Fancyinheels's Avatar

If a lady is that worried about being identified, blur the face and any identifying birthmarks and tats, and shoot below the chin.

BTW, the only reason that I have a photo of my feet up is 'cause I LOVE those fancy green heels.