New to this

22yr old virgin male, i'm currently looking for an escort in the Dallas area. Any advice on what not too do and any recommendations for a virgin?
Contralto's Avatar
Welcome. The best thing you can do is read. Read, read until your eyes bleed. Most of the information you need is already in a thread somewhere on the board. Use the search function and study! You'll get caught up to speed in no time.

The second thing I would suggest is to participate. People who come here only to GET information and post reviews are drains. The board needs 'fills' also. Participate in the threads, tell us what you've learned and how you've learned it. That way, you're a contributor and not just a lurker.

The last thing I would say is to be a gentleman. The world needs no more assholes. In short, these ladies are looking for gentlemen with cash who leave when they're done.

All the best. Let us know if we can help.

Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Welcome to posting sweetie and have fun!