Victoria6869 is a NS/NC

Happened weekend before last. Needed an early morning appointment. Read her reviews, she sounded perfect. Exactly what I like in a provider. Set up the appointment via PM and she was fairly responsive. She gave me her contact phone number and I reconfirmed the night before our morning meeting and she agreed. So, I woke up early and went to her incall apartment complex. Decent looking place. Texted her 30 min before my arrival as she requested. Got no response. I continued on since it was an hour drive for me to that side of town. Got to the location and called. No answer. Texted again, no answer. Waited 15 minutes and tried again. No answer. Sent her a message that I was leaving and would post her NC/NS. About noon she contacted me trying to explain. I have plenty of notice to her and she could have sent me a late night message that she needed to cancel or reschedule. Offered to reschedule with her, but got no response.
At least you got a response. I sent her a pm and got the standard silence response when you don't want to see someone from another race. Sorry that happened to you.
Probably should have asked her if she cared to make it up to you first, instead of telling her you were writing ncns. Sucks to be all revved up with no where to go. Better luck on the next one.
Sasha_sin took care of my needs. Originally I was going to see Ashley Anders, but she had to cancel due to family. Typical excuses. She offered to reschedule, but my time was limited. Sasha did an outstanding job!