Secure document sharing question.

TinMan's Avatar
Does anyone know a secure way to share a word file or excel worksheet, such that all parties with access can make changes when necessary? I'm familiar with Dropbox, but don't know if I can connect that to my hobby email account and still keep my personal info private (ie, use a hobby email account).

I know there is an online version of MS Office that I can access through my hobby email account, and it has sharing capabilities, but again I'm not sure if that's opening me up to sharing anything other than my hobby email address.

We're talking about data that would eventually be posted on Eccie, so I'm not worried about outsiders (at least those with PA access) reading the contents. Just don't want to leave any more of a paper trail than I already have here on Eccie.
skbinks's Avatar
You should be able to setup a google account or outlook account. I believe both of them allow for password protected sharing or sharing to only those that have the link. I know google drive allows you to set it for that and also set it so they can edit it or just view it.
jframe2's Avatar
Also check if the meta-data for each user is logged/added to the document.
This could include the IP address of the computer accessing the doc, user name for the person accessing the doc, date/time of download/upload, record of changes made by each user, etc.

I work with this setup in RL and can see your use being full of security holes as it would relate to this world of ours.

Could be done, I think, but take extra precautions about tracking the users.

Do not need to know your business, but you might consider just emailing the doc back and forth, with a pre-determined password.

Just thoughts .....
TinMan's Avatar
Also check if the meta-data for each user is logged/added to the document.
This could include the IP address of the computer accessing the doc, user name for the person accessing the doc, date/time of download/upload, record of changes made by each user, etc.

I work with this setup in RL and can see your use being full of security holes as it would relate to this world of ours.

Could be done, I think, but take extra precautions about tracking the users.

Do not need to know your business, but you might consider just emailing the doc back and forth, with a pre-determined password.

Just thoughts ..... Originally Posted by jframe2
Thanks for the warnings. That is probably what we'll do. It would be nice, though, if I decide to make an edit here and there, not to have to email my colleague each and every time I do that (and vice-versa).
Have you tried this?

Other ways to share
Share a link to a file or a folder

To give other people access to a file or folder, you can send them a link to open and access the item.

Sign in to Google Drive or a Docs, Sheets, or Slides home screen.
Open the file you want to get a link for.
Click Share for files or the share icon for folders in the top-right corner of the screen Share.
Click Get shareable link in the top-right corner of the sharing box. A link to the file will be copied to your clipboard.
Paste the link into an email or chat to share it.
To stop allowing people to access the file using the link, open the sharing box > click the dropdown menu below "Link sharing on" > choose OFF > click Done.

By default, the link you share will be view only for others. To allow people with the link to comment on or edit the file, click the dropdown menu under "Link sharing on" and change the setting from "People with the link can view" to "People with the link can comment (or can edit)".
To allow anyone to be able to open the file or folder using the link, make sure to change your sharing settings to “Anyone with the link” or “Public on the web”. Click Change… when you’re in the sharing box to change this setting.