How Far Can LE Go to Make a Bust?

I am curious if anyone knows how far LE is able to go during an attempt to make a bust?

What are the specific lines they cannot legally cross? At which point does it become entrapment?

For example, if a girl walks in, is suspicious that the client may be LE...and says, "I don't want any money. I'm just here to have a good time." At that point, the client takes off their clothes... Is LE allowed to cross that line? Are they allowed to disrobe? Are they allowed to touch you? Or to let you touch them?

Obviously, discussion by the provider or the client of specific services or mention of money, or acceptance of, is something that should not be done. But how can one effectively avoid any perception of connection between the two and make sure that both parties understand we are there for a "mutual attraction between two consenting adults" type situation, and nothing illegal?

Any advise would be appreciated.

willro's Avatar
I know there have been circumstances before where LE removed clothes and made an arrest while having a hard on. I have read stories in news sources about this. Of course this would likely be a bit of a black eye for the LE agency that employed this dumbass. That story would be everywhere in the local media.

The best approach is to never discuss $$$ (or anything of value). A client that isn't a dumbass should know to just place $$$ on a table, or something nearby, and never mention it. Don't put it in her hand or mention it.... and DON'T make her have to ask for it.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Don't count on any hard and fast guidelines here.

Cops often say things like "she gestured in a way to indicate sex" or "she said xyz, which is street talk for sex for money," or "I understood she was offering sex for money."

Or outright lie.

Or arrest you knowing they can't get a conviction if you have a good lawyer, but willing to harass you with an arrest, jail time, bail, lawyer fees, put your name and picture in the local newspaper, and hope to get a plea bargain or conviction anyway. Or get you thrown out of your apartment, get your kids taken away, get you fired, etc. Or simply give you an arrest record.

Much of the things you'll hear on the internet or elsewhere are pure BS, such as asking them if they are a cop. Sometimes they will get naked, and even perform a sex act and bust you later.
Guest022210's Avatar
What I have been told is the girls has to name an act and a price.IE suckeef!!kee 5 bucks andthe same thing goes for guys.Most girls tell the client to get comfortable which means get naked.An officer may tell you he is not LE and it is still not entrapment. Long story short LE is not interested in dragging bum arrests through the courts just in making arrests from time to make it look like the public morals are safeguarded.The safest thing is knowing a client is not LE before anyone gets naked.I have had girls ask to see my ummmm tools because the belief is that LE cannot do that but I would not count on that 100 %.At the end of the day,it is the officers word against thegirl and even if the charge doesn't stick you still get arrested.The best safeguard is only seeing referenced clients but that can limit the client base until you have built up business.
willro's Avatar
Yeah, what Gneiss and Lookin say...

Getting a conviction is a much bigger deal than making an arrest. A lot of charges can be dropped by the state or beaten in court, but by then a lot of damage is already done. And, I think for most of LE, the goal isn't to clog the already busy jails and courts with stupid arrests, but they have to make a few here and there to make sure all the morality police in the community are satisfied. I mean someone has to tell us how to live our lives, right? Those in the community that are much more moral than us demand it.
Guest022210's Avatar
Most important:know who your client is.Use the boards and network.
Bimboknocker's Avatar
Gneiss is right they can lie as much as they want, but if you lie they can lock you up. So once you know they are LE, if you open your mouth, the only thing that needs to come out is I want a lawyer. Of coarse when you do they are going to threaten to smear your name everywhere, but if you talk they will do that anyway. Providers aren't the only people we pay to fuck us
Bimboknocker's Avatar
Besides LE I didn't think about how the politicans are also paid by us, to fuck us . I wonder if the IRS ever goes after a provider
well bimbo as we learned in the media last year politicians certainly have there fair share on the side not that i think any politician would lie like that and pay a provider for services "wink wink" it is the soul mate factor that draws them in *coughing bullsh*t* from what i have gathered though technicaly there is no longer anything that can consitute entrapment not with this hobby or some other recreational hobby they are all stings and i am sure they do sting best advice is know who you are meeting before you set aside the time to meet them
there is a post about risk on this forum, i believe. some like the risk of getting busted most said they didnt thats why we have all of our sites to verfiy clients as they have the right to verfiy us this is my second time as a newbie i could have gottin 6 new reviews in the last 3 weeks but i would have had to taken on newbie clients and i hate that so i declined the appointments no referances no appointment with me and i am technicaly a newb to
heresy's Avatar
Life is one big perpetual fuck. Sometimes you end up in great positions, other times you don't. In the end, everybody just wants to come out ahead.

Although the article does imply that the officer still cannot "touch" you...

Still googling more info...

bluffcityguy's Avatar
For what it's worth, I used to practice criminal defense law a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away (that being said; my license to practice is no longer in good standing in any jurisdiction; what follows is a discussion of general legal principles and should not be construed as or relied on as legal advice).

1) There's a huge, huge problem with trying to "beat a rap" using an entrapment defense. Basically, when you "plead" entrapment you must admit that the conduct for which you have been arrested is a crime. In other words, half of an entrapment defense is in fact a guilty plea. The "defense" part of it is the kicker: you are then have the burden of establishing by at least some evidence (note: the actual legal burden varies from state to state; consult a lawyer in your jurisdiction) that you wouldn't have committed the crime but for the enticement by LE. If you don't convince the jury of that, you lose. And note: if you have prior convictions for the offense you're accused of, forget about pleading entrapment (as a practical matter). If the prosecution can prove that you had a "predisposition" to commit the offense you're being tried for, that pretty much negates an entrapment defense. Prior convictions for the offense you're being tried for now are (IIRC) admissible to establish your predisposition to commit the crime you're charged with.

2) As a practical matter, cops can (and do) lie like rugs under oath. All. The. Time. (My rule of thumb when I was in active practice: "If a cop testifies that the sun rose in the east that day, don't believe it until you get independent evidence of that fact.") If the case comes down to an issue of your word against his, you've probably lost; it's going to be very, very difficult (usually impossible) to prove to the satisfaction of a judge or jury that the cop is lying. (It does happen, but not enough to bet your freedom on it.)

3) Legal and medical advice you get on the Internet (especially on USENET or on message boards) tends to be worth every penny you paid for it. If you have a real legal issue, pay the money to talk to a lawyer admitted to practice in your jurisdiction. It's worth it.


Guest022210's Avatar
It is interesting how few arrests of escorts you see.Usually the big busts are streetwalkers who are making a nuisance.As long as someone doesn't complain the police would prefer to leave it alone. Of course that's just an uneducated opinion.I always consider a risk,but it's just one risk.If I were a provider and in my own activities the greater risk is meeting someone you don't know at an anonymous location who knows you have money.The watchword is know your client and your provider.Unless you like to live on the edge a little.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
It is interesting how few arrests of escorts you see.Usually the big busts are streetwalkers who are making a nuisance.As long as someone doesn't complain the police would prefer to leave it alone. Of course that's just an uneducated opinion.I always consider a risk,but it's just one risk.If I were a provider and in my own activities the greater risk is meeting someone you don't know at an anonymous location who knows you have money.The watchword is know your client and your provider.Unless you like to live on the edge a little. Originally Posted by Lookin4
I'm seeing more LE interest in escorts, frankly. Here in Memphis it's been primarily stings of ladies advertising on Craigslist or Backpage. In other cities, there's been infiltration of hobby boards like ASPD (the LE raid of an ASPD related get-together was (ISTM) a significant factor in the demise of that board--not necessarily the prime factor, but one of the straws which, together, broke the camel's back).

