Biden vs. Sanders - demon delegate count update

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

3979 delegates total
1991 nomination
1591 biden
0999 sanders
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
June 2nd is the day that Biden can wrap up the nomination but he has to win almost every delegate available. Of course this doesn't count "super delegates" who work for Hillary and Soros.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
new update. hawaii vote added. looks like i made a typo on the biden delegates.

3979 delegates total
1991 nomination
1541 biden
1016 sanders
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the delegate numbers are wonky....

the media is reporting different numbers.
npr/realclearpolitics/nyt - 1566 - 1007 <-- this group has consensus
WaPo - 1541 - 1016
cnn - 1548 - 1008

(before hawaii vote)
nbc - 1549 - 1012
bloomberg - 1510 -999