Sitting Here Watching The Debate

This is by far the best debate of the season. All of the Fox commentators are doing a great job.

And one major fact is coming to life. The debating skills of former Speaker Newt Gingrich are far and above all of the other Candidates. He portrays a certain confidence that overshadows everybody in the room.

Plus, the guy is smart. He can think on his feet. He darned sure does not need a teleprompter to convey his thoughts.

He might be a scoundrel, he might be a cad, and he might be a less than perfect human being. But he would mop the floor with President Obama in any debate Format.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
well we will not get any donkey responses because they refuse to watch Fox News
If I had a tv I would be watching it. Didn't think of streaming it. I'll watch the post-debate though.
It's almost like President Obama made a personal call to them saying, "push Romney, push Romney, push Romney". PLEASE PUSH ROMNEY.

Having that bunch of liberal hacks analyze a Rebublican Debate is like having a bunch of Gay Guys write reviews on Escorts.
Gingrich seems to be the best candidate for the Republicans. He seems to be the only one who has it all together.
This is by far the best debate of the season. All of the Fox commentators are doing a great job.

And one major fact is coming to life. The debating skills of former Speaker Newt Gingrich are far and above all of the other Candidates. He portrays a certain confidence that overshadows everybody in the room.

Plus, the guy is smart. He can think on his feet. He darned sure does not need a teleprompter to convey his thoughts.

He might be a scoundrel, he might be a cad, and he might be a less than perfect human being. But he would mop the floor with President Obama in any debate Format. Originally Posted by Jackie S

I was just "sitting here watching" the Falcons thump the hapless Jags!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
gingrich is another mccain, if he goes that far.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I really think Obama needs to be removed from office, but to replace him with Romney or Gingrich? The cure might be worse than the disease.
budman33's Avatar
Gingrich is a good talker, too bad he talks out of both sides of his face.

This is by far the best debate of the season. All of the Fox commentators are doing a great job.

And one major fact is coming to life. The debating skills of former Speaker Newt Gingrich are far and above all of the other Candidates. He portrays a certain confidence that overshadows everybody in the room.

Plus, the guy is smart. He can think on his feet. He darned sure does not need a teleprompter to convey his thoughts.

He might be a scoundrel, he might be a cad, and he might be a less than perfect human being. But he would mop the floor with President Obama in any debate Format. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Sitting here watching the debate and one major fact is coming to life for me.....Michelle Bachmann is channeling Tammy Faye Baker with those eyelashes. Oh, and the other major fact that this debate reinforces is that this is the goofiest group of candidates ever fielded by any political party ever.
How could the moral majority ever vote for the Newtster???
waverunner234's Avatar
Can't tell really who won the debate, I was watching youporn and redtube on my puter while the debate was in the background. Thought that was a better way to spend my time.
Boltfan's Avatar
Can't tell really who won the debate, I was watching youporn and redtube on my puter while the debate was in the background. Thought that was a better way to spend my time. Originally Posted by waverunner234


timpage, considering you are a typical lefty I get why you think they all suck. Perhaps you would care to share the reason you feel Huntsman is "goofy"?
gingrich is another mccain, if he goes that far. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
McCain was electable until he selected Palin as his running mate. For the rest of his life he'll kick himself in the butt for that move.
Boltfan's Avatar
McCain was electable until he selected Palin as his running mate. For the rest of his life he'll kick himself in the butt for that move. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

I don't know what in the hell he was thinking. He could have picked Ted Kennedy and done better.