Hobbyfun's Avatar
Years ago I had the privilege of being with a very nice women who had the best muscle control I have ever encountered. You could penetrate her go in and out a few times then she would stop you and her muscles would take over, it was like she had a hand in side her, she could milk you dry with her kitty.

With all the lady's here they has to be a couple that has muscle control that stands out who are they?

Lady's do you think you have great muscle control and if so do you do the kegel are is it something you just have are picked up over time.
berkleigh's Avatar
*doing kegels now*.....
Kinda like this lady?

I do Kegels regularly.

I don't know that I can lift weights with my lady business, but I do have a certain amount of muscle control. I don't think it's as much as what you are describing, I need to get to work on that.

Where do you buy vagina weights and workout gear anyway?
netman's Avatar
*doing kegels now*..... Originally Posted by berkleigh
Taking notes...
OldGrump's Avatar
Years ago I had the privilege of being with a very nice women who had the best muscle control I have ever encountered.<snip> Originally Posted by Hobbyfun
Man, I thought I was the only one she dated.

I did date a sweet lady many years ago who could squeeze so tight that, even through a condom, it almost (but only "almost") hurt. And the "milking" effect was sensational. Never experienced that since.

I've had to stick to HJ & BBBJ for similar sensations. Close, but not the same.
WarlockAahz's Avatar
Guest042715's Avatar
Busty Bridgette !!!

ogre39's Avatar
Damn You WalockA! I -had- to look around and just couldn't resist the name on this one:
When you can make this sound like a pair of castanets, you've achieve your Black belt in "PussyDo"
I was engaged to a Nisei many years ago with that kind of control, but have never experienced it since.
If I recall, the recently returned Miss Sunny Jackson took very good care of me in the muscle control department. It was a while back, but I'm just sayin'...
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
She doesn't have to be great. If she can get me off, then open a beer bottle right after, I'll be fine with it.
Its also called the "Velvet Grip", and use it.
Vaginas R US or VRUS on the WWW

Kinda like this lady?

I do Kegels regularly.

I don't know that I can lift weights with my lady business, but I do have a certain amount of muscle control. I don't think it's as much as what you are describing, I need to get to work on that.

Where do you buy vagina weights and workout gear anyway? Originally Posted by Dannie