Another bogus Obamacare story: The GOP's 'Bette'

BigLouie's Avatar
The centerpiece of the Republican party's attack on the Affordable Care Act following President Obama's State of the Union address this week was the story of "Bette."

Bette was an otherwise unidentified Washington state resident featured in the official GOP response to the Obama speech delivered by Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.). According to Rodgers, Bette had written her a letter stating that she had "hoped the president’s healthcare law would save her money – but found out instead that her premiums were going up nearly $700 a month." The lesson, according to Rodgers: "This law is not working."

Bette has now been tracked down by her hometown Spokane Spokesman-Review. She's Bette Grenier, who owns a small business with her husband. Unsurprisingly, her story is much different from the sketchy description provided by Rodgers. That description perplexed experts, including Washington State Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler, who couldn't understand how a state resident "would have no choice but to pay $700 per month more for a policy that meets the Affordable Care Act’s coverage requirements," the newspaper reported.

Grenier told the newspaper that she wrote Rodgers after her insurance company informed her that her $552-a-month catastrophic health plan would not be offered in 2014. It offered her an alternative plan complying with the ACA at $1,052 a month.

But that sounds like her insurer trying to steer her to an overpriced option. A compliant plan meeting the Affordable Care Act's coverage mandates actually is available from Washington's insurance exchange for much less -- and with a deductible far lower than the $10,000 she was paying under the old plan and broader coverage, though lacking a provision for four free doctor visits a year provided by her old plan.

Grenier said she had flatly refused to even investigate her options on the exchange. "I wouldn’t go on that Obama website at all,” she said. “We liked our old plan. It worked for us, but they can’t offer it anymore.”

Instead, she and her husband "have decided to go without coverage," the newspaper reported.

Does this make sense? Grenier deliberately decided to forgo the options available to her and her family from the Affordable Care Act, despite the knowledge that they might be more suitable for her than her old insurance or the plan being hawked by her insurer -- she says a friend of hers found a plan for a mere $129 a month.

But her plight has nothing to do with Obamacare. It's a product of her own apparently flawed decision to refuse even to look into the benefits the healthcare law might provide. And it's another sign of how threadbare the GOP criticism of the Affordable Care Act has become. If this is the best they can conjure up for what might be one of the best-watched TV appearances a back-bench Republican congresswoman gets to deliver, shouldn't they give up already?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You are one cruel stupid bastard you know that. She DID lose her health plan because of Obamacare. It was no longer compliant so it was gone. You pat yourself on the back for doing something but you forget that you took something away from someone who did not ask for it.

Reminds me of Pol Pot. A communist who wanted to convert his people to communism. He couldn't wait and didn't care so he herded his people into the jungle and killed 4 million of them to accomplish his goal.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 02-01-2014, 06:36 AM
You are one cruel stupid bastard you know that. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
We want some people to get a different plan than the one they previously had.

You want some people to die because they don't have access to any plan.

Cruel, stupid bastard, indeed.

Reminds me of Pol Pot. A communist who wanted to convert his people to communism. He couldn't wait and didn't care so he herded his people into the jungle and killed 4 million of them to accomplish his goal. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
"Pol Pot," where in the hell did that come from? From Far 'Right" Field?

It appears that JD has determined that being an Idiot was not quite enough.

Is it just me or is JD trying to move up to the 'Imbecile' category!

If so, I wonder if he plans to take his twin brother IB along with him?
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 02-01-2014, 07:38 AM
You are one cruel stupid bastard you know that. She DID lose her health plan because of Obamacare. It was no longer compliant so it was gone. You pat yourself on the back for doing something but you forget that you took something away from someone who did not ask for it.

Reminds me of Pol Pot. A communist who wanted to convert his people to communism. He couldn't wait and didn't care so he herded his people into the jungle and killed 4 million of them to accomplish his goal. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD: Her old plan, while she may have been lucky and not stress tested it, probably wasn't as good as she thought. Her new plans through Obamacare provide better options and greater value. Not everyone who had insurance had good insurance.

Think of it this way: You have a choice of a math class full of Asians from successful, intact families, or a class full of kids, the same age, who have spent time in Spofford Home. The Asians will do their homework and not cut up in class. The Spofford Home kids, being emotionally troubled, don't know what is best for themselves all the time, so they will need your guidance. Obama is like you would be in that situation, lovingly guiding the unfortunates to the path of enlightenment.
So the government knows what is best for you? Try this story. I had been seeing a Doctor for many years that I trusted and gave me excellent care. Although I wasn't forced on to a different healthcare plan, my Doctor decided that he had enough and went to a concierge plan of his own. He didn't care what my health care plan was but he knew that he wasn't going to accept government interference in the quality of care he gave and what he could bill for it. If you want my ex Doctor, you need to pay a fee in advance for his services and file for any reimbursements on your own. The wife and I discussed things and did not want the extra fee nor the paperwork. Therefore, I had to switch doctors. Thanks Obamacare! "If you like your plan you can keep it! If you like your Doctor you can keep him! PERIOD!" What part of that lie don't you get? There are good parts to the ACA, but what part of forcing individuals to different Doctors and Different plans makes you think that is right? I want to remind you that at NO time has the majority of Americans EVER supported the ACA. The only ones that did were a majority of Congress who paid the price for that in 2010. I'm hoping they pay a bigger price in 2014. Right now, it appears Democrats will hold on to the Senate in 2014. What we will get is more of the same. When the employer mandate kicks in and the insurance companies need to be bailed out, we will see which way the people turn. IF they are still in a progressive mode, we will continue to suffer. If we elect Republicans who don't get it, we will still suffer. A third political party may be on the horizon. This is especially true if enough people get hurt.
Obamacare gave the hospital's and doctors the same rights as the oil companies .
Only a Stalinist leftard would claim success as being a government idea of destroying the very good health insurance policies of tens of millions of Americans; only to cover thousands under Obamacare.
BigLouie's Avatar
You are one cruel stupid bastard you know that. She DID lose her health plan because of Obamacare. It was no longer compliant so it was gone. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It is amazing that you are completely ignoring the fact that:

1. She flatly refused to explore her options
2. She decided to go without coverage rather than explore what the new law provided.
3. She admitted that a friend found a plan for $129

To have NO coverage is HER CHOICE!
Only a Stalinist leftard would claim success as being a government idea of destroying the very good health insurance policies of tens of millions of Americans; only to cover thousands under Obamacare. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
This from a "Trending" Tea Bagging Idiotard.

Yet Trendy expects us to believe him now!

Hell, I didn't believe Trendytard when the Idiotard repeatedly tried to lead us to believe that


hy in the hell would I believe the Idiotard now?

And it's another sign of how threadbare the GOP criticism of the Affordable Care Act has become. If this is the best they can conjure up for what might be one of the best-watched TV appearances a back-bench Republican congresswoman gets to deliver, shouldn't they give up already? Originally Posted by BigLouie
"TODAY marks the beginning of health care coverage under the Affordable Care Act’s new insurance exchanges, for which two million Americans have signed up. Now that the individual mandate is officially here, let me begin with an admission: Obamacare is awful.

I believe Obamacare’s rocky start — clueless planning, a lousy website, insurance companies raising rates, and the president’s telling people they could keep their coverage when, in fact, not all could — is a result of one fatal flaw."

So let me ask you Big Louie, who penned the words above in a NYT piece?

I will give you a hint. It sure ain't a Republican.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 02-01-2014, 11:01 AM
try this story .. late Tues evening I was rushed to the ER, and remained in the hospital until yesterday afternoon, blood work every 4 hours, 2 separate labs, private room, the whole 9 yards for a patient with a BP reading that kills most people with a stroke or heart attack ... I haven't got the final # s yet but from the report given to me by my daughter the portion I pay isn't very much .. I'll report when I get the totals ..

do I thank Obama, the insurance company, the Doctors, the lab tecs, the nurses, the ambulance driver, the medics on the bus, the companies that made equipment that I was married to for 3 days the pharma companies the made the drugs that are keeping me alive right now, or God ?

trust me, I've thanked the all, and I'm thankful to be here to thank them.

I'm also very thankful I can be here and tell all of you fuckers to stfu, and kiss my Texas Ass.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Let me simplify it for you all.

A woman has a sandwich. She is not hungry right now but she may be later in the afternoon. Along comes Obama and takes the sandwich. He tells her that she deserves better and he will provide a complete turkey dinner. He leaves her with nothing but hope. She starts looking for different food just in case she gets hungry. She finds some hummus which she doesn't like so she passes on it. In her travels someone offers her some spinach which triggers her gag reflex so she has to pass because the price is too great to eat it.

Despite the promises of Obama, she just wants her sandwich back but it is unavailable because some idiots in DC decided that it wasn't good enough.

On the story, I noticed something unusual. An Internet search kept coming up with same quote (...another bogus Obamacare story...) in story after story, source after source which indicates some collusion but it also it indicates that other stories have been debunked. Are they talking about Obama stories?
LexusLover's Avatar
JD: Her old plan, while she may have been lucky and not stress tested it, probably wasn't as good as she thought. . Originally Posted by BJerk
If that weren't so sad, it would be HILLARIOUS.

... "probably" ...... "she thought" .....

Liberal Principles................. "what might be" ... and..... "what you are thinking"!!!

Is that simply because you "think" you are more intelligent? And if so ...

At what point after you popped out of your mother's womb did you "perceive" that?

1. Before you learned to piss and stand up at the same time?
2. After you kept shitting in your pants?
3. Before you could find your ass with both hands?
4. None of the above?
5. All of the above?
try this story .. late Tues evening I was rushed to the ER, and remained in the hospital until yesterday afternoon, blood work every 4 hours, 2 separate labs, private room, the whole 9 yards for a patient with a BP reading that kills most people with a stroke or heart attack ... I haven't got the final # s yet but from the report given to me by my daughter the portion I pay isn't very much .. I'll report when I get the totals ..

do I thank Obama, the insurance company, the Doctors, the lab tecs, the nurses, the ambulance driver, the medics on the bus, the companies that made equipment that I was married to for 3 days the pharma companies the made the drugs that are keeping me alive right now, or God ?

trust me, I've thanked the all, and I'm thankful to be here to thank them.

I'm also very thankful I can be here and tell all of you fuckers to stfu, and kiss my Texas Ass.

snort~ Originally Posted by CJ7
Just when I begin to wish I could bring myself to curse you for your constant misunderstandings of all things pertinent and horrendously off the point responses to another's posts and your attaboys to liberals no matter their exposed idiocies, you speak of your humanness and I am reminded of our common frailties and life's brevity and my near imprecations are no more