State of Oregon Issues Gag Order To Stop Christian Bakery From Discussing $135,000 Fine

For Not Making Cake For Same Sex Couple…

Posted on July 3, 2015 by sundance
This is what happens when single issue activists are supported by the State and take judicial action against Christians. Not only did this couple lose their freedom of religion, but they also are forced to lose their freedom of speech.

oregon bakeryOREGON – Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian finalized a preliminary ruling today ordering Aaron and Melissa Klein, the bakers who refused to make a cake for a same-sex wedding, to pay $135,000 in emotional damages to the couple they denied service.

“This case is not about a wedding cake or a marriage,” Avakian wrote. “It is about a business’s refusal to serve someone because of their sexual orientation. Under Oregon law, that is illegal.”

In the ruling, Avakian placed an effective gag order on the Kleins, ordering them to “cease and desist” from speaking publicly about not wanting to bake cakes for same-sex weddings based on their Christian beliefs.

“This effectively strips us of all our First Amendment rights,” the Kleins, owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, which has since closed, wrote on their Facebook page. “According to the state of Oregon we neither have freedom of religion or freedom of speech.”
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The idiot got it wrong....on purpose I bet. They did not serve the couple because of sexual orientation but because they wanted a cake to celebrate something they didn't believe in. I wonder why this couple didn't parade a bunch of gay people in front of this committee talking about the services they recieved. Maybe the committee didn't care (likely), or the committee had agenda (very likely), or these bakers were absolute evil who had gay snifting dogs who ran every peter puffer off the premises (ridiculously unlikely).
  • DSK
  • 07-03-2015, 05:55 PM
For Not Making Cake For Same Sex Couple… Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
This country sucks for non-fags.
For Not Making Cake For Same Sex Couple. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
This country sucks Originally Posted by DSK
Make a cake?

JLIdiot, errr DSKIdiot aren't you a disbarred Jewish Lawyer, turned Incompetent Jewish Baker?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This is the new Amerika.
This is the new Amerika. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The door is open. You may leave at any time.
This is the new Amerika. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
My kind and generous offer to you for a one way, 'first class' ticket to beautiful Downtown Damascus is still on the table (Provided you agree to stay 10 years or more).

Let me know when you change your mind!
pyramider's Avatar
I guess they should have hired an attorney. How is it a case of free speech? Pay the fine, and they can yap all they want.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm not leaving. Is that your only solution? Tell people who disagree to leave? You people are morons. It is probably too late to fix it, thanks to idiots like you, but my family has been here 400+ years. I will do whatever I can so my grandchildren can know what freedom was like.
I'm not leaving. Is that your only solution? Tell people who disagree to leave? You people are morons. It is probably too late to fix it, thanks to idiots like you, but my family has been here 400+ years. I will do whatever I can so my grandchildren can know what freedom was like. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Well ... excuse the hell outta me!

I was just trying to be helpful.

I thought that since you were bitching and moaning about "Amerika," I would try to help you find a way out.

This is the new Amerika. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
As for me, Happy Birthday America (I don't know where Amerika is).

I still love the United States of America!

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Fucking communists.
I will do whatever I can so my grandchildren can know what freedom was like. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
As far as I am concerned, you can take your Grandchildren with you to Amerika.

Or wherever the hell you are planning to go.

Fucking communists. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
2 Pups is right, COIdiot is a fucking Amerikan Communist.

BTW, my kind and generous offer of one-way first class accommodations to Damascus still stands. Hell, I will even pay half of the Grandchildren's coach fare.

It will do them good to see what life is like in Amerika, or wherever.

The sooner we get your worthless Communist ass out of The Land of the Free, the better off we will all be.

Adios, CO The Amerikan Communist Idiot.
I'm not leaving. Is that your only solution? Tell people who disagree to leave? You people are morons. It is probably too late to fix it, thanks to idiots like you, but my family has been here 400+ years. I will do whatever I can so my grandchildren can know what freedom was like. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Like wasting your vote on third-party candidates? How is that working out for you so far?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This is how stupid BigTurds is. I call for individual liberty, personal responsibility and limited government , and he calls me a communist. We should have a Moron of the Year award. BigTurds would win by a landslide.