Give me your tired, your poor,your huddled masses

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses.Yearning to breath free,the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these the homeless tempest- tost to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

Well except the ones deemed undesirable by the RW, like beaners, ragheads, gays, and liberals.
So you support an open border policy?

B**ner is a racist term dim bulb. Please point out where anyone has said Hispanics should not be let in the country. I believe the issue is controlling immigration, not just from nations south of us but also east and west and too a lesser extent, north. It's been that way even before the statute that bears that inscription was erected.
  • DSK
  • 07-05-2015, 03:33 PM
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses.Yearning to breath free,the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these the homeless tempest- tost to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

Well except the ones deemed undesirable by the RW, like beaners, ragheads, gays, and liberals. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
If you love them so much, invite them to live in your house, you intolerant racist asshole.
So now I am a right winger?
But, no where did Emma Lazarus say,......." Your drug dealers, rapist, murderers, and anchor baby mamas looking to get on the government dole"
Who is to blame that there are anchor babies? How long has congress had to change that law?
So now I am a right winger? Originally Posted by i'va biggen

You are a liberal, progressive, communist, fabian socialist, union thug, Ozombie loving "INDEPENDENT" piece of shit...

So NO, you are not a "right winger". Got it?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You quote a poem by Emma Lazarus....that just happens to have been put on the statue but really has nothing to do with our laws.

Why don't you quote Sherman's 40 acres and a mule speech. Just as valid.
  • DSK
  • 07-05-2015, 06:32 PM
So now I am a right winger? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You stupid fuck, right wingers are the only things preventing complete chaos. Without us, you would be overrun by faggots, commies, Muslims, beggars, single moms on handouts, black nationalists, 10 person Mexican families getting massive government benefits and creating gang warfare, criminals on the street instead of in jail, and cops who would go to jail for making arrests. Conservatives work and pay taxes that moochers receive.

Why Asians don't vote for Republicans is totally beyond me.

Why conservatives aren't peacefully rebelling against the tyranny of this government must be brainwashing about patriotism.

I was at a Fourth of July parade yesterday and when the military honor guard came by I did not salute or remove my hat. I'll never salute that flag unless they turn it upside down to symbolize distress. That I buy into - not this current mess you modern liberals have created.

On a side note, I cried for the mothers and fathers whose sons died for this country. What a horrible and tragic waste to die in a useless war in the Middle East where we shouldn't be fighting and killing them or getting killed by them.
Who is to blame that there are anchor babies? How long has congress had to change that law? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
It will take nothing less than a Constitutional Amendment, and I don't see that happening.

Just a question. Is there another Country on the Planet that has a similar law, ie, just get across the border, drop the kid, and your set for life?
It will take nothing less than a Constitutional Amendment, and I don't see that happening.

Just a question. Is there another Country on the Planet that has a similar law, ie, just get across the border, drop the kid, and your set for life? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Who is to blame that there are anchor babies? How long has congress had to change that law? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You quote a poem by Emma Lazarus....that just happens to have been put on the statue but really has nothing to do with our laws.

Why don't you quote Sherman's 40 acres and a mule speech. Just as valid. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Why don't you find something else to piss and moan about judy.
You are a liberal, progressive, communist, fabian socialist, union thug, Ozombie loving "INDEPENDENT" piece of shit...

So NO, you are not a "right winger". Got it? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You stupid fuck, right wingers are the only things preventing complete chaos. Without us, you would be overrun by faggots, commies, Muslims, beggars, single moms on handouts, black nationalists, 10 person Mexican families getting massive government benefits and creating gang warfare, criminals on the street instead of in jail, and cops who would go to jail for making arrests. Conservatives work and pay taxes that moochers receive.

Why Asians don't vote for Republicans is totally beyond me.

Why conservatives aren't peacefully rebelling against the tyranny of this government must be brainwashing about patriotism.

I was at a Fourth of July parade yesterday and when the military honor guard came by I did not salute or remove my hat. I'll never salute that flag unless they turn it upside down to symbolize distress. That I buy into - not this current mess you modern liberals have created.

On a side note, I cried for the mothers and fathers whose sons died for this country. What a horrible and tragic waste to die in a useless war in the Middle East where we shouldn't be fighting and killing them or getting killed by them. Originally Posted by DSK
You two dimoturds are the dumbest fucks here.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It is your piss and moan thread EVA.
No judy, it was a comment on how much things have changed in the USA, Went over most heads.