A VERY special Club to be In

AtomicHawk's Avatar

I really hope that this club I just joined is exclusive and only a few have made it through the Rite Of Passage...and as I write this, I realize that there must be another level beyond what I just experienced, but let's leave that for the end.

Ladies and Gentlemen...I am now a member of the 'The EX walking in right in the middle of FUCKING'.

And yes, I am SURE it was the EX. And no, it was not a setup, nor a way of saying 'your one hour is up'.

The best part, besides the fact that no one got hit, is that all I could think of was 'I do NOT want to get into a fight with another dude while I am nude and have a raging hard-on'. That would be way too fucking GAY!!! What if there was a video? How do I explain that I am throwing down with a grey headed big boy with quite the protruding tummy? While I am naked... Wearing a condom... And ERECT??? I can just bet that there is a brand of gay porn out there that starts with that as the intro scene.

So...my time was up regardless...and in fact we had gone a touch over. Big boy EX was told firmly to LEAVE. No matter how hard he tried to get my name, he never got it, and he didn't REALLY care that I existed. I did keep hearing him say 'I thought you said your pussy didn't work anymore'. I believe that he was truly ultra pissed that his former lady could still not only enjoy sex, but even WANTED IT BADLY...just not with him. I think only finding her with another woman would have been the only thing more damaging to his pride.

And she kicked him out shortly after I left, and made sure this time she had the DAMN KEY. I will be seeing her again, because she did what I liked, she didn't set it up, and she took control of the situation. I had time to calmly dress and mosey my way on out.

Life is FREAKING AWESOME. And I got to join a new club.

Now then...the only club's with a higher degree of difficulty would be:

1) Got caught fucking by the SPOUSE (no EX status at all)
2) Got caught fucking by Mom (extra status if it is your own mother)
3) I do not even want to know what could be worse than the two listed above...
guest031812's Avatar
LOL... Im glad you enjoy such an adrenaline rush but that doesn't sound fun to me!
Budman's Avatar
If you can keep an erection while wrestling with a dude you are gay. Glad you didn't have to find out.
Yikes scary! I always get scared doing out-calls to a house, I'm always thinking what if the SO comes home early...

Glad it all worked out for you!
AtomicHawk's Avatar

I really thought that this had happened to more members of the board...or if not the exact same thing...close in-bred cousins-like situations.

I remember one of the established providers saying once that she had to make a mad and very nude, dash out the back patio with her dress in one hand and high heels in the other when the SO came back early from a conference.

And then there was Nikki who had an EX B/F stalking her apartment and confronting any guys who went up to her door.

Yeah, that was all years ago in the ASPD days, but I still thought that others would have something similar occur.

And again, since it was truly the EX, and not someone with a legitimate claim to cry foul over...that fundamentaly changed the situation.

I have had something like this happen in my personal life, well away from the hobby world, where a guy was PISSED that I was seeing his EX of 6 months. He still had not let go and wanted to know what I was doing leaving her apartment. I was very flipiant with him...cause I really don't like stalkers.

I just really felt that with the numbers of hobbyists and providers, and the fact that chaos abounds in the hobby world, that more situations like this would have occurred.

But it is also good that the Club is exclusive, because in my situation there was no viloence, and no emergency calls had to be made. The Lady was Safe, I was Safe, and no names were given nor exchanged. Nor license plates copied down.

I am still so very glad that I didn't have to go for a VERY LITERAL 'Rear Naked Choke'. Again...the Gayness factor would have been overwhelming
budman33's Avatar
wow, this reminds me of the movie skin deep where there are dueling light-sabers ' ie. two dudes in a glow in the dark condom brawl"

Britttany_love's Avatar
Another reason why its not good to hobby where you live.
If you can keep an erection while wrestling with a dude you are gay. Glad you didn't have to find out. Originally Posted by Budman
That's a club I dare not want to join.

I'm a member of the "Having a leg over with y'r Girlfriend's mafted Divorced mum, secretly on the side" club. Joined when I was a lad in the old school. THAT was e're the dog's bollocks year....
He sounds hot. You should have throat fucked him.
Luckily it hasn't happened to me but it did happen to my brother when he was married.

He was living in Vegas at the time. His wife came home early from work to find him half naked in the living room and the provider in the shower. Somehow my brother managed to convince her that the lady was a friend of one of his guy friends and the guy had just left. It worked though. No hair pulling or drama.

When she told me the story she was just baffled as to why my brother had to drive her home and not the boyfriend. Wierder things have happened.
This hits too close to home for me!!!

I won't be joining this club anytime soon
Whew, I can't see any win in that! I'd rather save the adrenaline for me and the gentleman I'm enjoying. I love it when sex ends up on the chandelier.
did you get to cum? or was the excitement satisfying enough for you?
AtomicHawk's Avatar
Just for the record, when I wrote this post, I was really expecting that others would have had variations of the same experience. Perhaps just the dreaded phone call of 'Hey Hun...I am heading home early'. Or again, extra status points if it was 'Hey Son/Daughter, we flew into town to surprise you'.

Even the neighbor coming to the door to tell you that your dog got loose and was roaming the neighborhood?

Maintenance team you have been waiting for a month to come by and fix the non functioning stove and your session had just started.

No one else has any extremely surprising, possibly mortifying, or just outright damn funny interuption stories?

Here is one more from the personal world. A lady I was seeing and getting serious with, we had finally gotten to 'The Night' and literally, LITERALLY, as I was entering her for the VERY FIRST TIME, her phone rang. No big deal, we both ignored it, even though I asked if she needed to answer it. An hour or so later, after we were both spent and relaxing, she decided to check her voicemail and it was her MOM talking about how much she did not like me, and was hoping that I was no longer in the picture. How the hell did MOM sense that I had just joined with her princess for the first time? That is SUPER Mom-Dar.

Did it break the moment? Nope, but it damn sure could have if the phone had been answered.

did you get to cum? or was the excitement satisfying enough for you? Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
My one hour was already up and past. I was on bonus time since I had spent part of my hour pleasuring her and giving a top notch massage. Well, the technical term was Swedish Massage. I call it 'Oppurtunistic Groping'.

So, yes, I had had my cake, and was eating it too, when the door surprisingly opened and my presence was questioned. Have you ever considered how LOUD it is in a quiet room when a guy stands up and pulls off the condom and it goes POP!!! Awkward

This hits too close to home for me!!!

I won't be joining this club anytime soon Originally Posted by CupOfJava
Ambigious statment...?

Something like this had happened? Or just no way in hell are you letting your home become the battlefied?

Any chace you almost joined one of the MUCH more exclusive clubs? It sounds like there might be only be one or two people in all of Austin allowed in the VIP section.

I do agree that it is a far better choice to hobby outside of everyone's home, except that I really hate giving $$$ to the hotel that could be going to the Lady.

And choosing a very low cost rendezvous point just takes away from the moment. Catch 22. I guess the only answer is to be so overflowing with funding that it is all just a drop in the bucket.

Or...there is always the CAR.

As for the fun in posting, I had hell getting the Multi-quote to work. Took a bit to make it happen. Need the ECCIE posting for Dummies illustrated work book...in technicolor.