C’est un au revoir!

Victoriajolie's Avatar
I changed my trip from Memphis to Louisville to come AK
I use to drive but don’t as my driver license is expired and I’m stuck (technically in your country for the safety of my family that live with me )
I paid 300$ from Memphis about to pay 400$ to Kansas MO I pay for my hotels and get guys questioning if I kiss what’s my fee and my weight...I never had such cold pathetic approach toward me when have reviews here on theT.e.R T.n.a erotic monkey I could go on...It’s my last day tomorrow and I don’t expect anything as so far it has been so insulting
Not sure what I did any of you but I sure wouldn’t encourage co-worker to visit : my fees are fair & im not a greedy person
For the people saying oh too far ..well I just did 200/300miles away...
I hope you guys in Arkansas find what you’re looking for no ladies standing you out or treathening you
I wish you guys the best but I think tomorrow will be the “au revoir et à jamais “ i never done that anywhere
I’ve been a pioneer to a lot of area in Canada & USA where I refer my ladies friends to go
I hope everyone have a wonderful happy new year !
I’m out
Bisous Victoria
Happy new year !
BabyDallass's Avatar
I'm sorry Arkansas guys were not nice to you you for sure just had all the bad apples contact you. We have lots of good men here, sorry the ass oles made you feel that way. Nothing is more aggravating than a wasted tour trip. I hope your next tour destination is much better love!
I definitely don’t ever consider Memphis as Arkansas
Victoriajolie's Avatar
I definitely don’t ever consider Memphis as Arkansas Originally Posted by ShakeNFake
I was mentioning my travel expense from Memphis to Arkansas (I’m from Montreal Canada btw).
I know my English writing isn’t great but I’m confuse by the comment

It seem some Arkansas guys wanted to give me a better taste of my visit ..I want to thank you ...You know who you are ....
I may reconsider a visit : with the advices that was given.It was very insightful
Been from Canada & only toured Arkansas about 5 times over the years ..They are things you don’t know that happen behind the scene so to speak.
Merci encore ! To those that made my trip a better experience & those that decide to see me...Hopefully I will get to see some same lovely guys
Victoria Jolie
Exchequer's Avatar
I was mentioning my travel expense from Memphis to Arkansas (I’m from Montreal Canada btw).
I know my English writing isn’t great but I’m confuse by the comment

It seem some Arkansas guys wanted to give me a better taste of my visit ..I want to thank you ...You know who you are ....
I may reconsider a visit : with the advices that was given.It was very insightful
Been from Canada & only toured Arkansas about 5 times over the years ..They are things you don’t know that happen behind the scene so to speak.
Merci encore ! To those that made my trip a better experience & those that decide to see me...Hopefully I will get to see some same lovely guys
Victoria Jolie Originally Posted by Victoriajolie
Dang it! See what happens when I leave on holiday! I'll try to do a better job in the future, keeping my eyes open for you!

T’es belle comme un p’tit coeur!

PS: AK is Alaska and AR is Arkansas. No worries, everyone in the US gets that confused!
Victoriajolie's Avatar
Dang AR instead Ak a blonde moment !!
Merci pour le compliment ! Bisous VJ
I’m disappointed that you were treated poorly in Arkansas. I did my best to back you up on the clients who I was a reference for, who didn’t treat you well. I don’t condone the way they played games with you... wasting your time, double booking, etc. and like I told both of them and you, I will not be a reference for them in the future because of their behavior.

My biggest disappointment is your reception to ugly rumors, that supposedly clients didn’t see you because of your friendship with me. Honestly, I call bullshit on that. It’s nothing more than a bullying tactic by select people who have their own issues & ulterior motives with me. That’s definitely not accurate… Slave Guinevere and I are very close & she’s very vocal about our friendship, yet her schedule is full every time she comes to town.

In addition, the last time you were in town and I let you stay with me in my home to save you money & help you recover from your two previous cities that went bad, you had no shortage of clients — because I contacted all my clients and set you up with them to help you recover from your losses. So it’s ironic and unappreciative to me that you would insinuate that I cost you clients, when I’ve done nothing but provide you with them. In normal circumstances, that is bending over backwards. Add to that I was in quarantine at the time and wasn’t even seeing clients myself. I took a lot of risk to help you.

The truth is it is the holiday season and we are in the middle of a pandemic with many people already struggling financially. Things are slow for everyone right now. After all I’ve done for you, I don’t appreciate the ease with which you were willing to blame me for your problems.

No hard feelings. I appreciate you showing me your true colors. Saves me time and energy on investing in a relationship that is one-sided. Wish you the best on your future tours.
Trinity Kane's Avatar
Ginger has always helped me and sent clients my way. Actually she IS the reason I know the hobby, screening methods etc as well as I do. She mentored me and has been a great friend all the way around.

As far as the double booking attempt by the client, when I found out ab what he was doing I chose to not see him so you could. GD was telling me about all your traveling expenses etc and bc I'm from here I stepped back so your trip would be beneficial. Not bc I was asked to but bc I understand the expenses. She spoke very highly of you actually.
Victoriajolie's Avatar
The person who has attacked me on this thread, Miss Doll is trying to lie and slander my name to others. I know her very well and her character, I could easily turn this ugly and attack her with things that would be true but I don’t want to. I’d rather have the thread deleted to avoid more drama

She continues to lie and pretend like she has been a good friend but her post proves that she isn’t a good friend by trying to attack me. The truth is, she hurt my business because several guys who have seen her didn’t want to see me after they found out we were “friends” even though I have nothing to do with the way she treats her clients.

While there may have been miscommunication between us, it is not fair that I am being posted about things in a thread that belongs in private. I have not retaliated and won’t engage in an online war but I also won’t let my name be slandered because I do have an excellent reputation on so many boards and in different states. Per the guideline of this board I guess I have no choice but to say my final word and ask mods to lock my tread. I really tried to keep peace & quiet by asking the tread to be remove

I kindly requested that this post be removed to end this drama but since that apparently isn’t possible then let’s me share facts:

-It's amazing how this lady always makes it about herself when this post wasn't intended for her.There me myself and Irene & there is herself herself &Ginger . Instead of jumping on here to attack me you should just let people figure things out by themselves. Like a bad marriage there are always 3 versions, his , hers and the truth.

Trinity I probably suspect she asked you to post as a friend, because she has asked me in the past to give her stars & to get involved in her drama ..which I did as I thought she was a friend and I was just trying to be a friend

You don't know what she says about you & as far as that client which she gave me as a reference I backed down as I don't like double booking and I already got myself from Memphis to Little Rock & it seem that transportation was the issue for you(people are surprise I Uber myself )

She tried to make it seem like she helped me out by letting me stay at her place, and while I appreciated the gesture, I never asked her for that she was the one insisting I stay at her place since she was not working. I didn’t need to stay at her place as I already was at a hotel. What type of friend supposedly helps their friend and then throws it back in their face?

I have been to Arkansas over the years and before I met miss Doll actually did very well for myself here. It’s the reason why I returned. I don’t understand why she tries to pretend like I wouldn’t have any clients if she didn’t help me. I have done very well in Arkansas long before I met miss Doll, so that’s not true. I also pay miss Doll on appointments.

-Miss Doll received 2 cancelations fees out from two gents who saw her and took issue with that. Those two gents contacted me directly as I was her friend. I stood by her told them they needed to make it right, because that’s what a real friend would do.

One of those gents did but he decided he just wanted all this to be over and didn’t book with me after he paid the cancelation fee to her. I guess in his mind I was guilty by association to her .

She then referred me to a client whom she overcharged and told me " he won't know as he hasn't seen your website or rates on boards"

As for me putting her at risk she tried to make me feel guilty saying that after I left Staff Edit - Biomed1, I jokingly told her that maybe it was because she smokes a pack and half a day

Miss Doll commented on my financial issues, well maybe she doesn't understand that touring can be expensive, that I have to pay for hotels transportation and my place back home and bills, so I have several expenses every month. Plus, I don’t have someone paying for my truck ...hmm wait how did that happen again? He paid and then changed his mind ???

This past trip miss Doll and I had a convo after she posted on my page she missed me I was set to go from Louisville to Memphis ads went up and I even had some requests for rendez vous .During the convos I mentioned that I know people are with family during Christmas as I was trying to figure where to go after Louisville .She told me “ girl come to my place and spend Christmas with me”. So, I changed my tour schedule buying ads( miss doll knew I can’t fly as I'm in the process of renewing my passport), then I had a weird vibe as she wasn't really responding to my texts just before I arrived in Arkansas. She finally told me that family showed up unexpectedly and I thought oh okay it happens no biggie I just needed to adjust my tour.

On the 24th the day of my arrival to Little Rock she was driving to Kansas to pick up furniture she let me know by the 26th that the family was gone and suggested we can do duos and even suggested to join me on tour to Kansas

Christmas Day I send her my wishes nothing (meanwhile I see her posting here and on Facebook ) I didn't hear from miss doll until I got to Kansas. She told me “girl nothing personal I just got sick”.

Somehow in that time she was able to use her fingers to post selfies and post on the board but couldn’t use those same fingers to text me a friend that is from Canada just miles away for her a whole week? Does the “girl nothing personal” response make any sense to anyone after she didn’t attempt to contact me for several days because “she was sick” but during that same time she was posting selfies and posting on the board? SMH.

She posted on this thread which I asked her not to.. I wanted to avoid drama.

During my trip clients that saw me told me that if they had known she was my friend they would have passed on me. Putting the dots together with what those clients said and the client that passed on me and paid miss Doll her cancellation fee because he wanted to see me, but then decided not to see me because he wanted nothing to do with her and I was her friend.

I tried to avoid a scene and work as that week I got under instead of having overhead. But miss doll had time to text me and dig into my Twitter to find a post "guilty by association " . She sent me a screenshot. She called me names and said I was an opportunist with no integrity, this from the same person who hasn’t been honest with me from the beginning and couldn’t text me but had time to post selfies. Has she looked in the mirror? Who is the opportunist with no integrity?

To my knowledge people see me or continue to see me because they genuinely like me Not because they are scared of me because I threaten them, like miss Doll who threatens to show up to their door steps, because she says “Yeah they are afraid me and know not to fuck with me” and self proclaims herself to be the queen of Arkansas

She also said quote Victoria I'm smart, Oh I don't deny that ..it take a smart lady to manipulate people around her also she knows Eccie guideline like a bible

Oh one other thing she called me weak that was the reason people didn't book...hmm you mean honest and because I stood by a so called friend to my own detriment?

I honestly didn't want to go there but it seems you won't let go and post on my comment and make it about yourself and how you only wanted to help.

I've been in business for more than a decade in Canada all states, except for West Virginia. I have been to Europe Uk and I can say that I may not be the queen of Arkansas but I have a good reputation everywhere I go because I treat people right. I'm not burned in all those places I toured, that doesn't seem to be the case for miss Doll

Yes miss doll you are a smart lady, or should I say opportunistic and even conniving trying to turn my post about on you and pitié how you are the victim. But you are no victim, you like to attack others and stab them in their back. I wonder if the other girls in Arkansas know that you call most of them some things that I’m not allow as it goes against the guideline

I really tried to avoid this but somehow miss Doll was extremely driven after my departure to go get dirty… I hope it was worth it
administration I may not met your guidelines rules as I don’t know them to the T
If I did most welcome to five me a warning
My first wish was to be the bigger person and get the post remove but apparently it wasn’t an option
At least now people know what actually happened and know I dissociate myself from this person ..which I really though was a friend never I tough she would go insisting personal aspect because she is made I distanced myself after that shawinigan
I post this not to get a online fight but put facts
Again mod you feel to ban of give me infraction it’s okay I can live with it I just tried to defend my carater plus my life isn’t on Eccie
Je tire ma reference madame and you call me La reine Victoria
I won’t get bully and roll on my back
I do plan to come back as I met some wonderful people and also after my original post
Which seem to be tainted
Au revoir et à la prochaine
Bisous Victoria
You posted this thread seeking drama, referring to things said about me behind the scenes and advice you received from clients, which directly correlated with your post attacking me on twitter... insinuating that your association with me cost you clients. If you didn’t want drama, you wouldn’t have posted this thread to begin with.

Now you’re posting personal things about me, my family, medical situations related to me getting sick, Covid tests, lies about private situations with clients, on and on... That’s totally inappropriate.

My post was factual, addressing your accusations. Yours is simply more attacks. If you want to disassociate from someone, then do it. No need to take out a billboard and bring outsiders into it.
taxmaster1998@gmail.com's Avatar
You said "I could easily turn this ugly and attack her" well you did just that in the post, isn't it?
you said "I’d rather have the thread deleted to avoid more drama" and then you go on

Its ammusing how "avoid more drama" is followed by 4 pages of "untheatrical" as you call it...
Girl, I wish I could send you some chill pill, which you really need, with all due respect. (please I say with all due respect. Appreciate you don't take it wrong way and send out retaliatory post!)

4 pages of slandering does good to no-one dear.... I hope You move on and Doll don't take it personally and move on too... peace be upon both of you...
Fr8nk&Bnz's Avatar
Wow!! Glad to see you standing up for yourself.

Tbh its like a broken record that just keeps going "on and on and on and on".
Bravo! About time someone put the bully in her place, and most everyone here I'm sure found themselves nodding in agreement while reading the things you said, maybe other than her minions, as you noted.

The person who has attacked me on this thread, Miss Doll is trying to lie and slander my name to others. I know her very well and her character, I could easily turn this ugly and attack her with things that would be true but I don’t want to. I’d rather have the thread deleted to avoid more drama

She continues to lie and pretend like she has been a good friend but her post proves that she isn’t a good friend by trying to attack me. The truth is, she hurt my business because several guys who have seen her didn’t want to see me after they found out we were “friends” even though I have nothing to do with the way she treats her clients.

While there may have been miscommunication between us, it is not fair that I am being posted about things in a thread that belongs in private. I have not retaliated and won’t engage in an online war but I also won’t let my name be slandered because I do have an excellent reputation on so many boards and in different states. Per the guideline of this board I guess I have no choice but to say my final word and ask mods to lock my tread. I really tried to keep peace & quiet by asking the tread to be remove

I kindly requested that this post be removed to end this drama but since that apparently isn’t possible then let’s me share facts:

-It's amazing how this lady always makes it about herself when this post wasn't intended for her.There me myself and Irene & there is herself herself &Ginger . Instead of jumping on here to attack me you should just let people figure things out by themselves. Like a bad marriage there are always 3 versions, his , hers and the truth.

Trinity I probably suspect she asked you to post as a friend, because she has asked me in the past to give her stars & to get involved in her drama ..which I did as I thought she was a friend and I was just trying to be a friend

You don't know what she says about you & as far as that client which she gave me as a reference I backed down as I don't like double booking and I already got myself from Memphis to Little Rock & it seem that transportation was the issue for you(people are surprise I Uber myself )

She tried to make it seem like she helped me out by letting me stay at her place, and while I appreciated the gesture, I never asked her for that she was the one insisting I stay at her place since she was not working. I didn’t need to stay at her place as I already was at a hotel. What type of friend supposedly helps their friend and then throws it back in their face?

I have been to Arkansas over the years and before I met miss Doll actually did very well for myself here. It’s the reason why I returned. I don’t understand why she tries to pretend like I wouldn’t have any clients if she didn’t help me. I have done very well in Arkansas long before I met miss Doll, so that’s not true. I also pay miss Doll on appointments.

-Miss Doll received 2 cancelations fees out from two gents who saw her and took issue with that. Those two gents contacted me directly as I was her friend. I stood by her told them they needed to make it right, because that’s what a real friend would do.

One of those gents did but he decided he just wanted all this to be over and didn’t book with me after he paid the cancelation fee to her. I guess in his mind I was guilty by association to her .

She then referred me to a client whom she overcharged and told me " he won't know as he hasn't seen your website or rates on boards"

As for me putting her at risk she tried to make me feel guilty saying that after I left Staff Edit - Biomed1, I jokingly told her that maybe it was because she smokes a pack and half a day

Miss Doll commented on my financial issues, well maybe she doesn't understand that touring can be expensive, that I have to pay for hotels transportation and my place back home and bills, so I have several expenses every month. Plus, I don’t have someone paying for my truck ...hmm wait how did that happen again? He paid and then changed his mind ???

This past trip miss Doll and I had a convo after she posted on my page she missed me I was set to go from Louisville to Memphis ads went up and I even had some requests for rendez vous .During the convos I mentioned that I know people are with family during Christmas as I was trying to figure where to go after Louisville .She told me “ girl come to my place and spend Christmas with me”. So, I changed my tour schedule buying ads( miss doll knew I can’t fly as I'm in the process of renewing my passport), then I had a weird vibe as she wasn't really responding to my texts just before I arrived in Arkansas. She finally told me that family showed up unexpectedly and I thought oh okay it happens no biggie I just needed to adjust my tour.

On the 24th the day of my arrival to Little Rock she was driving to Kansas to pick up furniture she let me know by the 26th that the family was gone and suggested we can do duos and even suggested to join me on tour to Kansas

Christmas Day I send her my wishes nothing (meanwhile I see her posting here and on Facebook ) I didn't hear from miss doll until I got to Kansas. She told me “girl nothing personal I just got sick”.

Somehow in that time she was able to use her fingers to post selfies and post on the board but couldn’t use those same fingers to text me a friend that is from Canada just miles away for her a whole week? Does the “girl nothing personal” response make any sense to anyone after she didn’t attempt to contact me for several days because “she was sick” but during that same time she was posting selfies and posting on the board? SMH.

She posted on this thread which I asked her not to.. I wanted to avoid drama.

During my trip clients that saw me told me that if they had known she was my friend they would have passed on me. Putting the dots together with what those clients said and the client that passed on me and paid miss Doll her cancellation fee because he wanted to see me, but then decided not to see me because he wanted nothing to do with her and I was her friend.

I tried to avoid a scene and work as that week I got under instead of having overhead. But miss doll had time to text me and dig into my Twitter to find a post "guilty by association " . She sent me a screenshot. She called me names and said I was an opportunist with no integrity, this from the same person who hasn’t been honest with me from the beginning and couldn’t text me but had time to post selfies. Has she looked in the mirror? Who is the opportunist with no integrity?

To my knowledge people see me or continue to see me because they genuinely like me Not because they are scared of me because I threaten them, like miss Doll who threatens to show up to their door steps, because she says “Yeah they are afraid me and know not to fuck with me” and self proclaims herself to be the queen of Arkansas

She also said quote Victoria I'm smart, Oh I don't deny that ..it take a smart lady to manipulate people around her also she knows Eccie guideline like a bible

Oh one other thing she called me weak that was the reason people didn't book...hmm you mean honest and because I stood by a so called friend to my own detriment?

I honestly didn't want to go there but it seems you won't let go and post on my comment and make it about yourself and how you only wanted to help.

I've been in business for more than a decade in Canada all states, except for West Virginia. I have been to Europe Uk and I can say that I may not be the queen of Arkansas but I have a good reputation everywhere I go because I treat people right. I'm not burned in all those places I toured, that doesn't seem to be the case for miss Doll

Yes miss doll you are a smart lady, or should I say opportunistic and even conniving trying to turn my post about on you and pitié how you are the victim. But you are no victim, you like to attack others and stab them in their back. I wonder if the other girls in Arkansas know that you call most of them some things that I’m not allow as it goes against the guideline

I really tried to avoid this but somehow miss Doll was extremely driven after my departure to go get dirty… I hope it was worth it
administration I may not met your guidelines rules as I don’t know them to the T
If I did most welcome to five me a warning
My first wish was to be the bigger person and get the post remove but apparently it wasn’t an option
At least now people know what actually happened and know I dissociate myself from this person ..which I really though was a friend never I tough she would go insisting personal aspect because she is made I distanced myself after that shawinigan
I post this not to get a online fight but put facts
Again mod you feel to ban of give me infraction it’s okay I can live with it I just tried to defend my carater plus my life isn’t on Eccie
Je tire ma reference madame and you call me La reine Victoria
I won’t get bully and roll on my back
I do plan to come back as I met some wonderful people and also after my original post
Which seem to be tainted
Au revoir et à la prochaine
Bisous Victoria Originally Posted by Victoriajolie
You posted this thread seeking drama, referring to things said about me behind the scenes and advice you received from clients, which directly correlated with your post attacking me on twitter... insinuating that your association with me cost you clients. If you didn’t want drama, you wouldn’t have posted this thread to begin with.

Now you’re posting personal things about me, my family, medical situations related to me getting sick, Covid tests, lies about private situations with clients, on and on... That’s totally inappropriate.

My post was factual, addressing your accusations. Yours is simply more attacks. If you want to disassociate from someone, then do it. No need to take out a billboard and bring outsiders into it. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
She said nothing about you in her original post. You were the one who went on attack in your response and made yourself out as a victim when she responded.

Obviously you recognized yourself in her subsequent "behind the scenes" comment which is why you attacked.

Even for someone who reaches out to all the new girls in the area to tell them to raise their rates in the guise of friendship but really to reduce her own competition (yeah, they talk about it), that's pretty low.
You said "I could easily turn this ugly and attack her" well you did just that in the post, isn't it?
you said "I’d rather have the thread deleted to avoid more drama" and then you go on

Its ammusing how "avoid more drama" is followed by 4 pages of "untheatrical" as you call it...
Girl, I wish I could send you some chill pill, which you really need, with all due respect. (please I say with all due respect. Appreciate you don't take it wrong way and send out retaliatory post!)

4 pages of slandering does good to no-one dear.... I hope You move on and Doll don't take it personally and move on too... peace be upon both of you... Originally Posted by taxmaster1998@gmail.com
Clearly someone has drunk the (Ginger-flavored) Kool-Aid.