my closest BROs and Michelle told me Rick Perry would never run!!!

greenhorn1960's Avatar
He still has to outlast the rest of the canidates. But he would get my vote, if he can endure.
Precious_b's Avatar
Be like a cloned GB to me.
Gladman's Avatar
Be like a cloned GB to me. Originally Posted by Precious_b
If Obama supporters think that, they will definitely "misunderestimate" Perry.

By the way, unlike what the leftwingnuts might think, the Perry camp and the W camp are not best of friends (Rodram, you can check out the latest TX gubernatorial campaign for that source).
oshins's Avatar
Nah, they didn't play well together.

For me Perry is a non-starter. ANY candidate associated with the religious right is never going to get my vote. I vehemently believe they have the right to worship/believe whatever they want. The same can not be said for them.

Mohandas Gandhi:
I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

Albert Einstein:
A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be.
As far as I'm concerned, I prefer silent vice to ostentatious virtue.
Precious_b's Avatar
Being, as one media person described him, *thin skinned*, I would put that down as a negative.

You throw your hat in the ring, toughen up and meet the hard Q&A. Don't duck it.

I remember him trying to dictate how a debate was suppose to go in the past. You don't do that. But than again, alot of contenders try to do that. I write those ones off.
oshins's Avatar
Along the same line, whats with all the complaining about 'gotcha' questions?

Seems to me if someone asks a question that you don't know the answer to, or choose to make shit up instead of saying 'good question, I'll look into that', I as a voter sure as hell want to know.

Bachmann and Paling are both frequent fliers on 'gotcha question' airlines, although looks like Newt signed up for membership as well.

I like the gotcha question definition at urban dictionary :
Any question that former Vice-Presidential nominee Sarah Palin is too stupid to answer.
JMcB's Avatar
  • JMcB
  • 08-13-2011, 09:56 PM
That means there are A LOT of gotcha questions ... She (along with Bachmann and Newt) would not do well on the game show "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?" LOL
PaganGuy's Avatar
maybe he' win, and go to DC, and make them seceed from the union.. considerably raising the average IQ of the rest of the country
Precious_b's Avatar
Good one, Pagan. :-)
oshins's Avatar
The secession thing makes me wonder how Perry (and his camp) think that will go over with the rest of the country.

'... vote for Perry, he no longer advocates states leaving the union...'
oldtiger's Avatar
I think there is going to be a lot of "Is this Bush 2.0" thought going through voters minds. I doubt he even ends up with the Republican nomination. Also, slightly tangential, how do you feel about paying this guy (or anyone else who holds the position) to be the chief executive of the state and knowing he's going to be devoting a LOT of time & energy to matters of not what we're paying him for?
greenhorn1960's Avatar
If Obama supporters think that, they will definitely "misunderestimate" Perry.

By the way, unlike what the leftwingnuts might think, the Perry camp and the W camp are not best of friends (Rodram, you can check out the latest TX gubernatorial campaign for that source). Originally Posted by Gladman
Thats exactly right. Have not been on the best of terms for years.
oshins's Avatar
Also, slightly tangential, how do you feel about paying this guy (or anyone else who holds the position) to be the chief executive of the state and knowing he's going to be devoting a LOT of time & energy to matters of not what we're paying him for? Originally Posted by oldtiger
Completely agree, I have held for a long time that if you devote yourself to running for another office, you should have to vacate your current office as a condition of the former.
collegegirlforyou's Avatar
Alright, I know i'm just a provider on this site and my thoughts aren't what people are interested in. LOL. However, i have to throw some college girl in put on this topic primarily out of sheer boredom and contempt for misrepresented ideas.

First off i will say that I am a true blue believer of this country, and think its still the best representation of freedom in the world. A bright shining beacon of hope in a despondent and relatively dismal world. (If anyone disagrees please write to the U.N. and tell them to stop making the United states of America enforce all of the United Nations sanctions on other countries )

Now I will say i'm a Perry supporter for a plethora of reasons but most of all because i need a candidate that is going to be a politician. (Politician being the lesser of two evils in this case LOL) I do not want a celebrity wannabe in office any longer. I have no use for a man who talks about popular music and goes on David Letterman to appeal to a younger base. I'm not too keen on the way politicians act in any regard, but it is my belief a "hip" politician is more dangerous then a stick in the mud.

As far as being a "George Bush Clone"......I guess if all you need for that comment is that they are both from Texas, you are right. LOL The Perry camp and Bush Administration were not close buddies It does have a good ring to it if we are only trying to sum up political issues with one or two word phrases such as "thin skinned". I'm still hoping that most Americans don't give too much credence to popular media personalities.

As far as using a Gandhi quote to villianize Christians is a tad naive. Let me explain: Gandhi was possibly the worlds most famous pacifist even though he encouraged other Indians to support and serve the British military in the Zulu war of 1906 in a attempt for them to secure citizenship. In other words supporting war when it works for you, supporting peace when it works for you. Hey, he was only human and i dig some of his cultural ideas, but he was not above hypocrisy. No religion is completely tolerant 100% of the time but its been my understanding that that is on part of the man following the religion as we are all not as tolerant as we would wish a lot of times. In short...Don't blame a religious orientation blame the man whose values have been compromised. I see very very little difference between the religious right and the agnostic/atheist left. Same level of discrimination on different topics and using different buzz words.

OK so i made my little rant. Again this is just my opinion so don't attack or beat me up over this. Just wanted to throw some info out there for the reading. America's fundamental future depends on us being able to discuss ideas in a calm rational manner. Thanks all and have a great week. Be safe and take care.

P.S. God Bless Our Troops!!!!!!!!!!!!