Star Motel in S. Dallas was okay

I probably won't post a review because Juicy has been one of my "go to's" for several years. However, she is now living in S. Dallas and not up off of 635/Forest.

So she texted that she wanted to meet and we planned to meet at the Linfield Motel but she changed it to the Star Motel. Met with her and gave her 40 for the room. She got it and we did the deed. I think the 40 is good for 10 hours; we only need 45 minutes. (Don't bust my balls, I am a 1 pop guy.)

Anyway, it seemed safe enough at 1:00 in the afternoon. As I was leaving there seemed to be an influx of gold tooth guys and pimp rides. Did not bother me but just letting you know. Juicy is not managed and I have been seeing her for 4+ years so no worries with her. I would meet at the Star again in the daytime, for anyone who has previously asked about hourly motels.

If you want info on Juicy I will text her and get her okay to put it out there as I think she is UTR. Be advised she is 7 months pregnant, be that good or bad.
This post was meant to convey information to those who have requested motels by the hour. To clarify, the 40 is for the room, not Juicy's rate, and I think you get 5 back when you return the TV remote and room key.

I had 4 - 5 PM's asking for information on Juicy so here is her latest post.
Goose2u's Avatar
And how much if you want clean sheets ��
blackmaleindallas's Avatar
Is there a mirror on the ceiling above the bed? That's the only way I know I'm at a classy joint...