This may be a little weird

JohnBoyjrh's Avatar
The ladies out there probably have a better view, no pun intended, of this than the guys. Does the penis age along with the rest of the body ? That being wrinkles like the face ,arms, etc. or does a 60yo penis look pretty much like a 30yo penis ? Considering they both salute when needed. I warned y'all it was a weird question.
Yes, it ages, but not to the extent that other body parts do.
I don't know about the penis (no complaints yet) but the scrotum is defiantly effected by gravity.
I rely on the ladies here to remove the wrinkles from my aging penis. 100% natural.
LazurusLong's Avatar
As a man who is fast approaching 50, I can tell you that I've been told that if I used men's care products on my face, things like rubbing lotion into the skin after shaving, or before I head out into the sun, my skin would look much younger.

No wonder the skin on my cock looks the same as it did when I was first getting hair down there!

I've been rubbing lotion into that skin now almost daily or multiple times a day for almost 40 years!! Almost time to go apply more lotion.....
Spikebaby's Avatar
Laz......while the lotion could be a factor to your 20 year old looking Ranger....I think it probably has more to do with not exposing your junk to the sun......unless of course you have been using LOTS of sun screen!

LuckJack.....I agree with the gravity thing.....(BTW....Chevy Chase singing "Swing Low" comes to mind now....thanks for putting that haunting song AND visual in my brain!)

No wonder the skin on my cock looks the same as it did when I was first getting hair down there!

I've been rubbing lotion into that skin now almost daily or multiple times a day for almost 40 years!! Almost time to go apply more lotion..... Originally Posted by LazurusLong

Since it is the one muscle men exercise almost daily, it should hold up better than the rest. Probably why my right hand is also muscular and silky smooth.
I don't know about the penis (no complaints yet) but the scrotum is defiantly effected by gravity. Originally Posted by LuckJack
I don't have a problem with low hangers. Have these friends in Calif...he is hung like a mule...which his wife enjoys...she always jokes though that he needs a ball tuck...guess his sands of time have shifted.
The only time I can tell if a penis is aging is when it has to wear glasses to see where it is going!
Laz......while the lotion could be a factor to your 20 year old looking Ranger....I think it probably has more to do with not exposing your junk to the sun......unless of course you have been using LOTS of sun screen!

LuckJack.....I agree with the gravity thing.....(BTW....Chevy Chase singing "Swing Low" comes to mind now....thanks for putting that haunting song AND visual in my brain!)

Spikebaby Originally Posted by Spikebaby
I know an Asian provider who gave me a Chinese name "One Hung Low"
The ladies out there probably have a better view, no pun intended, of this than the guys. Does the penis age along with the rest of the body ? That being wrinkles like the face ,arms, etc. or does a 60yo penis look pretty much like a 30yo penis ? Considering they both salute when needed. I warned y'all it was a weird question. Originally Posted by JohnBoyjrh

Yes, but as long as you keep it slathered in sunscreen when it's outside and don't let it smoke, it should look good well into old age. Maybe teach it to meditate for stress reduction, you know, to reduce those eye lines.
Mine has been called the fountain of youth several times.
Vnurse, mine is past needing glasses. It needs a seeing eye dog.
CoHorn's Avatar
LuckJack, since your balls are made of brass, it could just be the weight of those babies stretching you out.
wolfeman...can't help you out with the seeing eye dog but I DO know of a kitty....ummmm...well...