Does anybody else have allergies...

bueller22's Avatar
I've been sick as a dog for the past 2 days. I don't know if it's allergies or caught a cold. Anybody else have this problem?
Yup, I'm pretty miserable right now. Probably Cedar Fever starting up.
I've had this problem for the past week. Stuffy nose and constant sneezing. I guess I need to get some more zyrtec, that's a miracle drug for me. It sure will knock you out too so take it before bed.
runswithscissors's Avatar
I've had this problem for the past week. Stuffy nose and constant sneezing. I guess I need to get some more zyrtec, that's a miracle drug for me. It sure will knock you out too so take it before bed. Originally Posted by Torchys Tacos

Why in the world would you use a local Austin business for a handle on this board?
Could it be that recent rain (during ongoing drought) has had an effect on pollen/mold counts?
richcran's Avatar
Per weather guys......mold been off the charts, cedar not hit Austin yet but probably the outlying areas, to hit Austin any time......
I work in a healthcare setting. Everyone I saw today was complaining of sinus/allergy problems and some had upper respiratory viruses. I think it's the weather too.
mastermind238's Avatar
If it weren't for Allegra, I'd be experiencing all the miserable allergy symptoms that so many others have now. Not that I'm recommending it, or offering medical advice. That would violate house rules. I'm just speaking about my own personal experience. I suffered debilitating allergies for years before I finally tried it - back when it still was still by prescription only. I had tried everything else out there, and nothing worked as well for me. But I have to start taking it before symptoms start. Once that cascade of allergic reactions starts, it takes quite a while to get it under control.
Nasonex, nettipot, and claritin always seem to help me, and I've taken it all.
mastermind238's Avatar
Nasonex, nettipot, and claritin always seem to help me, and I've taken it all. Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi
If you use a neti pot, be sure to boil the water first, or use sterile water from a reliable source. Two recent cases of deaths related to use of tap water in a neti pot. Google "brain eating amoeba."
randal69's Avatar
Nope fortunate enough not to have those,nor get sick alot.Donating body to science to see why my immune systems so fucking strong.