Trump won't go away

VitaMan's Avatar
Today 25 items on Microsoft home page. 11 of them are about Trump.

None are favorable.
texassapper's Avatar
Of course they aren't favorable... your tech overlords see him as a threat to their goals.

Obama won't go away either... who do you think is running the show behind Beijing Biden?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Sounds like Microsoft is obsessed with President Trump.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The lead headline is this.

“Seven U.S. Capitol Police officers filed a lawsuit accusing former President Donald Trump and others of being directly responsible for the deadly invasion of the Capitol on Jan. 6”

Deadly? To whom, besides an unarmed young lady?
texassapper's Avatar
The lead headline is this.

“Seven U.S. Capitol Police officers filed a lawsuit accusing former President Donald Trump and others of being directly responsible for the deadly invasion of the Capitol on Jan. 6”

Deadly? To whom, besides an unarmed young lady? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
That's going to get zero results... the FBI found that Trump had nothing to do with the Capitol trespassing... but on the upside, Discovery is going to be a FCUKING BLAST!!! We will get to see the USCP emails especially those officers who have recently killed themselves... I'm going to bet their emails have been accidently deleted. LOL... because they were probably going to tell a different story than what Pelosi is pushing...
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Either way, it’s a bullshit headline designed for the low IQ crowd, and they suck that shit up.
bambino's Avatar
The OP won’t go away. Biden set up a killing field in Kabul, but the OP is fixated on Trumps. Creepy.
  • oeb11
  • 08-26-2021, 12:35 PM
unfortunately - vm does not disappear with the fake news of the DPST disasters on Xinn.

Trump should not run again
Trump's ideas and management will return America to prosperity, freedom, and values of teh Constitution. Bill of Rights, and Equality for all under the Rule of law, With New leaders such as Cotton, DeSantis, Elder, and many others committed to a Free America.

Not marxist tyranny under Comrade Xi!

and leave the foolish DPSTs to their marxism, Trump hatred, and TDS!
So sad - so many minds wasted.
VitaMan's Avatar
If Trump would go away, the issue wouldn't have to be discussed. Unfortunately he is like a roach, popping up everywhere. Tv, rallies, tv, rallies, tv, tv (just say Fox tv).

If he was a statesman, fine. But all he is, is a self promoter. "I, I, I."
The only one left in his corner from his administration is his former press secretary.

The other items about Trump (11 total just today) are efforts to clean up the trash from his administration.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Dude your internet browser tracks what you search and recommends stuff based on your search history. All I see are car adds, shit about North Korea and Biden perpetually being a dumbass. The only place "Trump" won't go away is from your deranged mind. You're stuck in an echo chamber.

Another dopey thread like this and it's getting closed.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Same, there was just the one story I posted out of 20 or so on the front page.
texassapper's Avatar
And yet it's you that posts about him here.... you should check your wood, sir.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
OP is obsessed with the One, and his internet browser and saved accounts have caught on. Now, he's seeing 11 "Trump" stories and probably clicked every one. You'll have to clear your browsing history, log out of all of your accounts and restart your computer. Your TDS is so severe that you may even have to clear your hard drive and reinstall your operating system, or start using a VPN, but we all know you'll just start looking up more "Trump" stories again.
VitaMan's Avatar
How to rescue all the Trump supporters that are stuck in the Trump Twilight Zone ? It may take a bigger effort than Afghanistan......and then retraining.

winn dixie's Avatar
aoc's and the dnc have the mind re-programming camps ready to go