ECCIE is NOT the hobby police!

Nor are hobbyist your friends or providers comrades in arms. You are on your own. Let me repeat that. You are on your own!

You may post an alert on a guy taking off and not leaving the donation, or some hooker stole your unopened box of Suttersfarm wine. What do you expect to happen? Getting your box wine back. Your money. It's not happening. It's gone let it go. You'll just be ridiculed for letting it happen.

Do you think anyone gives a crap if you fuck or suck or stripper slide bare? Hell no. If you're a hooker you'll just get a flock of blind and dumb WK coming to her defense saying "I've seen for years and there's never been of hint of bareback." As for the guys. Honestly do you think he's not blacklist? No. Why? He's got references and trusted ladies who are honorable and never did anyone over vouching for him.

Stalked? Pffft. Just go ahead and try to protect yourself by posting a name, handle, or number. You'll get banned faster than they will and longer to. Just because you thought it was how you protect yourself and others. Maybe they do take you somewhat seriously. It happened off board so no help for you there. You think someone is doing right by you by steering you towards some help. Great help is not taking you out to Panera Bread and listen to you as your voice cracks from the everyday fear they'll will carry out there promise. Then just to shrug their shoulders and go sorry. Sorry? You're suppose to have my back. Help me out. Reestablish my sense of security.

The only real security is trusting entirely in yourself and only yourself. Do what you need to do to protect yourself.
At the bare minimum carry a gun. Get your money upfront. Use your own condoms. Have clearly set limits. St. C isn't your God. The admins aren't John the Baptist. Nor are the mods Moses telling pimps to "let my hookers go." It doesn't matter if you've seen them one time or once a week for years. People are vicious and only out for themselves.

Then even extends to you so called friends in the hobby. People you've networked with. Hobbyist that you would call friends and not clients. Same for the hookers to. You've gone passed the work to rw information or relationships with them. You think when you hit a rough patch they'll stick around? Maybe so long as it's still convenient for them. It won't matter even if you've helped them out financially before. That was then and now is now. That help is gone and don't expect karma to come back to you with well tidings. They'll just change their name a time or two and totally disavow your friendship.

Your WK is only your WK as long as it's beneficial to them. Sure they may call it mutual beneficial but the balance always falls in the WK favor. Is it worth the time your giving up on the promise a hobbyist will bump your review to keep it relevant. Or promoting your name in ISO, ML, or even avatar and sign lines. Shout out to wakeup because you know damn well your sig does more good than harm for CB just to spite you. Not to mention the price and overall package. Anyhoo, just wait until you really need something beyond a simple cover the last 1/3 of rent. You'll soon realize running a 30% off sale is better than being at the beck and call of some 2 star Zagat rated chef that hasn't seen his stomach since Reagan was in office.

This community by nature is survival of the fittest. Not for the weak. Not for those that won't do whatever it takes. Don't rely on others.
Please don't take my box of Sutterhome wine. I know it will age to perfection one day and my 6.99 investment will pay dividends....we're talking mad Washingtons.
TryWeakly's Avatar
and which banned and butthurt fucktard shandle/mandle might the OP be?

Surely he/she is not "new" ....
Is that you hiding there Vitaman?
1. "Suttersfarm" made me LoL

2. Some chapter numbers would have been nice.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
OP you aint gotta tell me shit...I grew up in some of the roughest hoods in Houston...when all we wanted to do was play on the monkey bars ;-) and play dodge ball...instead... drive by shootings and other brutal acts of violence no kid should ever witness had us scrambling for cover I know all about survival of the fittest. Ok..
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Is that you hiding there Vitaman? Originally Posted by tbone2u
Since this topic is actually hobby related, I'm guessing no
Since this topic is actually hobby related, I'm guessing no Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Damn, damn, damn. You are right young lady. What in the hell was I thinking.
dearhunter's Avatar
Bitch please......I am the Fucking prophet......who is this Moses?
pyramider's Avatar
Just some stupid fucktard that stumbled around the desert for 40 years. I thinck Moses is Hebrew for Wrong Way.
this shit made me feel like javale mcgee's face.
USAsoldier's Avatar
Get a grip, whoever you are dang!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Moses was my kind of guy.

Nevermind, post fail.