Puccipleaser's Avatar
What would it take for ECCIE to go back to how it was before all the changes. It seems like with all the issues going on with the other site, this would be an optimal opportunity to recreate what used to be here. Just my thoughts on what’s going on.
What would it take??? The repeal of multiple state and federal laws. The laws were enacted to combat trafficking (mostly). To go back to the "good 'ole days" MIGHT be possible by moving to servers overseas.
Yep. That hope is long gone, dead, and buried.
Treetop78759's Avatar
This site will never go back to the way it was because it's not useful to females and any that do try to contribute will probably be harassed.

The AMP section is useful but not as much as it used to be because threads can no longer be posted. I think the intent was to try and get coed active again but its not working. That is unless it's OH2 related.

Don't get caught with your pants down!

Cheers and be safe.
lovrboy_1970's Avatar
How does the other site get away with it?
Brandofan's Avatar
The geriatric owner has people in his pocket and if he was ever convicted a life sentence only means a year or two in a minimum security facility.