Compensation for a Sugar Baby

I've taken the plunge and found myself a Sugar Baby for some fun. We're meeting for the first time Wednesday night, though we've corresponded a lot. I know she prefers cash, but we never landed on a number. This is a one-off hookup kind of thing, not a "dependent" scenario., we go on a date and have sex...what should I "donate" to her? Yes, she's hot...

Thanks for the advice!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
First of all, you're in the wrong forum.

There is a forum specifically dedicated to this genre.

You'll get better reception if you post your query there.

Secondly, there is a very wide spectrum of what is an acceptable donation.

It is like asking how much should you pay for a car.

It depends on the type and condition of the particular car and on how desperate the seller is to move the car.

You need to subtly inquire what her expectations are and judge for yourself what her qualifications are to deliver the service you are seeking. You also need to determine what expense you can comfortably live with.

. . . Good luck!

cumalot's Avatar
Probably an arm and a leg....
canuckvic's Avatar
I think it's pretty simple, you'll know when you have reached the right amount, because you won't see her bedroom until then.

sammy66, if you get 'Premium' access, (see the tab at the top of the home page), then you will have access to the Sugardaddy (SD/SB) link that I have to scroll past everytime...and I scroll by with a big WHY? But, to each his/her own...Good luck!!!

Oh, and you will need this...(steady cash flow or you gets CUT)

Oh, and don't forget to SMILE!!!
spoken like a true scorned SB
shorty's Avatar
Find out what her needs are and start from there. However, you do need to have a test drive to see if she's worth the amount per month.
burkalini's Avatar
I don't understand how you can be in a sugar daddy category if you never had one session b4?.
pyramider's Avatar
Nothing like learning to swim in shark infested waters.
Obviously you need to communicate with her. Find out what she expects. If you do not communicate expectations with her before hand you are setting yourself up for a failure. Ask her what she expects, tell her what you expect, and then either agree or disagree and move forward from there. I think it's funny that you come on here and ask US what we think you should pay. What we think is irrelevant. Like I said, ask her.
All that 'Prime' Pussy in Dallas and you want to SugarDaddy 1 fem? Man, I'd be wearing 'Pussy' as an after-shave, cologne, deodorant and body spray if I were you. Be careful dude...

shorty's Avatar
I've been in negotiations with someone about being a SB. Let's just say her value is less expensive than seeing girls once or twice a week. If your more of the one girl kinda guy, then SB's can be the best route.
All that 'Prime' Pussy in Dallas and you want to SugarDaddy 1 fem? Man, I'd be wearing 'Pussy' as an after-shave, cologne, deodorant and body spray if I were you. Be careful dude...

Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
Why do wanna smell like a fuckin cunt for? I am just askin, lol.
I was metaphorically speaking...Dilbert, is that you???