Due to the amount of ncns/cancellation

Jessica4stacks's Avatar
I have had an abundance amount of no-shows no calls and cancellations. Ive decided to be nice and give time to rescheduled but it seems some have taken my kindess as a weakness. So to all those in the past month who have made a appointments with me and did not stick to the appointment, you have until monday February 13,2017 to rescheduled if not I will be publishing a list of those who are unreliabile/timewaster/photocollectors. My time is valuable, I'm a single mother, dont waste my time and I wont waste yours. Thanks Jessica
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
I am still waiting for you to go bbbj befire I schedule!
I am still waiting for you to go bbbj befire I schedule! Originally Posted by allaboutthebbbj
+10000000000000000000000000000 000

Lmao if you send pictures you're a whoretard & good luck with all that threatening shit let me know how that works out for you..

Btw why in the fuck would you want them to even contact your ass again after playing games is buisness that slow tbat you have to threaten those unreliabile/timewaster/photocollector FUCKTARDS?

Lmfao TFF

Ive never had issues with cancellations & NCNS so obviously you're doing something wrong.. How do you screen?

Just because your a single mother doesn't mean your time is any more valuable than someone without kids.. Nice marketing though...
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I understand your frustration, and quite a shame that evidently a substantial number of incidents have happened to you. I've been lucky on that account. Not sure this is the best public relations approach, but who knows?

Clarification? Are you only going to list those who failed to communicate and wasted your time after agreeing to a specific date, true NC/NS, same thing that the gents often do in Coed on providers? Or will you also include the fellows who did contact you, cancelled, and promised to reschedule but haven't yet? The latter group may not be deserving of the same treatment as the former. Life gets in the way, but at least they let you know.
dearhunter's Avatar
Post them bitches
Jessica4stacks's Avatar
It will be post in providers section im just giving them a few more days to rectify their wrong doings. I understand that life happens but I also have a cancellation policy. If I call my nanny into work I have to pay her a minimum of three hours so if life happens the appropriate thing is to rescheduled.. Im tired of taking a lost because others are selfish... and have piss poor planning skills
^^^^ she makes a good point

edit: tell me more about the nanny. i can last three hours ijs
I have had an abundance amount of no-shows no calls and cancellations. Ive decided to be nice and give time to rescheduled but it seems some have taken my kindess as a weakness. So to all those in the past month who have made a appointments with me and did not stick to the appointment, you have until monday February 13,2017 to rescheduled if not I will be publishing a list of those who are unreliabile/timewaster/photocollectors. My time is valuable, I'm a single mother, dont waste my time and I wont waste yours. Thanks Jessica Originally Posted by Jessica4stacks
Hmmmmm, you do not kiss and give a CBJ for 300. I'm going to marinate on that for a few minutes. And you advertise on a board that specializes in gfe, but you do not kiss and bbbj. Ok......What's that football saying c'mon man!
Hmmmmm, you do not kiss and give a CBJ for 300. I'm going to marinate on that for a few minutes. And you advertise on a board that specializes in gfe, but you do not kiss and bbbj. Ok......What's that football saying c'mon man! Originally Posted by shinepro
& she is available on EVERY ISO ijs
It will be post in providers section im just giving them a few more days to rectify their wrong doings. I understand that life happens but I also have a cancellation policy. If I call my nanny into work I have to pay her a minimum of three hours so if life happens the appropriate thing is to rescheduled.. Im tired of taking a lost because others are selfish... and have piss poor planning skills Originally Posted by Jessica4stacks
You have absolutely nobody to blame but yourself this buisness isn't always rainbows & glitter.. For a provider you have waaay to many problems with FUCKTARDS.. Do you think they care about what you have going on if they already bs you from the start?

I can almost guarantee you're finding all this trouble on those iso's you respond to.. I drive a hour plus to houston every time I decide I want to be a whore but you don't see me complaining if a tard cancels or etc..

You can't get mad if they cancel at least they gave you the respect and told you they couldn't make it..

This is a buisness you're going to have losses & gains but you need to figure out what you're doing wrong so you can fix the issue..

Instead of making this post you should have contacted them individually & asked if they are still interested in an appointment if it means that much to you..

You're setting yourself up for dissapointment by allowing them yet another time to bs you..

Figure out how to maintain a good amount of regulars and you won't be in this situation time and time again..

I know for a fact you don't screen properly & that is probably the first place you need to look at correcting..
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Hey i seen the list of jokers that just got arrested cant blame her for not wanting to kiss. Fuck that shit

Jessica you are cute and im sure you'd want to kiss me. ;-)
Hold on.. I need to get my popcorn ready!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Make sure that you mask any real world information correctly or Wakeup will post another threAD as soon as he can get it from a private forum.
Wakeup has no issue posting private information in the public forums.
Maybe next time read the damn ISO before the "pm sent" copy paste