Serious Question

So I wasnt going to say anything but it's bothering me just a little bit so here is the situation...

I had an appointment with someone on the board at 5:30 pm on the North Side of Houston at a PI.. He text me at 5:14pm stating he was on his way I responded & said I was as well.. At 5:26pm he text saying he was there so I got suspicious because there is heavy heavy traffic on both sides & he was coming from the woodlands how can you get there in 12 min? There's no way unless you have a helicopter or wings ijs... But I told him I was coming then silence...

When I get to the PI I text are you still here? He said yes is everything ok? This is at 5:44pm I said yes Im pulling in ...but Im already in the office waiting my turn & my eyes glued to the monitor because I see a Fucking police car moving in the back and turning around like he is leaving.. I get up to the window & look at the screen better & I tell the guy never mind I forgot something.. As I walk to my car the constable has emerged from the back and is looking at me when he sees me he starts to come forward..


I'm already nervous because I hate the laws so I jump in my Unicorn & do a U-Turn in the parking lot ... I head for the exit & he is behind me once I make a break on the feeder I head to the freeway.. I text my appointment & say there's a cop in the parking lot I told him I don't feel comfortable & sorry for wasting his time but I left.. He text back saying the cop is leaving but that mofo had already been gone because I was already getting on the highway so I don't know wtf he was talking about..

He then responded & said OKAY he talked to me & ask me questions.. Im thinking wtf so this whole time you spoke to this cop & etc but you didn't tell me anything before I arrived then had the nerve to ask me if everything is ok when I texted asking if you're still there?.

Im sorry but in my opinion & experience if there is any fuckery in the parking lot the client or myself lets each other know as soon as it happens.. Any normal person would have cancelled that appointment especially after the cop supposedly asked him questions...

I told him FUCK THAT then asked him what did he ask & what did you say?

He responded saying the cop asked why he was in his car he supposedly told him he was here to meet a friend that works here!

Like that has to be the most dumbest fucking response in the world SERIOUSLY I can't help but shake my fucking head

Then he texts BYE

Ive never ever ever had a situation as such in my whole whore experience...

He sends me a pm a hour later saying he doesn't like PI's & if I have a safe spot to meet we can try it again..

I politely declined

So my question is did I over react or do you see something wrong with how everything took place?

Would you let the provider know if LE was in the parking lot & if they asked you questions?


You did the right thing, and the guy gave the Le the dumbest answer I've ever heard, I could say waiting for a girl , period, and after that I would text immediately to cancel the appointment.
Super Head 713's Avatar
I would have left myself and i have done that before
Sexy Katrina's Avatar
I don't think you over reacted at all. Talking to the cop and then telling you the cop "was leaving" like he would still continue with the appointment at that PI is the oddest part to me. I would have left too.
In my honest opinion I think he could have been the COP only because of how everything happened it just doesn't add up.. But I'm a paranoid provider & I know I look at things from a whole different perspective than most. So that is why I decided to ask others if I am just looking at it wrong because again Ive NEVER had a NEW CLIENT not tell me about something like that.. Ive had them call me frantic saying there were cops and we switched hotels but for this client to speak to the Cop & not mention shit & tell him that stupid response makes me wonder.. Idk there's other things that make me wonder about him but that one tops it..


I made this appointment with this client thinking he was someone else because I made the mistake of not double checking.. So when all said and done I did screen him but I had doubts with the information I came up with.. Not to mention His 1 reference DIDN'T RESPOND & I hate that shit because it makes me overly paranoid especially when I cant find enough shit to satisfy my mind.. He had another reference but she isn't on eccie so I am not contacting her because it's pointless...

He is also very new to the board which usually I don't really go through with that unless you have seen a provider I know isn't going to lie to me...
willdooit's Avatar
That's freaking weird and suspicious I would have left and would have given you a heads up.
You have to play it safe and I know you do.
SamHouston's Avatar
You did right, better safe than sorry.
whoa! That is superrr creepy. Maybe was a setup.
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
I dont think you overreacted at all. I defintely would have made you aware of the situation and handled it accordingly.
mcee22's Avatar
Seems to be an alert posted just prior to yours. Might not be just paranoia
Seems to be an alert posted just prior to yours. Might not be just paranoia Originally Posted by mcee22
That's the fucktard I'm speaking about... That constable wasn't patrolling... If he was patrolling he wouldn't have been there for 30 min and then come out in plainview when I texted I'm pulling in..
jerky's Avatar
  • jerky
  • 02-09-2017, 09:00 PM
Too many red flags, you did nothing wrong.
BsandHobby's Avatar
Saw/Spoke to LE and said nothing to you.... That's messed up. I would have been out of there and given you a heads up, and would expect the same if situation was reversed.
Perfect reaction imo for John being stupid.
tbone77494's Avatar
So if it was me and there was a cop at the place, i would have left, called it off, gone home and rubbed one out and moved on with life. I don't think you did anything wrong.
ognob's Avatar
  • ognob
  • 02-09-2017, 09:48 PM
I don't blame you. If I pull up to an incall and see cop cars I'm not sticking around. I'd text the provider something like "Hey, LE is at the incall...I'm out. Be safe ttyl."