It hasn't been 24 hours, another Trumpjugend shoots up a place in Ohio

Redpiller Trumpjugend Connor Betts (can you get a whiter name?) grabbed a .223 assault rifle with a 100 round drum, got 36 casualties in 30 seconds before the police could off him. Let's see: Young? Check. Stupid? Check. White? Check. Gun-nut? Check. Gee, I wonder how he skews politically?

...36 casualties in 30 seconds. Oh, but gun proliferation isn't a problem. No, sir! Nothing to see here. Move along...
Guns don't kill people, NRA does.
TxTraveller's Avatar
Sorry, this one was a leftist nut job and a fan of Elizabeth Warren....
Yeah, sure he was. And Sandy Hook was a false flag.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Yeah, sure he was. Originally Posted by supercold1

As socialist as the day is long. Interesting to see what the Governor does with the supposed Antifa gurlz heading to El Paso next week.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Here's a link. Hopefully someone can read it to you:
Don't cha just live watching people eat their own feet? Maybe research a little next time Supercold....
There was no holocaust, the moon voyage was faked,Sandy Hook was a stage production. Trump is a great man, let alone a great president.
Okay, fine, so it turns out THIS guy was a leftist. But it's pretty rare for a leftist who is pro-gun control to get an assault rifle with a 100 round drum to wreak havoc. That's usually something a conservative should do. I guess the fact that he didn;t target minorities should have tipped it off for me.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Okay, fine, so it turns out THIS guy was a leftist. But it's pretty rare for a leftist who is pro-gun control to get an assault rifle with a 100 round drum to wreak havoc. That's usually something a conservative should do. I guess the fact that he didn;t target minorities should have tipped it off for me. Originally Posted by supercold1

Maybe think for yourself. It was pretty obvious from the jump. My hunch here is we will eventually learn about what sort of pysco-drugs these toons were on. These are kids, pretty much fresh out of high school, with no sense of worth or reality. Mommy's basement much?
Dev Null's Avatar

"Overall, we rate True Pundit not only Questionable, but also a far right conspiracy site that rarely publishes credible news. This is a far right conspiracy source that cannot be trusted for accurate news reporting."

"Overall, we rate True Pundit not only Questionable, but also a far right conspiracy site that rarely publishes credible news. This is a far right conspiracy source that cannot be trusted for accurate news reporting." Originally Posted by Dev Null
You realize his tweets have been made public? He was a left leaning Warren supporting socialist that worshipped Satan. It's not really up for debate.
Dev Null's Avatar

That's a more reliable source. When people post links to bullshit websites, they gotta expect a little push-back.
-Candace tweeted this out. And I agree.
This rampage wasn’t politically motivated. It was personal vendetta driven. Unlike Trump’s terrorists who do it in his name and repeat his talking points in manifestos, and even as they’re murdering people. So, no, not AOC, or any other liberal is responsible for this. Conservatives are still responsible for this because of gun proliferation. The kind of gun he had should not be publicly available, but conservatives want more. 36 casualties in under a minute, because he had an assault rifle with a 100 round drum. Just like the Aurora shooter, who got 80 casualties plus in just over a minute. These weapons are more dangerous than bombs, and anyone can get their hands on one at anytime.