FED tackles inflation

VitaMan's Avatar
It's only May, and the tools to curb inflation are already being used. What will it look like in November, or the presidential race of 2024.....probably not even a hot topic. This plus the abortion issue has got the Republicans worried.

Possibly all they will have left to talk about is Hunter's laptop, or the border wall (which Trumps chief strategist Steve Bannon stole all the money for building it).

Plus no respectable Republican presidential candidate has yet emerged. The GOP is all still too scared of Trump. Hopefully someone strong enough will call out the emperor has no clothes. Then the rest will follow.
The Fed is trying fix Biden’s fuck ups by making it more difficult for people to spend money.

Of course, 1/2 % increase will filter down to the business community, who will then see investment stalled, which will leave to shortages in consumer goods so there will not be so much for consumers to purchase.

Brilliant. This is akin to pouring kerosine on a fire to put it out.

This all goes back to the Idiot Biden’s first week in office when he signed all of those moronic executive orders.

Old, senile, stupid, inept pathetic, corrupt piece of shit.

“Leader of the Free World”………..what a fucking joke.
HedonistForever's Avatar
It's only May, and the tools to curb inflation are already being used. What will it look like in November, or the presidential race of 2024.....probably not even a hot topic.

Now that's some wishful thinking right there. There isn't a chance in hell ANYTHING will turn around for Biden and the Democrats.

This plus the abortion issue has got the Republicans worried.

Yeah, the Republicans were hoping that Democrats wouldn't have anything at all to talk about and now "maybe" they'll have abortion to talk about. Thing is pick a poll, any poll and you are unlikely to find abortion any higher than 5th place on what voters find most important. It all comes down to what Independents think is most important and I'm pretty sure it isn't going to be abortion.

Possibly all they will have left to talk about is Hunter's laptop, or the border wall (which Trumps chief strategist Steve Bannon stole all the money for building it).

Bannon took private money and I seriously doubt that any Republican who feels they were cheated by Bannon will vote Democrat as a result of their anger. Every expert Republican and Democrat are all over the news saying that it will be next to impossible for the Democrats to turn this around in 6 months and I dare say impossible if we go into official recession in the coming months. And the majority of people who want a border wall because we need one, will blame this fiasco right on the door step of Joe Biden.

Plus no respectable Republican presidential candidate has yet emerged.

And who exactly do the Democrats have in the wings to replace Biden or Harris who have no chance at all of winning in 2024.

The GOP is all still too scared of Trump. Hopefully someone strong enough will call out the emperor has no clothes. Then the rest will follow. Originally Posted by VitaMan

You must feel like a complete idiot with that post about Trump being ignored after a 55-0 win for Trump in the primaries. It's hard to believe you were dumb enough to make that prediction just days away from primaries where it would be clear whether Trump has any pull left. I think you'll get one of the "dumbest ever" awards for that beauty.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Getting back to inflation and the Fed...

The half point isn't enough. If the fed had started this early last fall when raw materials prices started jumping, with quarter jumps, we'd be at .75 now (and should be higher)..
Even that is not enough to tame the beast that came in at 8.5%
What's 25% of the CPI?

The Fed waited way to long and now everyone except wall st will have sticker shock.
bambino's Avatar
“ I think you'll get one of the "dumbest ever" awards for that beauty.”

He has a trophy case full of them.
  • Mplay
  • 05-04-2022, 08:38 PM
While the average person pays out the ass for energy and food ,rent . This is of importance.